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Posts posted by Money

  1. Hi

    I got my visa granted on sep 2015 and in November I had some misunderstanding and verbal fight with my employer. After that I tried to ask my employer to keep me at the job but he wasn't agree . Then I tried searching new job and found one December but that last for only 6 weeks (Jan end) as I have been to overseas and came back on 25th feb. after coming back when I approach to my job they said it's not available they already filled that position. Then I search for new job and got one in mid March and I'm still working there. And all these jobs were in my trade. But last Monday I received a proposed visa cancellation letter from immigration which says that why I have left my job from where I got sponsored. One more thing when I left my job in November I have informed immigration at that time. I'm not sure what to do now.


    I have are been to my Mara agent last week and he asked me to get all the proof related to my jobs that I have done , address proof etc.


    if if someone know about this pls reply.


  2. Unbelievable ..... I got my 187 granted yesterday.... Hip hip hurray

    my timeline

    First time RCB logged December 2014

    First time RCB refused February 2015

    Second time RCB LOGGED MARCH 2015

    Second RCB approved May

    Nomination logged 12/05/2015

    187Visa logged 21/05/2015

    Nomination approved 21/09/2015 at 4:05pm

    Visa approved 21/09/2015 at 4:25pm

    No document requested..

    Occupation cook

    location regional victoria

    very happy ... Will pray for all of you who are waiting....

    thanku very much...

  3. Hi Guys,

    finally I got my visa approved today!!!!! finally I'm Aus Resident

    it's been a very long journey of 8 years and 3 months..

    Here is my timeline.

    Rcb application 25 September 2014

    Rcb approved 5 November 2014

    Nomination application 10 November 2014

    nomination approved 29 April 2015

    Visa application 5 May 2015

    Visa approved 11 September 2015!!!

    No extra doc asked.. Application received to Finalised

    Occupation Hairdresser.

    Thanks you guys for your

    and I wish Good luck to all who waiting for visa


    Congrats mate.. And thank god they start finalising may files..

  4. Hi all I have one question . Presently I'm on 457visa which is going to expire on 7/08/2015. I have also applied my RSMS on 21/05/2015. So I want to know that after 7/07 do I need to apply for bridging visa or it will be automatic ?? And if it will be automatic then what sort of bridging visa it will be and do I need to apply for work rights??




  5. Braveheart ,

    I think your employer did 186 which is good .. But if u applied for 187 u made a mistake ... Ring immi tom

    Before that double check with tour employer which visa claas number you should go for.. I believe its 186 only.. Not 187


    Hi ... If your working place is in regional area then you can apply either 187 or 186. But that is in metropolitan area then you must go with 186. Other thing is it's better to go with 186 bcos if after approval if your employer behaviour is not good and you want to change your employer or work you can either stay in regional or you can move to metropolitan area where in 187 if you change your work or employer you must stay in regional area until you get your citizenship or you finish with two years.




    Nomination applied 12/05/2015

    visa applied 21/05/2015

    waiting for result

  6. Hello everyone.

    My self manny and I have applied my rsms nomination on 17/05/2015 and visa on 21/05/2015. Does anybody have idea how long that would take to get approved? Secondly , now I'm on 457visa which was approved on 7/7/2014 and started working from 15/7/2014 and after that I got 6each in ielts and my lawyer suggested me to go for RSMS. I hope I have done the right thing?



  7. good morning everyone

    i have few questions relating to 187visa. I have recently applied for that. So my questions are

    1) Once my 187 visa get approved can my partner work in metropolitan area as it is hard to find job here and as we are just an hour drive away from that.

    2) After my visa get approved can i do second job other than my current on which i am getting 187.

    3) And lastly after my visa approval if my employer do some fishy things like by not paying me properly or ask me to work extra hours etc. can i leave him or not.


    wait for response





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