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Posts posted by noworriesmate

  1. Only just caught up on this news - she was an amazing woman. Someone who you would definitely want fighting for you and not against you. Sharpness of mind and pen, would not back down from a fight with a keen sense of justice, especially for those who had difficulty fighting for themselves.


    May you RIP.



  2. All part of the risks of investment, property prices up/down/ stagnant. Shares up/down. interest rates up/down. Super rules not changing.

    The tax break is only on salary sacrificing into super. When I first salary sacrificed $125 per week it only made $97 difference to my take home pay where else can you get a return of that magnitude per week? and all this compounds week on week, year on year............wish I was younger with an older wise head on!


    Yup, thanks for the clarification - I am salary sacrificing as you describe - makes a huge difference.



  3. In very simple example terms - in Super you EARN 10% whilst in mortgage you PAY 5% - that is 5% difference in your favour, whilst ever this difference is in your favour it is worth considering.

    Although hopefully your property will be going up in value which will negate some if not all of that difference. The big difference is the tax break of 15% that I mentioned earlier.



  4. Very valid point, but from a savings perspective you have no access to your super if the need arose, a bit of both would probably be the way to go.


    That is probably true for people just starting out, but for many people it will be a number of years of holding a mortgage before they have spare money to start paying extra off. Therefore in many cases (such as my own) there is already some equity in the house which can be drawn down in a real emergency. In my personal circumstance, I have been making extra payments on my mortgage for the past couple of years and the advisor has suggested I now switch to putting that money into super. In saying that, I can't get what I have been told all my life out of my head and have decided to continue overpaying my mortgage with 25% of the extra money and the other 75% I now put into super.



  5. I've been interested to note how many people are choosing to pay their mortgage off early. I've always thought that and been told to do it by everyone until recently when I spoke to a financial advisor. They pointed out that if instead of making overpayments on my mortgage I put it into super instead, I would be 1000's of dollars better off because any payments made into super are only taxed at 15% instead of the 30% (or more) if you use taxed income to pay your mortgage. The advice I was therefore given was to put the extra money into super and then draw it down when i'm 60 to pay off the mortgage - in my case I will be around $30k better off then paying the same amount directly off my mortgage. They put me onto this government calculator to see the difference it makes (if anyone else is interested)





  6. Hope so! We amazingly already have an offer on our house in Paisley, at the top end of our expectations (still a loss, but as good as we can hope for!) Due to complete mid September.


    Just need to find out how long we can leave the cash in the UK before attracting capital gain on currency... If it even applies that is!


    Awesome news on your house - well done!!



  7. Congratulations (maybe)


    I hope you have been made aware of the 5 unofficial rules to being a mod - They will steer your captaincy well if you abide by them!


    1) Do not listen to anything The Porn Queen says


    2) If you must listen to The Porn Queen answer everything with "Whatever!!" she likes this a lot!!


    3) Do not listen to anything The Porn Queen says


    4) There is no escape from being a mod - you can run, you can hide but Admin can find you anywhere!!


    5) Do not listen to anything The Porn Queen says


    NWM :wink:

  8. I would like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to a very special mod who has stuck by me and put up with my ramblings, tears and mood swings for a number of years. Daniel.( @noworriesmate ) has reached retirement age and has left the mod team so that he can spend some quality time with family and his new job.

    I am really going to miss you Daniel. :cry:

    Jee anyone would think I'd been hitting your wine. I can't have you thinking ive gone all soft on you.:tongue:




    Lots of love

    Your Deranged Stalker - Moooooooo


    You make it sound like I died or something!! I'll still be around and pop in to annoy from time to time, just without my mod hat on!!



  9. Hi, quick question for you!! I'm slightly confused with the renewal process. I've completed my online form, and have my photos and old passport ready to send to Liverpool, did you get your photos countersigned? And do we need a countersignature........there is nowhere on the form to get a countersignature? My old passport is 10 years old, Im not unrecognisable, just a bit older!!! I can tell its me, but who makes that decision??


    No, you don't need to get photos countersigned for renewals.



  10. I have heard this in certain states in Australia but never in the UK - are you sure?


    This article with advice for people wanting to rent in the UK from overseas certainly doesn't state that as a requirement




    We have been advised by ARLA that we may leave ourselves open to negligence charges and therefore all ARLA agents should follow this advice. I am not certain whether it has been tested in court but I certainly don't want our company to be the first!



  11. Did she at least use the company to move her dog before landing a job with them? In that case it could be a genuine satisfied customer comment. Although I guess should say: great service and then they employed me!


    That kind of misses the point - anyone who signs up and with their first post promoting a company becomes a little suspect. The fact that they work for the company, don't disclose the fact and their only reason for signing up to the site is to make money from the membership without contributing to the site either financially or in any other way is very disingenuous and would definitely give me a reason for avoiding them.



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