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Posts posted by Dorset

  1. Hi everyone.

    I'm slowly navigating my way through the seemingly endless tiers of bureaucracy to be able to teach in NSW state schools.

    The latest, and hope to be, final tier is to register with the DEC for which I need to undertake an e-course on child protection (CPAT).

    Can anyone give me any advice with regards to completing this course? Are there costs? How much time needs to be spent on it? Is it 'easy'?


    Thanks in advance for any help you can offer


    Most DET e-courses are very straightforward. If I remember the last time I did this one it was multi-choice "what would you do in this scenario" sort of thing but then they regularly change and update them so that may not still be true. Have they told you how to access the course? For me I would go onto MyPL (my professional learning) from the DET staff portal and it is free, but I guess you won't have access to that. I would look it up but this weekend the DET staff portal is down with an upgrade going on.


    Are you already in NSW? If so, if you get in touch with some of the local schools they may well allow you to go in to their staff training days and there may be one that is doing the face to face child protection update (but this tends to be done on the first day of the first term). There is one coming up on the 26th April, but as it is presently the holiday you may well struggle to get in touch with anyone to say yes. We regularly have casual teachers coming to our training days. Are you yet a member of the federation? (teachers union) It is worth getting in touch with them as they may well have good advice and may even run a course themselves. All the best, you are welcome to PM me if you want to ask anything.

  2. Hi guys, can you recommend what Union to join..? I am starting in January with a 0.7 in an independent school in NSW. Thanks for suggestions


    In state schools there is only really the one in NSW, the Teachers' Federation. Don't know if there are any specifically for the independent schools. Would recommend you join it though.

  3. Macca is right ... There are different requirements for the different organisations you may apply for. Some require documents notarised, some signed by someone in the legal profession - but the good news is that I think AITSL accept documents certified by a wide range of people. This comes from the AITSL Secondary School Teacher Application form. Your school HT should be able to sign them off for you. Saves you £200 I think!Certified documents

    Certified copies of all original documents are required for the assessment process.

    Only documents certified by one of the following authorised persons will be accepted for this assessment:

    [TABLE=class: MsoNormalTable]


    [TD=width: 373, bgcolor: transparent] · Certified Practising Accountant

    · Chartered Accountant

    · Commissioner for Oaths

    · Justice of the Peace

    · Notary Public

    · Magistrate


    [TD=width: 317, bgcolor: transparent] · Judge

    · Registered medical practitioner (Medical doctor)

    · School principal

    · Solicitor

    · Australian Embassy/High Commission staff




  4. DMUK I went through about 2 years ago in NSW, so my experiences may not hold for your OH as things have changed in that time and some of my comments may be incorrect.


    I needed to apply to the NSW board of studies for approval to teach. They wanted to see transcripts of my degree courses to see that my background knowledge was equivalent to those in Australia, and that I had done the right amount of university study. After I got approval to teach I was then able to apply to the NSW Department of Education and Communities and to the private education authorities as someone they might potentially emply. At that time, the DEC ran a 5 day Overseas Trained Teacher followed by a two week school placement course that I had to attend, but I think they have got rid of this course now. I also think that from now on (in NSW from the start of 2015?), prospective teachers have to apply to the AITSL rather than the NSW board of studies.


    I am guessing it will be provisional registration initially. I had to do lots of paperwork with examples of how I met the teacher standards to change my provisional into a full registration, but NSW may be different.


    All the best, but be aware there are many more teachers than jobs in many places at the moment ......

  5. 186 Visa Grant this morning.



    Nomination 28th July 2012

    Nomination ack 27th September 2012

    Application 2nd October 2012

    Application ack 12th October 2012

    CO 22nd February 2013

    Medical 20th March 2013

    Grant 22nd April 2013 (Grant delayed as CO wanted more information to approve nomination.)

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