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Posts posted by OzNic22

  1. Visa granted!! Wohoo so delighted. Subclass 100. Wasnt sure what we were going to get as only married on Thursday, although going out 11 1/2 years and have 22 month old daughter.



    Applied 29th Jan 2013

    Medicals 5th June 2013

    Visa Granted 2nd Sept 2013

    Case officer SV


    we got ours on the same day ?

    lodged on 11/02 and also had SV as our case officer!

  2. I'm afraid I don't think there's any evidence that having kids speeds it up, the likelihood is that 8-9 months quoted is how long it will take. Another forum member who applied just a month before you has a child and is married, hers has taken the same amount of time as mine has (I also applied early Feb). I know how you feel, you do tend to think 'Well maybe I'll get lucky!' but unfortunately it's the same process for everyone. I'm having my medical next month, but I checked with my CO about whether I need to give her anything else after that as we want to go out early. She said that I meet all the requirements for my visa and she's just waiting for my medical and police check. This doesn't mean she'll grant it early, just that I can relax and know I will be ok to go out early and know I'll get my visa! Which is a HUGE relief!


    ​Good luck, will be cool to go along with someone else who's a Feb applicant!


    Hi OzNic!

    Unfortunately I don't think being in a long-standing relationship with kids make any difference to processing times. There are PIO members who have been in the same situation as you and have had to wait (and in some cases are still waiting for) the full processing period (currently 8-9 months).

    With regards to how Aus House seem to process the applications; they seem to go through the application upon receipt and get in touch if they need any further information, then wait for the police and medical checks to come through after 3 months of submission, and then your application just sits in the pile until your time comes around.

    I hope I haven't sounded harsh with regards to your circumstances, but I just don't want you to get your hopes up.

    Onshore and offshore processes are completely separate and the procedures for offshore processing seem to be a little different depending on where you submit to (ie UK or Canada etc).


    Anyway best of luck with your upcoming move! I'm sure your OH's visa will come through just fine, albeit a bit more slowly than anticipated!





    Hi Amanda & Tulip, I think that we are just going to have to disagree on this although I just want to point out that I don't think it's getting lucky and I'm not saying that everyone's application with kids will go through quicker than someone without. When I applied the last time (within Australia) it took 11 days from the day that they received our application to the date that it received final approval however I have friends who had applied without children (not at the same time as me) whose applications took 3 or 4 months and I put the difference in processing time down to having a child together being strong evidence of a genuine relationship. Couples that have no children however have been in long term relationships owning joint assets is also strong evidence but couples that have only been together for a year or two will probably be looked into more and therefore take longer to approve.

    Tulip that's great news that you meet all requirements and I believe that depending on your case officers work load you won't have long to wait after your medical results and police checks come through for approval.


    I wish you all the best of luck!



  3. Yeah we are very excited. Flights booked for June 20th and can't wait to arrive in Perth out daughter is very excited and that gives us just enough time for my wife who is pregnant again to fly so our next one who is due August to be a wee ozzy baby. Hope you enjoy Asia I'm sure you will have a ball especially knowing when you come back it will be on the visa you been waiting on. Yeah it was early for us really thought it was gonna be June to be honest. Really happy.


    Oznic22 we are married have one kid and another one on the way, I don't think that has anything to do with early grant, as its a family based visa all personal circumstances are important, I'm sure I read that somewhere. But certainly not gonna complain with my time period of grant. Good luck though


    Congratulations on getting your approval - the timing sounds perfect for you! I have decided to go on ahead with our children while my partner waits for his visa to be approved (he has been working away for the past 18mths so we rarely see him anyway) so that we can start getting settled - I have booked our flights for the 21st May!


    I think having children does help speed things up as the last time we applied (Defacto Spouse visa) the case officer phoned me a couple of days after she received the application as I had forgotten to include 1 page and she said that it is obvious that we are a genuine relationship and she would approve the application as soon as I emailed her the other page - we had only been living together at that stage for 11 months but because we had our daughter we could apply earlier than the 12mth requirement. Obviously they are not going to pick up our application ahead of the ones in front but apart from the character checks & medicals the most important thing that they are looking for is proof that you are in fact a genuine relationship, when our application gets to the top of the pile they can see all the T's are crossed & I's are dotted and that we have two children together they won't need to go looking through to see if there is any evidence to doubt our relationship.

  4. Hi guys, we submitted our application in early Feb and have to wait until atleast 8th May to get medicals done (for partner, I'm the Aussie). We have already done this visa process from within Australia however withdrew the application just before they granted the permanent residencey (big regret, don't ask) that visa request took 11 days in total for them to grant the temporary - can't believe how much longer it is from over here. We had a daughter together then which I think helped it go through quicky and now we have 2 daughters and another 8 years together so I am hoping that it doesn't take the estimated 8-9 months! Has anyone else who has kids together applied and received a faster approval?


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