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Posts posted by genie1

  1. Hi everyone. Been a bit busy over the last few weeks and now we are down to the last four days before we leave for Adelaide. Its all been a bit of a whirlwind and quite surreal at times. No job, no house no car and very little money left.... But hey! we certainly are realising how many good friends and family we are leaving behind and feeling a little drained by all the "Goodbyes". Final leaving do on Saturday (it will be messy!!) a weekend with best friends and off we go !! AND we get to see "The Stones" the day after we arrive !

    Everything is going perfectly well and I don't feel stressed at all !! Bring it on !! Hooray at last !!xx

  2. Hi Genie1. Congratulations on booking your one way flight. At least you will make it for the Stone's concert. I might bump into you in Adelaide one day because that is where we are going. Good luck and take care. Regards Nuttynan.


    Hi there, thanks for that. We have Seven Seas move cube coming tomorrow. I will be so glad to see the back of it all. Packed and repacked so many times. Just hope I all fits!

    Moving out of the house at the weekend and moving in with friends till we leave on 18th. Then... one endless round of Goodbye drinks and tears. Exhausted!!

    Hope your wait is soon over. Where will you be in Adelaide ?

  3. Hi genie 1


    Congratulations for ending the waiting game. Our is still on, we are still waiting for AOS to be approved by Centrelink . How was your experience with Centrelink ?. Are you getting 143 CPV ? Thanks in advance.

    Hi there.

    We are waiting for our 173 visa. So, no AOS needed till we convert it to a 143 within two years. Good luck with centrelink :) Hope your not waiting too long.

  4. hi,

    we are thinking of getting contributory parent visa for Australia as our son is living there with our two grand children, any ideas on cost

    or how much having a health condition needing immune suppressant drugs will make. I am 53 and wife is 50. I am a qualified electrician


    Hi Chad,

    from my experience I would recommend that you start doing your research on the Dimia website, read as much as you can on THIS thread and don't be afraid to ask silly questions!

    OH....and start saving!

  5. Hi Carob.

    We applied for the 173 in June 2012....so 20 months so far! Yes, I will be e-mailing my OZ bank tomorrow (when the dollars are in from UK ) requesting a bank cheque to immi. Hopefully this final part of the process nearly over and we can book some flights. This will be trip number 30 for me and will be wonderful to book one way tickets.

    Where are you heading for and when?

  6. Quick update...Might be useful for other sufferers of vicious visa syndrome! Today received request for payment of 2nd VAC!

    Decided to use Moneycorp to transfer funds to my Oz account.....bank cheque....daughter collect....courier to immi. Seems the quickest/cheapest way (I hope).

    Booked move cube with Seven Sea's and sold my car.

    Tomorrow will hand in notice at work. Hope it all falls into place and we get visa within the next few weeks. If not.........PANIC!!

  7. Hi there,we are waiting for our Temp 173 visa. We had our medicals done in London on 21st Jan. There were some issues with mine and we suspected that we were in for a long delay ! Three days later get a call from the panel Drs stating that most of most tests were now OK ! Still a bit of a question mark hanging over us but CO has confirmed that they have been received at immi. Have also submitted our form 80 and numerous other docs. CO states that we should hear back from her within a few weeks and if all OK she will request the 2nd VAC. Might get to see The Rolling Stones after all (March 20th) !

    So, know we continue to wait. Any advise from anyone about the best method of paying. Not sure whether to use Moneycorp and transfer funds to my OZ account and get bankers draft from them or to pay in London at Australia House. The exchange rate has improved a lot lately so this will help us save a few dollars. To everyone who is also waiting ...I feel your pain !!




  8. Hi Genie1. I typed the wrong date - der!!! Our lodgement date was 27.7.2012 and acknowledgement date 27.8.2012. So we are a bit behind you and of course we have had Christmas and New Year. I have already completed form 80. Good fun isn't it? Shame the UK aren't as fussy. I think I will start a new club called very very confused.com!!!


    Hi Nuttynan, with reference to your quote "Shame the UK aren't as fussy" I happen to think that Australia is too fussy ! We will both soon be immigrants !

  9. Hi. Can anyone tell me the difference between an acknowledgement date and a lodgement date? My lodgement date was 27/12/2012 & acknowledgement date 27/8/2012. Do we go by the acknowledgement date? Am confused. Thanks. Happy New Year to you all and to all at Poms in Oz. Regards Nuttynan.

    Hi Nuttynan, I think you got your dates the wrong way round! 27/08/2012 would be when you lodged your application and 27/12/2012 was when it was acknowledged. The time it takes to get your case officer (in our case 18mths!) is taken from the date of acknowledgment. Welcome to confused.com ! Lol

  10. Thanks Boss2468 and everyone who has wished us well. We are still ploughing through form 80. What a chore! Having to account for every job and every place I've travelled to over the last fifty years is mind blowing ! and we have to get friends and family to verify our relationship of twenty years! They don't make it easy do they !

  11. Yay ! THE EAGLE HAS LANDED !! (Well, the case officer has at last). After almost 18 months of waiting we have now been allocated. Great Christmas pressie .

    Now the next stage begins. Good job we have the next week off work as now have to do the dreaded form 80 ! More beaurocracy and brain damage. Medicals booked for 10th Jan. Getting closer and that's the main thing. Hoping we can get there by end of Feb. Have tickets for the Stones in March so better be.

    Good luck to those still waiting. Suddenly the reality kicks in :)

  12. Hi Nuttynan (great name by the way), No news either I'm afraid. We made a mistake with our acknowledgement date. It is 13/08/12 !! Got confused with the lodgement date so we are in fact about 2 weeks behind you. Not even sure if this makes a difference as we don't know how/ what order applications are dealt with.We have applied for the 173 temp visa by the way.

    I am now resigned to the fact that we will not be there for Christmas as we had hoped.

    Don't know about you but it makes me feel very powerless in this situation. We are at the mercy of the bureaucrats and there's nothing we can do except obsessively check e-mails and overthink things.

    Fortunately (or unfortunately) we don't have a property to sell so don't have that consideration. Still makes me feel a bit sick at the thought of giving the Australian government all the money I have and probably ever will have.

    Just hope its worth it. But there's only one way to find out!

    Good luck. Are you on the tracker under another name by the way?

  13. Hi Boss2468,

    it's nice to know that somebody else can relate to the angst of waiting. Coincidence definitely. I emailed immi a few weeks ago and was told "up to eighteen months" to be allocated a case officer. We are both nearly at the beginning of seventeen months but it could happen tomorrow ?! or it might be Dec !

    Stay in touch please. Will be useful to know how we are both doing. Regards.

  14. This process destroys brain cells !!

    How stupid am I ! Put my details on the tracker as acknowledgement date of 29/06/12. Just realised that that was my lodgement date! Have now changed it to 13/08/12 .

    Which, in reality means we are now six weeks behind where we thought we were in the queue. As if this waiting wasn't bad enough. Now our hopes of getting there for Christmas have decreased and we are going to be sitting in an empty house for the foreseeable future.

    On top of that...Christmas tree and decorations have gone to the charity shop, winter coats and thermal underwear in the bin along with all the other things I though we would never need again.

    Oh well...on a brighter note, have been able to tell everyone that "we are not doing Christmas this year". Time to open the sherry I think!

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