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Posts posted by Aussieange

  1. Hi Guys, finally the wait is over. My PR has been granted today. Got a call in the afternoon from my MA (who's been just awesome throughout the process). Good luck to all who are waiting.


    Nomination filed - 31/05/2013

    Visa filed - 03/06/2013

    DRC application though MA

    Direct Entry Stream-Marketing Specialist

    Visa Granted - 04/09/2013.


    Ah, another fellow marketeer - congrats hopingfordbest!


    I'm going Direct Entry Stream-Marketing Specialist...although I'm going cold turkey without the MA.


    My employer is in the processing of providing further documentation to the CO, and as they put their application in on 19/06/2013, I really should submit my Visa application soon. I'm stalling on the skills assessment though, I'm imagining a 6 hour sit down exam and failing it! Was it a nightmare?

  2. Hi there,


    My employer submitted their nomination for ENS 186 Direct Entry two months ago, and the CO has written to them asking for 'evidence that the position is currently occupied by a temporary resident' - does anybody know what evidence would satisfy this?


    We uploaded my employment contract, org chart (with my name in a box) and job description when we submitted the application - we don't know what else they require.




  3. Yay, girlie friends, thanks ladies.


    I'm liking the vino/vodka lunches idea too :)


    Jules, I'll send you my number on a pm...my Son is finding it hard to make friends, so it would be great for them both to hang out round Sydney! Hanging out with his Mum is doing nothing for his street cred, and I'm always the one getting the beers in!


    Ange x

  4. Hi there,


    Are there any over 40 pommie women who have a get together now and again? I've been so busy with work, and settling in since we got here I've not had chance to make many new friends. Socialising with your Son is NOT the same!


    I'm a young 44, here since last October with my 19 year old Son and black labrador on a 457 visa currently going through the 186 ENS Direct Entry process (what, another long arduous process you say? <groan>).


    If anybody can help, I'd appreciate it - I may even buy you a drink :)




  5. Hi, I got a quote from pet air to take our 10 year old springer spaniel from Manchester to Sydney of £4500 - which is the price of a small car and we simply cannot afford that.


    Is this the kind of price I should expect or could we do it cheaper ?


    leaving him will just break my heart


    Wow, that's expensive, I hope that's absolutely everything included in the price - I paid about £2200 for a 9 year old big black labrador with Golden Arrow from London to Sydney. They were excellent, very professional and I highly recommend them. She was in quarantine for a month, and I paid that separately directly to the quarantine station for about $1300 - this has to be paid up front to secure the place. The import permit was £210.


    A little springer should be cheaper being smaller - good luck!


    P.S. I totally messed up with her rabies vaccination, I didn't realise that she wasn't allowed out of quarantine until 180 days after the blood sample, which meant I had to leave her behind in the UK with a friend for a long 4 months before coming out to Australia.

  6. Hi k8bug79 - I'm in Sydney and on Telstra at about $125 per month ($90 is for 200GB broadband, $20 for subscription TV and $15 for the T-box). I was told that I needed a landline to have broadband (like the UK). I have a teenage Son who is ALWAYS using the broadband, and 200GB is plenty for us. Get iPhones on contract, then you can use Facetime using wifi at home (Skype can be a bit random). Good luck settling in!

  7. Hi Everyone,


    I'm in the same boat as you guys, so have been reading your posts with interest - my info is as follows:


    ENS 186

    Occupation: Marketing Specialist

    Option: ENS 186 Direct Entry

    Location: Parramatta



    Applied for Nomination - 19th June 2013 (non DRC and no MA)

    I'm waiting to submit my visa application until the nomination comes through, I don't want to spend $$$ and my company not get their nomination approved.


    After two months of submitting the nomination, we've received a letter from the case officer asking for some documents which were already uploaded online <sigh!>. We'll send them hard copies with our response to the letter.


    BUT, they have asked for evidence that the position is currently occupied by a temporary resident - seriously?! Of course it is, they approved my 457 last year! Is this a daft question or am I missing something? Do I just send them a copy of the visa label in my passport?!


    The letter goes on to say that there is a large demand of applications and they are continuing to receive a large number of applications - good luck to everyone!




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