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Cheeky Rascal

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Posts posted by Cheeky Rascal

  1. it's been two weeks since they requested police check reports and health record (MIL had them done here in Oz last year)

    She's sent in the requested documents, they had one query over her spouse status (she's single but they want to know how she has an Australian citizen by decent son)


    We've still heard nothing, I hope theyre sending to the correct email address this time...


    Guys, what happens after they request police and health records? surely we should have heard something by now...


    Congrats @maisydaisy :)

  2. Hi all


    Two questions on the 143.


    I spoke to Australia House in London on Friday and during the conversation I mentioned that if we were in Australia on an e651 visa then we have to leave the country and go offshore for the 143 to be granted - the staff member said no we don't; has anyone had experience of this and confirm who's correct?


    Also, if we are in Australia and do have to leave to activate the visa, do we have to do it together of can we do so separately? (it's all down to dog care issues with our family)


    These things are a worry to us and feeling very stressed and feel like giving it all up today.






    Hi Steve,


    I get confused with all the visa numbers so my post may or may not be relevant.

    I know that there are two type of CPV, onshore and off shore. My MIL has applied for the off shore (173) since she was in the UK when she sent in her application. She needs to leave Australia to re enter in order to activate the visa.

    On shore visa, I think speaks for itself :)


    Hope this helps.

  3. Ooerr!


    Cheeky rascal


    I don't know how that happened but my reply to you seems to have ended up all over the place - sorry. Hope you can understand it




    Ah that's fine and yes I understood. Thank you for the email address you supplied. MIL emailed them and received her response, the reason she hasn't heard anything yet is because they'd got her email address wrong :arghh:

    So she HAD had an email requesting all her documents (police and health checks) on the 18th of March. Lucky she did something now as she had 28 days from that email to submit everything.... 2 days to spare.

    So, silly question, is it the case officer who requests the health checks police checks??


    Thanks so much, you've been so helpful :)

  4. Hi Maisy Daisy


    I've noticed your timeline of events there and they're not much different to our mother in laws who is back in the UK waiting for her case officer. She submitted her application in the 11 April 2014, has had her health checks and police checks but still no word from IMMI at all.

    Any advice? I'm not sure what you can advise. Is there some way of contacting IMMI.


    I hope you receive yours very soon. It's an awful wait!!

  5. Hi Again Folks,


    my mother in law posted her CPV 175 application 11 April 2014, test email is now saying processing dates are now at 29th April 2014 (FINALLY) :cute:

    Of course she's in England panicking and now I'm starting to a little also...

    Does anyone here have any idea when she should expect to hear something???



    Thanks all :)

  6. Hello Lovely people,


    It's been a while since I've been through these posts, but I was wondering what the latest was on the Processing time?

    My MiL is currently here on a visitor subclass 600 visa (March 2015 - March 2016)

    She submitted her CPV 143 in April 2014. Sponsership money from my Husband has been collected and medicals for MiL and police checks have been completed...

    What's next? Does anyone know what the latest it on waiting times?


    Thank you :)

  7. Please Help advise.


    We're really not very good with official visa speak even when they ARE making it clear.


    My MIL is in the process of applying for a CPV subclass 143. We're hoping her visa will be granted within the next 12 months (submitted in April 2014)

    Meanwhile, She has applied for a Visitors visa Subclass 600 with a view to stay for the 12 months, returning to the UK to receive her CPV before heading back to Oz again.


    She received this email from the visa site.


    Other Requirements

    Parents of Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents, who are outside Australia, may be considered for the grant, on a case-by-case basis, of Visitor (subclass 600) Tourist stream visas with up to:

    Three years’ validity with 3, 6 or 12 months stay on each entry for parents who are not in the Parent (subclass 103) visa queue and have a history of compliant travel.


    In addition to mandatory Visitor (subclass 600) Tourist stream visa requirements and conditions, parents utilising these arrangements will be subject to the following three conditions

    Condition 8558 - Not Resident

    Prevents the holder from staying in Australia for more than 12 months in any 18 month period. Your visa may be cancelled if you seek to return to Australia and stay for a period which would result in you spending more than 12 months in any 18 month period onshore. Your visa will automatically cease if you stay in Australia for more than 12 months continuously.


    Which visa are they suggesting will cease? The CPV or the 600???


    Thanks in advance?

  8. I guess, seeing from the jokes and the cartoons here, that asking if anyone has approximate timelines is a waste of time and I may as well ask how long a piece of string is BUT..

    Mum in Law received her email today acknowledging her CPV submission (from March this year). They're now asking for health checks and paperwork from my husband.. Is this a ball rolling phase? or just another wait and keep dreaming phase... :)

  9. My mum in law submitted her application and cash directly to Oz consulate in London in May this year and still hasn't heard a single thing from Perth by email. We're all fried hahhaa just acknowledgent of monies received would be nice.

    We heard that we can get her over now on a 600 visitors visa (12 month) for now while she waits on processing of her CPV. Anyone heard anything to the contrary???

    Long old, painful wait!!

    Good luck every one :)

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