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Posts posted by shellyk666

  1. So sorry with the late reply! Just to say thanks for replying. We have got most of it all up together now just need another reference from client, tax returns and to get it all signed by a solicitor. It's taking ages!! Mostly because we look at it and think there is so much to do and don't know where to start, so we don't start! Getting there slowly.

    Thanks again. X


    It is all quite daunting to begin with isn't it! But once you've got your head around everything required it's a good start. I found it helped having a big checklist and ticking things off as I went along then I kept everything together in a folder. I was so worried that I missed something but it all turned out ok in the end.

    Good luck, and if there's anything else you need help with there's always someone around to chip in x

  2. Well - I woke up early this morning to spend a penny and quickly checked my emails in a slight daze..... Along with junk mail, ASOS emails and eBay stuff VETASSESS have emailed me!


    My technical interview is on Monday, short notice that's for sure but it's all sorted!!!! Other than my passport and the "voucher" they send you via email, is there anything else I need to take? I've got the checklist they also supply so am doing a bit of swatting up on that!!! @shellyk666 what did Michael have to do question wise?



    EEEKKK road trip to London Sunday night to see my sister and then early start to Kent on Monday morning!! It's all go!


    Wow, that's short notice! Michael had his test in a Migration Agent's office in Manchester, he only took his passport and voucher, nothing else. He said that as long as you are actually a joiner you will have no problems. In fact he didn't actually do any research or prep at all and was still fine. The only bit he was unsure of was a question about explosive power tools, Michael was honest and just explained that he doesn't really use them (he'd also answered the question about explosive power tools in the TradeSET Questionnaire that way too) and clearly this proved to be ok because he was ultimately successful. The test was relaxed and the bloke was also a joiner, he didn't feel as though they were trying to catch him out. He said you really have nothing to worry about.


    Exciting!!!!!! Definitely let us know how you get on on Monday. I'll keep everything crossed you get a smooth ride xx GOOD LUCK!


    p.s. A bonus too is that although we were told it would take 10 working days to get the result it came through after just a week.

  3. Hi there, sorry to jump on an older thread. Just wondering if you sent off to vetassess letters from suppliers, third party declaration, and also a letter from an accountant? We have got names and numbers of references but it says we need all the other things also. Also did you send off inthe mail your documents or did you upload them? Sorry for all the questions! Well done on getting through!!

    Regards rose


    Hi Rose,


    Is your occupation a joiner? Although the principles are the same I understand the requirements can be different dependent upon the occupation. My hubby was a sub-contractor for many years and was then employed for the last couple which is slightly different than self employed.


    Yes you need to include written references from as many employers as possible and then do a statutory declaration for any periods you're unable to cover. When it asks for 'references' it doesn't just mean names and numbers. Have a good look through all the information on the Vetassess website as there is confirmation of everything the references have to include (such as that it was full time hours, the pay rate, tools used, work undertaken, start and finish date etc, plus it needs to be on headed paper with the persons position and telephone number). My husband didn't have an accountant (I did all his self assessment tax returns myself) but if you have one I'd suggest you get something from them. You should also show evidence of receiving payment (i.e. pay slips, CIS statements, bank statements and/or invoices).


    As ours is a trade occupation, although we submitted and paid online, we didn't have the option of uploading the evidence online, everything had to be sent in the post! We used Parcelforce.


    I hope that helps, good luck x

  4. Hey Shelley, you said your doing your apllication by yourself without an agent? I have/am aswell, would you mind keep contact maybe via private mail to discuss our applications as we are at a similar stage and reckon we could help each other?


    Ive just got mine cert this morning.. ILL send you a pic private mail if you like, its not a certIII carpentry like someone above suggested though.


    Hey, hubby got confirmation of his successful skill assessment in the post this morning and enclosed was also a Certificate III in Joinery. As you didn't get one I assume it must be different for a joiner and a carpenter - strange, but pleased that he's now got an actual Australian qualification :) Yey!

  5. Hey Shelley, you said your doing your apllication by yourself without an agent? I have/am aswell, would you mind keep contact maybe via private mail to discuss our applications as we are at a similar stage and reckon we could help each other?


    Ive just got mine cert this morning.. ILL send you a pic private mail if you like, its not a certIII carpentry like someone above suggested though.


    Just a thought Steve but I'm not sure it's a good idea to attach the actual Skill Assessment document to a public forum. I'm sure no one could print it and tamper with it in any way for their own use but as it has you personal details on I don't think I'd risk it.

  6. Yes, I'm doing ti all myself. That would be great Steve.


    I'm sure I read on the Vetassess website that following a positive skill assessment a carpenter/joiner would get a cert III. I also have a recollection of reading that a test is required on arrival in Oz before you can get your hands on it though. Hmm, might look into that.

  7. Hey Shelley was the assessor also called Eric? I done mine in manchester last wendesday and got pass back on tuesday passed there. they havnt emailed me yet, i logged ont my vetassess acount, via continue apllication and it said under the second stage, assessment successful. yours will have the same by now for sure. they only email you to let you know once the certiciate is ready to send to you:)


    You got my hopes up then! Just checked the online status but it still says 'in progress'. If you did your interview last Wednesday and got your results on Tuesday then it took 6 days, it's only been 3 days for us so far but it'd be great if it came through so quickly!


    Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to look each day. Fingers crossed x

  8. Hi guys.

    This is all very useful information for me. I am currently gathering all of my paperwork together to apply for my skills assessment (Carpentry), just basically stressing myself about everything(really, really want to emigrate). Any advice and information would be so helpful. for example which companies have you gone with for skills assessment (currently looking at Australian construction training services (ACTS). What documents I need? what the technical interviews are like? Bearing in mind I have only been in this trade for 5 years.

    Thank you so much, hope you are all successful!


    Hi Ashley,

    I wasn't aware that ACTS were registered to do the skill assessment for emigration purposes. I always thought it was either Vetassess or Victoria University for a carpenter. Things may have changed since I first started looking into it though so I may be wrong but suggest it'd be worth a check. We decided not to use an agent and as my hubby is the main applicant doing all the tests I agreed to do all the paperwork and organising. For the first part of the skill assessment - the Training and Employment Check, we submitted his CV, NVQ Level 2 & Level 3 certificates, Construction Skills Health & Safety Test Certificates (which had expired but I though they might help), 2 payslips for the beginning/middle/end of each period of employment covering the last 2 years, a P45, a detailed reference letter from each period of employment and a few photos of recent pieces he has made in the workshop. I included a List of Content so it was clear what each items was and that was it. Have you been self employed at any point over the last couple of years? If so the evidence you need will be different.


    My hubby said he'd have preferred to have done a practical assessment for the 2nd part of the skill assessment but there were none available and none scheduled for his occupation. He therefore booked in for the technical interview. It took place in Manchester on Monday. He said it wasn't an unpleasant experience, the bloke doing the assessment was fine. He was in there just over an hour and we're now waiting for the outcome. We're keeping everything crossed.


    If there's anything specific you'd like to know ask away and I'll do my best to help if I can.

  9. Hello Michelle!!!


    I am at the exact same stage as you are. I am a Joiner and am using that as my nominated trade. Well I have already taken the IELTS and scored an overall score of 7.5 - I don't think that's enough. As Gaz said straight 8s are the way forward, from what I gather getting 8s means you score more than 35 marks on each!!!!


    Best of luck contacting VETASSES Michelle! Thankyou very much for taking the time to reply!! Much appreciated!


    Good to hear from someone else applying as joiner, everyone I speak to seem to apply as a Carpenter! Just wanted to mention that you need to score either 7+ or 8+ for each band (reading, writing, listening and speaking), the overall score is irrelevant. Sorry if you already knew that, I just didn't want it to catch you out! Along with my hubby's age, trade qualification and 8 years relevant work experience he needs to get a 7 in each band for IELTS so don't assume that you must get 8s to be able to apply. My hubby is booked in on Saturday morning and it couldn't come quick enough, we just want it over with lol


    Another 15 minutes until Vetassess Melbourne opens. I want to book the technical interview asap.


    Good luck, it would be great to hear how you're getting on.



  10. Good evening,


    Fantastic information just from both of your replies!


    A few questions I have myself. I have just received an email, having lodged my application and having my Training and Employment Check "Successful", saying I will need to take a technical or practical exam. I have read a few other forums/websites and there is no real answer with regards to which is best. I don't really mind so am thinking the Technical interview will be my way.


    I have also already taken a IELTs exam, my results for the listening section were... lets say, not surprising. 6.5. I have read this is not enough.


    Once I've done the interview and fingers crossed got a pass. What happens then?


    Sorry to drag this out!


    Hope you, or anyone else can help!!


    Thankyou very much!




    Hi JR

    Well done on completing the first part of your skill assessment :) Next is either the practical exam or technical interview. What occupation have you nominated? You need to check out the next available In Country Assessments to see if/when the next practical exams are available for your occupation in the UK. We intend to do the technical interview simply because there are no practical exams scheduled for 'Joiner' at all! We paid the $1400 this afternoon and it says we now need to contact Vetassess to arrange a date, so I'm going to give them a call before I go to bed this evening (they're in Melbourne) and see what they say.


    Once you've got a positive Skill Assessment and the required result for IELTS you are ready to submit your Expression of Interest (providing you meet all the other criteria). What score do you need in the IELTS? And what Visa are you going for?



  11. I didn't call but sent an email. I got not 1 but 2 replies, the first saying to wait and see what the assessor says as they may not consider it critical to the application, the second says they'll refer my question to an assessor who will be in touch soon. I don't feel as worried now.


    im considering using a tutor for a couple of hours in preparation for IELTS, it's more about technique in my opinion, especially the reading and writing. Michael hasn't had to do anything like it since his school days and I imagine that the majority of tradies are the same.


    Its lovely that your mum is doing it at the same time, we're hoping that my mum will consider if in a couple of years once they're retired. She's got a flight booked to go over to visit for 3 weeks in January, fingers crossed they love it!


    Are u using an agent? We decided to do it ourselves after seeing my sister shell out a fortune for an agent for what didn't appear to bd very much work.


    one thing I was wondering about is whether, following a positive skill assessment you can claim off having an Australian qualification?? I assume not though.


    how long did the first part of your skill assessment take??

  12. We thought about going through Vic Uni but plumped for Vetassess in the end. Don't quote me on it but I think 'explosive power tools' include nail guns (they have an explosive cartridge that fires the nails out)?? My hubby would much rather do a practical assessment but considering there aren't any more dates available we don't want to wait around so he'll have to do the technical interview. He's much happier showing someone what he can do than talking about it under interview conditions! Oh well, needs must. He needs to retake his IELTS as well. He needs 7s but didn't quite manage it for listening (at least it's not just me he doesn't listen to lol) and reading. Going to book him in for early April.


    We're going for the 189 visa, a skilled independent. We were going to get WA State nomination for the extra 5 points but the new requirement of a 12 months job contract means there's no chance. After looking into it it doesn't look like we need he extra points anyway providing he can get 7s for IELTS.


    We've never visited Perth before, decided we want to give it a go anyway before we get too old and regret never venturing anywhere (hubby is 36 and I'm 33). Travelling around Asia and NZ for a few months sounds amazing, I don't blame you for taking advantage of the move without children in tow!


    We'll have to keep in touch, I've PM'd you x

  13. Hi Shelly


    I've just looked back on our original trade set and James said no to one of the mandatory skills- explosive power tools as we were unsure what it was and also no to a few of the elective skills. I'm sure I read somewhere that you had to answer yes to 90% but I could be wrong an can't find where I read it now either!


    Anyway, James said no to one of them and still passed the first stage so fingers crossed we pass the second!


    I emailed on Friday to ask about the technical date and got a automated reply to say it is a public holiday so no reply until Tuesday.


    We're hoping to go to Perth, I have family over there.

    When and where are you planning to go?




    I am sooooooo relieved to read that James answered 'No' to a mandatory question in TradeSET and still passed the first part! I was completely panicking that they were going to refuse it outright. I have read on the Victoria Uni website that you have to provide evidence for 80% which is why we submitted it with a 'No' in the first place, I haven't found anything similar on Vetassess but surely the rules must be the same as they both do the skill assessment for Joiner/Carpenter. I then thought about it too much and convinced myself that as it's a mandatory question the answer would have to be yes to all of them but then they only require actual evidence of 80% - if that makes sense! I know I'm going to begin worrying that the evidence isn't enough now lol I sent them another email this morning knowing that it was a public holiday in Melbourne today (Labour Day) but hoping for a response in the morning. I'm so worried and inpatient I was also going to stay up later this evening and phone them as well but I don't think I'll bother now. Thank you so much for having a look for me :wubclub:


    We're off to perth too! My sister and her family moved over only last week lol Providing everything goes to plan we've decided we want to go asap, maybe around September if at all possible so that my daughter doesn't have to start school here only to have to go back to nursery/Kindy when we get there. Our daughter is currently 3 and our son is 6. Have you got children? When are you hoping to make the move?

  14. Thank you for taking the time to reply. I had posted another thread on Friday about TradeSET and have been worrying myself about it since! My hubby answered 'No' to one of the questions in it that was labelled as 'mandatory' and now I'm worrying that his skill assessment will automatically be refused. He's been a joiner/carpenter for 20 years and doesn't know a single one that uses computer operated machinery. So was this the situation for you as well then? Did James actually answer 'No' to some question in TradeSET but still pass the first part?


    I sent all our evidence off on Friday. I didn't note which competency each piece of evidence related to, I hope it'll be ok! I'm pretty sure we've covered everything though. I did email them on Thursday night as like you said they have always got back to me quickly but haven't had a reply yet.


    I had kind of assumed that you'd get a date of a technical interview pretty quickly, you'll have to let me know when you are given one.


    Where abouts are you hoping to move to?


    Thanks again

  15. Hi


    I'm reading through the information available on the Vetassess website regarding the Skill Assessment (the Training and Employment part). I can see from the Evidence Guide that we need to complete a 'Cover Sheet' listing the Units of Competencies (that I have found in the Joiner Fact Sheet) and indicate which pieces of evidence support each unit. I assume that means I will need to list all 30 Units included in the Fact Sheet?? It also suggests we need 2 pieces of evidence for each unit!


    Does anyone know what happens if you don't have evidence of 1 of the 30 units? We're considering applying as a joiner but my husband has never used a CNC machine, he's fine with the rest.


    Do you think this would be a problem? Do you think they could fail his skill assessment because of this? Feeling a bit worried now!


    Many thanks

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