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Posts posted by fiftyfifty

  1. Hello everyone! Myself and partner plan to move back to Australia in the next 6 months or so and bring our two cats.
    They have just turned 13, I don't think they will appreciate the journey or the quarantine but I hope that I am right in thinking it is better for them to live out their later years with us.
    For context; I'm an Australian & British citizen who met my husband (British but now with PR) at uni in UK and as we didn't plan to move from the UK at that point got our cats a couple years later. After a few years we did go to live/work in Melbourne and Adelaide and as things were very up in the air with work/accommodation we left them behind with his parents, considering bringing them later. I also assumed they would forget about us and move on. After two years we had to come back to the UK for family reasons and the cats were ridiculously happy to see us and live with us again. Knowing that I feel terrible to not bring them despite the stress (for them) and expense. At least quarantine is much shorter than when we previously considered it.
    For anyone who has experience or opinion on this I would love to hear it.

    Thank you!

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