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Posts posted by yilmazve

  1. Hi all,

    We applied for 475 regional state sponsorship on 12th of June.

    On 26th of June CO was allocated and

    we had the health check on the same day.

    On 4th of July health check finalised and on 10th of July visa granted:):wub:


    So on 13th of august (3 days later) we will be flying to Perth. I am very excited. We are planning to settle in Mandurah. My hubby is an ICT project manager, business analyst. He will look for work no matter what the field is. He is also interested in FIFO jobs, we will just do our best. I hope things go well. We have 2 daughters 4 and 6 years old. I wish everyone luck and patience while waiting. On the official site processing time was mentioned as 15-18 months and ours got concluded in 3 weeks. Thank you GOD:)

  2. Hi all,

    My husband applied for 475 regional state sponsorship for WA on 15 June, 2012. Case officer was allocated on 26 June and we went for health check on 26 June. Medicals finalised on 6th of July. We are excitedly waiting for any kind of news from our C.O. I hope things go well and we get our visa soon. My husband is an ICT project manager but had his skills asessed as an ICT business analyst. We have 2 daughters 4 and 6 years old. We are planning to settle in Mandurah since it is the most reasonable place. Don't ask me my criteria for the "reasonable". I don't know!!! Just felt so...

    The problem is that I don't think he can find jobs in regional areas but there are hundreds of ads in Perth about his profession. Do you have any idea to waive or did you hear anything about the restriction of 475 visa. Are there any ways to make it legal to work in Perth?

    Thank you all, I wish you all the best in this waiting period.

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