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Posts posted by hardtochase

  1. I don't think anyone can answer this question for you, except you. But I will add my two cents as I've been in a similar situation for the last few months.


    I came over here for a job opportunity on a working holiday visa, with the prospect of being sponsored on a 457 after 6 months. Well after 6 months in that role I'd had enough and decided I'd look for something else, otherwise go home. Seemed like an easy enough decision at the time, I wasn't in love with Sydney enough to be afraid of leaving. 4 months later and no job and I was falling in love with Sydney more and more each day and the thought of going home seemed awful.


    I finally made a pros and cons list and started to realise some of the things I love about Sydney are pretty superficial - the biggest being the potential to earn more money. No doubt the lifestyle is great, being able to go to the beach every weekend. The pace is slower, I find I don't 'talk shop' as much at the weekends, the focus is more on life than on work. In London most of my best friends were from work, we worked really hard and played hard too but at the end of the day it was a rat race. Very competitive and it was all about the next achievement and the next material thing, but I strangely missed that. In the meantimethough my friendship group here was growing stronger and stronger and every weekend I'd have amazing times and start thinking I could never leave again. In the end I gave myself a deadline to make a decision and buy a plane ticket and just continued as though I was staying. Just 5 days before my self imposed deadline I was offered a job here with sponsorship. I start tomorrow, a month before I should have been leaving the country and I couldn't be happier. I'm pretty sure now that my feelings of wanting to go back were part of a coping mechanism in case I had no choice to go back. As much as I do miss the fast pace of London, my lifestyle here is much healthier.


    As for meeting people, I find it so much easier here! In London I was with work friends a lot of the time or in a girl group neither of which are conducive to meeting men. Whereas here I hang out a lot more in mixed groups and we do a lot more activities rather than just drinking all the time. Plus the group is ever expanding and changing as new people arrive. I made a new friend last week from showing people around my flat. I find people are arriving all the time and happy to say 'hey I didn't get the room, but fancy going for a beer'. That kind of thing never happened in London and if it did I would probably think that person was a weirdo. Sad but true. I'm much more open minded to meeting people here and I've found other people are too.

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