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Posts posted by NorthumbrianDavid

  1. Not sure about the rest of it, but diploma trained nurses can still register in New Zealand and transfer that to AHPRA via TTMR (Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition). We've just gone through this. Which visa are you looking at? Are you the main applicant?

  2. We're currently doing TTMR so don't have personal experience of it yet. But everything I've read from nurses who have recently done it,  has said that there is no requirement to present to AHPRA via TTMR. 



  3. Hi David,


    Yes it came back down to 60 points in early November.


    If it carries on like this then you're looking at February for the invitation. If the points score goes back up to 65, then this will obviously push you further back.


    Let's wait and see what the 18th December results are, when they come out. Because of the Christmas period, I can't see the department releasing any data until after the new year.


    They must have cleared a shed load of 60 pointers from Anzco 2613... Cos I've only gone and got a blooming invite!! Can't believe it. Cheers Cap'n!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. Hi Captain - I first posted on this thread back on post 184. At that time there were no 60 point 2613 occupations going through. Since then it looks like it's changed and 60s have gone through for a few rounds now - so I was wondering if you could give me a shot:


    1) 261313

    2) Software Engineer

    3) 60

    4) 12/08/2015



  5. Thanks Joy - I'll take a look into the ins and outs of that visa. We didn't want to pin ourselves down to a state when we started this process, but the goalposts have been moved so many times on us that we may have no other choice.

  6. Thanks CaptainC and all who have replied for the link and advice - unfortunately my wife is a diploma nurse and can't get skills assessment from ANMAC or registration from AHRPA, so I can't get the 189 in her name or even get the 5 extra points for partner skills. Frustrating! I've started another thread on which degree I require to get the extra points for education - so it looks like I'm going back to Uni to top up to a degree before I lose points for age and my IELTS expires...

  7. I'm currently claiming 10 points (Australian Diploma or Trade qualifications) for my diploma in Computing and it has been recognised by ACS at that level. But I don't think that my 60 points will be enough in the EOI to get a 189 invite. So - I also have a diploma in Creative Writing and English literature and could do a couple of courses to top-up the two diplomas to a degree. In a nutshell - I need to know if a BA/BSc degree will get me the 15 points or if I will need to do an extra course and get the BA/BSc degree with honours. I anticipate that the final grading for the degree will be on the lower side.... Thanks

  8. Just having a slight panic that my OU Diploma might not be recognised either for points for the visa or by ACS.Can anyone who has already has their diploma assessed put my mind at rest? In total, the diploma was 120 points / 60 ECTS (European credit transfer and accumulation system) points.Cheers!

  9. When entering an EOI - do they only count work experience as assessed by ACS at that point in time when your skills assessment was carried out? Or can you use the experience you've gained since that date if you have the evidence to back it up?

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