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Posts posted by BRIGHTNESS786

  1. Thanks for your prompt reply, now I'm worried to apply now because I'm worried we will be refused as we don't have any substantial ties as recommended and suggested on the diac website.

    Unless a rented property, my husband been working, three children in local schools, two in high school and one in primary, would be considered substantial?!!?..

    I have not found myself a job and I was the main visa applicant as skilled migrant. 

    Would applying not be too risky and run the risk of being refused any future visa? 

    This prospect would be tragic especially with us all liking what Australia has to offer, and not to mention all the hard work, study, cost etc it has taken over the years to get to Australia.

  2. Hi, if I have not been in Australia that long, as we moved permanently in September 2018, and came back to the UK in December to sort out the house.

    I was due to go back to Australia in the first week of February, but due to mum's unforseen illness I extended my ticket to March. And our pr visa expires on the 6th March 2019, which was initially granted back in 2014.

    Now my husband's worried we may not the right to stay, and be illegal citizens!.

    But I'm of the understanding that in the future if we are to leave Australia for holiday, or for whatever other reason as we both do have elderly parents. We would need to have a rrv visa in place. A 155 rrv is a five year visa and a 157 rev a three year visa.

    And also have substantial ties in place. Or apply once we have stayed continuously for two years.

    Is this correct, and how strict are they in regards to substantial ties? 

    Any suggestions,or comments regarding this matter would be welcomed. Thank you.

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