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Posts posted by Debz101

  1. My hairdryer and GHD's work fine with an adapter, not had any problems. TV's do work, however you need a PVR really. It's like a freeview set-top box, but it records as well. someone told me that TV's need a setting changed once you get here, but I don't remember whether I did anything to mine or not.

  2. My Mum always gets eaten alive........ She's been using Avon 'Skin so soft' Dry Oil Body Spray...... Not sure if the flavour has anything to do with it, we have woodland fresh at the moment.

    Seems to work, even my 10 yr old has been using it as at one point we counted 50 bites on his legs (and he was scratching them....grrrrr!) Only got about 3 scabs left, and no new bites *eargerly crosses fingers*

  3. We used PSS too. Good service in the UK, everything packed well. We also had them air-freight a box of stuff for us. The Oz company this end were really good too. We had our stuff in storage with them for about 8 months before having it delivered. No big dramas. We did have 2 wine glasses and a plate break, but I thought that was pretty good going.

  4. Sorry to hijack......

    I spoke to HMRC a few days ago to register my OH for Self assessment so that we can claim tax back on our UK home. The person never mentioned that we would need residence forms that are not available online. Am I missing something? We only moved to Oz in Aug 2013.

    Also is it too late to submit NRL1 forms? The ones I did last year never got processed.



  5. We drive, and to be honest, it's not too busy for traffic. From where we live, it's near enough one road all the way to school. Where abouts will your house be?

    We haven't looked at any state high schools. The private schools around here, and there are quite a few, seem reasonably priced. There are a couple that were definitely out of the price range though.

    We had a look around Redlands College when we were on hols here 2 years ago, and my boys both loved the place, so we applied for both boys when we arrived permanently.

    Our youngest is now in Yr1 there and absolutely loves it, and our eldest will start there in Yr7 in 2016. I like that they are then both in one school til the end, no worrying about choosing high schools etc.


    If you want, I can send u a list of the private schools in the area and approx. distance from Welly Point.


    We lived in Wellington Point for our first 7 months with relatives, moved the 2km to Birkdale in April. We are settling into life here just fine. People are really friendly. I like that we are on a train line, so we can get to the city easily and there are plenty of local clubs for the boy's to join in with. Lots of parks dotted about. Shopping centres near by.

    Not too far from the Gold Coast for a day out.


    We love it.... :wink:

  6. We tried for Mary Mackillop when we moved here last year, and it was full then too. Can't comment on the Birkdale schools (even though we now live in Birkdale...lol) but we did have a tour of Wellington Point primary. It seemed an okay school, but we didn't get the 'vibe' we wanted when looking around. We have friends whose children attend there, and they are more than happy with the school.

    We got the 'vibe' we were looking for at Ormiston State School and even though we were out of catchment they had spaces. So this is where my elder son attends, he loves it there, and we are more than happy with the progress he's made.

    There are some really good private schools around here too. Although cannot comment on space availability.


    We have been here nearly 12 months so if you have any other questions, ask away, I will try to help.

  7. We've just unpacked our camping things. Looks like a few of the boxed things were checked, and the tent was most certainly looked at........ I made sure our stuff was cleaned before packing, and used a diluted solution of jeyes to clean the tent footprint. No extra charges, so we must have cleaned okay...:)

  8. we use Betts for measuring , not sure if they are in Brisbane

    Just seen an advert for Betts. Will go on the hunt tomorrow


    Not sure about Brisbane but Athletes Foot are very good.

    I like the school shoes they have in there, was just a bit paranoid about the measuring and fitting, as we visited some shocking (but qualified :err:) fitters in the UK.

  9. Not sure if it's viable for you, but we ordered a Clarks foot measurer from the Clarks (Australia) website. We then measure here and go to the UK website to convert. I buy shoes in the Clarks (UK) sale (great with the seasons being opposite) and get them sent/brought over here by family. I works out a lot cheaper than a good brand here, especially for school shoes. My school friends who buy locally seem to get through a pair of shoes a term whereas ours last pretty much all year (or until they are grown out of).


    I found here that most shops, even ones that stock Clarks, didn't measure width. My son has really wide feet so it made it difficult hence doing the above which has worked out great.


    Thank you......Just ordered one of those gauges will be really useful. Hope it arrives quick :biggrin:

  10. We arrived in August, so that my boys could finish their year out in the UK......... I was so expecting my 5 and 1/2yr old (June Birthday) to be ahead of his year group here as they are 3 months behind in the year, but it was not the case, in fact we have had to do some catching up in the Literacy department. I've found the methods of teaching here are very different, not in a bad way, just different. And you can definitely see the emotional difference in the kids who are already 6 and 1/2 compared to my little boy, so would not be happy if he had been exceptionally gifted and moved into a YR1 class with 6/7 yr olds.

    My 9 yr old had finished yr4 when we came over, ready for yr5. He was put into a yr 3/4 class, I was a little worried he would be bored or the work too easy, but that is not the case, the work he is given is appropriate for him and his skill level.. Talking to him it seems the work given to students in his class can be very different from kid to kid. And he appears to assessed on a more regular basis to appropriate the level of work given.

  11. Being new to Australia and the job market, I'm not sure if this is suspect.......


    OH has been offered a job, with part of the wage being paid by Bank Transfer and the other part being paid in cash. I am assuming the cash part won't be declared anywhere.......


    Now to me, if it's not all paid through the bank he will be losing out on some Super Annuation, Medicare Levy and maybe other things.


    Is this something that is done over here? Or is it some dodgy avoidance thing and well steered clear of?

  12. We've stayed at the Arlington Hotel right on O'Connell bridge. Lovely hotel and great rooms. Plus it own bars were pretty good too.

    The bus stop for the tourist bus is right outside the door, that takes you around most of the touristy things to do and you can hop on and off as you like.



  13. Have you thought about a cash passport? You load it with dollars (I think most travel money exchanges do them) and then you can use atm's to withdraw money and use it like a debit card...



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