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Posts posted by Slartibartfast

  1. @aber261


    Hi guys


    Grateful if you could help me with a few Q's.


    Applying 186 - Real Estate Agent.


    VETASSESS - Positive assessment

    Nomination - 12/11/2015 (Application received)

    Visa - 13/01/2016


    1. 1% Training benchmark

    Provided profit and loss statement and letter from the accountants confirming company spent way above 1%. Will I need to include training invoices or anything else? Profit and loss statement shows payroll calc as a whole, super etc has not been broken down

    I would include sufficient receipts to show that over 1% of payroll (including super etc, as defined) has been spent on training, better to be safe than sorry.

    2. There are no other Real Estate Agents at the company on a salary. As is normal for our industry, they are credit/debit or commission only. I am on a salary, which is above the Award Minimum, in order for my visa. The nearest matching person is on a credit/debit scheme (they are paid a retainer, $2,000 a year more than my guaranteed salary, however this must be paid back from their commission). Will this pose an issue? They don't have guaranteed earnings - I do

    That sounds fair enough, just write that on letterhead - typical employment arrangement is commission, present details of Mr X who is an equivalent employee, aber261 is employed on a very similar retainer arrangement and detail that - copy of Mr X's contract or something.

    Edit : Or does this help : http://joboutlook.gov.au/occupation.aspx?code=6121&search=alpha&Tab=stats&graph=EA

    3. In the event that the above doesn't satisfy, or they want clarification surrounding the credit/debit or commission only system, will they contact us rather than rejecting the nomination outright?

    Hopefully, it would be very harsh if they didn't. People on this forum have been asked for clarification when their salaries were way below market rates, not rejected outright, IIRC.

    4. In the instance they ask for more documents for the nomination, and we supply those documents, will they simply re-open the adjoining visa application or could I be pushed back and have to wait ~6 months from nomination?

    No idea! Just keep your fingers crossed.

    5. Am I correct in thinking that given the current timeline, my November nomination should be opened around end of April/early May? I would like to upload everything that is required before that date, so that I get an approval rather than a request for more docs, and my visa delayed for months and months again.

    Looks like it, although there was hope that they would speed up after processing a massive amount of June applications, that hasn't happened though.

    Thank you so much for your help in advance...

  2. Hey guys,


    Just recently found this forum and have been reading through the posts. AMAZING work by whomever created the excel sheet - had a good look through it on Friday and seem like I am still a couple of weeks away. My employer lodged my nomination on Sep 23rd - so was getting itchy feet wondering when I would see some movement.


    I have read a fair bit online - but wondering if any of you could make a recommendation - should I lodge my application before my nomination gets approved? Also any visibility on what the wait times for PR are once the visa is lodged after nomination is approved?


    Thanks in advance

    @ibic2006 I waited until my nomination was approved before applying for the visa in case the nomination was rejected as my company are disorganised and if it was rejected I would have lost the application fee too. But it does mean the process takes a lot longer, as the visa application takes as long to get to the front of the queue as a nomination /visa together, if you see what I mean.


    Seeing as how the nomination was lodged late September, I would guess that even if you submit your visa application asap that's too big a gap for them both to be processed together. So either wait for nomination then submit, or submit visa now and you'll get it processed about a month or so earlier than if you wait. Depends if you have faith that your employer has done it all right!

  3. G'day guys, Does anyone know what is the difference in teams ? Actually My MA enquired to immigration about status of application and get back reply "in process" from Team 1 NSW.

    I applied both NOM and Visa 15/jun/15 and 16/06/15. DIBP requested few documents couple of times already in three months difference and we submitted requested doc within the time but still we have been waiting for 8 months now.

    Any advice will be appreciated.


    Wow, that is a long time... What documents were requested?

  4. Hi Guys we will be applying our 186 end of this month its trs we got our 457 approved in late feb 2014 My wife's first group certificate(For financial year 2013/2014) show her annual income $48342.Employer started paying her increased wages after the grant of visa which was on late feb 2014 so it was around 4 months she got paid according to salary threshold she was suppose to be paid because she work for non profit organization they get salary packing thing in which you save bit of tax and your paid tax is lower than non salary packing people(Ordinary working Australian in profitable organizations).For Financial year 2015/2016 she is been paid well more than required threshold for 457 but again due to salary packing thing her group certificate has taxbale income around 47000+ do you think immi might ask a question as this does not seem the required threshold which if am not wrong is $52300+ techincally she full fill the requirement its just her employer is offering their employees salary packing due to that her both group certificates have two different incomes(taxable and non taxable)both are visible on group certificates her occupation is program administrator.Thanks Guys for your opinions :)

    Good luck to you all those already waiting hold tight fingers crossed.

    The salary packaging might not be a problem, as it only reduces her taxable income, not the gross income, and that (gross income) should be evidenced in the employment contract and any deductions should be able to be referenced in the salary packaging documentation. However I think 186 visas now have a market rate salary requirement, rather than a minimum salary requirement, so your wife should be being paid the market rate for her job, which should be the same as or more than the current minimum rate for her 457 and the same as non-sponsored people doing the same job in her organisation. I've had a quick look and you might be ok though - it's about $55k here : http://www.payscale.com/research/AU/Job=Program_Administrator%2c_Non-Profit_Organization/Salary

    Check this carefully with your wife's company's MA or HR department - and you might want to wait until the nomination is definitely approved before applying for your visa, as that way you won't be wasting your money if the nomination is rejected. It will take longer, but you won't be wasting your money.

  5. One step forward and two steps back for me I'm afraid.


    My CO has requested more information about my contract. My employer only put the offer letter up and not all the attachments in the nomination. It looks like I've got a 28 day wait before they even look at my Visa application.


    One positive to take out of this is at least I now have a CO!

    Are you in a situation where you can take a look at what's going to be submitted or, even better, save your employers' time and do it for them? I did it for my company, put together a covering letter from my boss summarising all the evidence requested and what was attached, basically a one stop shop for the CO, with loads of numbered attachments for them to check the evidence. Once it was submitted (I had to get an extra 28 days as time was running out when I came back to the office off a long term project and saw the muddled rubbish the office manager was about to upload) we got nomination approval within a day or so (although the email was missed by my boss and I was on vacation...)

  6. Congratulations to everyone who got PR....Seems positive in terms of beginning of week with many PR Approvals including August Application...


    Does any one know how to keep track of Nomination if its approved or not? I am pretty sure i cant check that through immi account..is there any other way to track?

    Your Employer's MA or responsible person will be emailed with the outcome of the nomination process and of course they can check their Immi account. If you have any doubt as to the capability of the person dealing with it within your company then gently remind them to check, I was delayed 6 weeks as the person in my firm missed the email. :mad:

  7. I hope so.. We are seeing August grants now, but I am hopeful it will come this week. I tried to access it but looks like it is locked for editing.. I wonder who have access to write/add timelines in the spreadsheet.

    I've clicked through from the spreadsheet to request whoever has locked it to release it. We can either wait for a response or ONE person can save a copy of the document, make it editable by all, and then share the new, updated URL for the sheet.

  8. Thanks for reply ,nomination was on 2nd Oct and visa in 10 Nov



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So your employer will get notified of the nomination outcome first, March or April, if you are very lucky they will pick up your visa application at the same time, but there doesn't seem to be a standard. You might never know when you get a CO, you might just get the much awaited grant email...

  9. Hi can anyone advise, I have 2 questions for help!


    my employer has agreed to sponsor me -great news not sure if 457 or 186, is there any restrictions from jumping straight on the 186- seems a shorter direct route, I seem to fit the criteria for both?


    Also I came over originally on my passport and WHV visa holding my maiden name however my company/bill companies have accepted my new marriage name. Can anyone advise if application and paperwork submitted with my new married name causes an issue when applying for a new visa!?

    The 186 direct entry route is better, it's just that lots of employers don't go straight to permanent residency as you can theoretically leave straight away, as with a 457 you belong to them.


    You'll need to submit marriage certificate anyway when you apply, so it should all add up, same passport number etc.

  10. How many days after they respond once we submitted the requested documents?


    1 week or over 28 days?

    It varies completely. When my company was asked for extra docs for nomination, they said to me that there was no rush (I basically had to submit all supporting documentation as the ex-business manager had just sent the form...) and they wouldn't look at the file for 28 days. But for my visa I was telephoned and asked to re-upload a corrupted pdf, the email which came at about the same time gave me 7 days to reply, I replied in about 180 seconds, literally, and got my visa about 10 mins later.

  11. Hi Guys,


    Need some advice re medicals which we have yet to undertake. Should we go ahead and arrange regardless or wait until requested by immi ?


    I know people who have done both, so curious to know best practice.


    Also how do I add my info to the spreadsheet ?



    We did ours just after we lodged, your Immi account should have a tab for health checks, if you click through it will generate your HAP IDs for all applicants and let you book your medicals. I would definitely do it before your application is due to come to the top of the pile, otherwise you've a pretty much guaranteed 28 day wait after your CO asks you do do medicals, you do them, results go back, and the CO picks up your file 28 days later.

  12. Hi could I get someone to add my timeline to the spreadsheets please.

    nomination lodged:12th Aug 15

    visa lodged: 22nd aug 15

    medicals: 21st oct 15

    direct entry.

    not sure what low risk or high risk.


    nsw parra

    Status. application received.

    I've just tried and I couldn't get it to work, so rather then mess about and break the spreadsheet, can someone else have a go?

  13. Hi guys


    I have applied for RSMS Visa 186,187 on 30-07-2016 (VIC Geelong)and uptil now there is no response from immi and I have been in touch with my MA but there is no hopes as well


    I have applied it offshore and i am still waiting waiting and waiting


    Is there anyone of you know any recent updates on July applications , I am literally tensed as there is ray of hopes I can see at the moment


    please guide

    The only guide we can give is from the progress of others on this forum, which can be seen in the google document in my signature. If you're direct entry you should hear soon as they seem to be processed quicker than Transition stream.

  14. Thanks for your reponse.

    I hope someone can help me, just want to clarify the type of assessment needed from EA. Is it the standard CDR or the CDR + skilled employment assessment?

    You're probably best off starting your own thread - by EA do you mean Engineers Australia? A title like "Engineers Australia assessment - what's needed for 186?" might get you the responses you need.

  15. I have just received a natural justice letter, what does that mean? is that a no and asking me to comment?




    I think yes, it's indicating that they have issues with your application and are inviting you to comment before they reject it formally. @Sweetu had one. Do you have an MA? If not, find a good one if you don;t know what's happening. Info re letter here : https://www.y-axis.com/services/australia-natural-justice-cover-letter/ but I am NOT recommending those agents, they just have posted about it.

  16. Dear fellows,


    Need your advise: My nomination was lodged end of July, by application was lodged end of september

    Taking average waiting time of 6 month, what is the starting point of this calculation? From the time when nomination was lodged or from the time application was lodged?

    Is there possibility that this be processed in different times due to the fact that nomination/application was lodged at different times?


    Appreciate your response

    Unfortunately there's no concrete answer. Maybe, as from my reading of this thread over the last six months, some people have had their subsequently lodged visa processed at the same time as their nomination, but equally some have not... I guess you'll have your answer in the next few weeks!

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