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Di Vale

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Posts posted by Di Vale

  1. Hi Sloth 

    I see you are thinking of moving back to UK from Tas 

    I'm doing the same too

    Do you mind me asking ..Will you be shipping furniture back , If so do you happen to know of any shipping companies in Tas 

    i  thought I was sorted with Seven Seas Move Cube , but it appears that they don't service Tas ..It all as to go to Melbourne 

    Cheers Di 



  2. Hi All 

    lm moving from Tas back to UK , I've been in touch with Seven Seas about Move Cube , 

    It appears that this is not an option from Tas

    I would have to get my stuff over to the Melbourne Depot and then load The Move Cube myself there 

    As anyone got any suggestions as to  how I can get shipping from Tas to UK 



  3. Thank you..all advice will be appreciated right now ..

    .Im going through a marriage split I've been here 10 years I married an Aussie and moved over here.., I obviously want to take as much back with me , I was thinking of taking furniture etc..but I've been told it's not cost effective  ,  It's a daunting thought to have to start all over again back in the UK , but it something I have to do ...I have visions of rocking back to Heathrow with just 2 suitcases , luckily I have a good family in Uk , I've been online and had an estimate from Move Cube and it did mention the extra fees , but how do I get to know these...will I have to wait until it arrives in UK ..


  4. Hi I'm moving back to UK I don't need to ship furniture I only want to ship clothes and personal effects Does anyone have any advice on what is the cheapest way , As anyone used the Seven Seas Move Cube

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