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Posts posted by tral12

  1. "We are currently assessing for finalization applications lodged up to 08 October 2013."



    Does "assessing for finalisation" mean your CO has been appointed? Or does it mean the final stage after AOS, Form 80, Police Checks and Medicals have been received and approved?


    Incidentally, looking at Form 80, I notice that a lot of the questions on it are similar to the original Form 47PA?


    Is Form 80 requested at a later date in order to ensure all information is up to date?


  2. Hi Folks!


    I'm operating on the basis that it will take 2 years from date of lodgement before I have my visa granted (all going well).

    I intend to continue on enjoying life as normal here (and hopefully avoid stressing over this move?).

    I have made a (slow) start on decluttering - long overdue anyway!


    A friend of mine used to say "everything comes to those who know how to wait". Come to think of it, I think he's dead now!


    Anyway, all we can do is chill out and let the Department work its magic (slowly?!).



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