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Posts posted by familywright

  1. Welcome!




    Please understand that this next part of my post is not aimed at you at all, fantastic news for you and great that your wait is so short!


    I am growing increasingly agitated now at seeing people who have applied further and further behind me but are being granted before me. Other applicants in late July was a tad annoying but handleable, applicants in August a little bit more so, and now we have a September applicant who will be granted in March when I have to wait until mid April! Of course this isn't the applicant's fault, but unless there are the Special Circumstances mentioned earlier in the thread, what can I do to expect the same treatment?


    Of course with it being Australia Day today, Monday will be a public holiday and therefore no point whatsoever in trying to contact Australia House. But I'm starting to get frustrated having not seen my Fiancée since late October and before that since early September, to be told I have to wait until April when later applicants are going in February and March.


    I totally agree. Im only popping in occasionally now as its just too upsetting . I think I will knock looking on here on the head.


    My husband applied 23 august and from what I see, its pretty straight forward - we have been married nearly 10 years, together 13, have an 8 year old son who has an australian passport so he isnt a concern, no medical or police issues, plenty (well enough, we dont have megabucks) money to go with, a home to live in when we get there and a job to go to. We have pretty much organised and ready to go and could fly asap as my husband has sold his business, I am self employed and this crosses over to home anyway and the house is ok for us to leave for a year or so, as is.


    We were told 8-9 months, most likely the 9 - so we are looking at the very end of May just to get the nod.


    Now, our CO hasnt even told us if he is getting a 309 or 100. I have sent one polite email after the new year, just saying that I will be cracking on with my list of things to do before we move and was wondering if there was anything we need to know/do for the application as I will get onto it asap. I just said, feel free to let me know. I also said my son and I may go ahead as he needs to start school but that we will be using the same email. Just a courtesy to let him know as we thought we might do this . (We arent going ahead now as it will be too much for an 8 year old boy to be away from his daddy for 5- 6 months in my view).


    The response was a very curt "the time frames havent changed and remain as originally stated and I will let you know any thing about the application when and only when I am able" or words to that effect.


    This is really stupid, isnt it. I could go on until the cows come home about the 9 months but am aware that we are all waiting and thats life. Im trying to be patient. I know so many are in the same boat, we arent special or different.


    BUT, when you hear all the differences in what people are being told and when things are being granted, it is really upsetting.

  2. Just giving a vigorous nod to all comments above re the dreadful wait and "long time no hear".

    We have served nearly 3 months or our 9 month sentence. No contact at all after the CO requested medicals and police checks when we first sent the application. No indication at all of which month. I imagine we wont hear anything until mid next year. I hope to god we dont lose our school place.

  3. Yes, I am. We werent told which subclass but the medical was requested (as was the police check but it has already been applied for). The letter says 6-8 (or was it 9?) months.

    We really need to go home so my son (also an aussie citizen) can start school in January. I suppose we should have applied earlier, so ultimately its our fault and we shouldnt whinge, but i had no idea it would be that long. We werent intending to travel separately, mostly for my 8 year old's benefit.

    As far as finances go, yes but no...I work freelance and can pick up work here and there but given I am going home soon, am not pushing and marketing myself, so its a bit awkward.

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