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Illegitimate convict

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Posts posted by Illegitimate convict

  1. Hi Ginz, if you are working with a RMA (registered migration agent) it should be a DRC (Decision ready checklist) if they are doing a good job of it. DRC means they have a checklist (which you can obtain off the internet) and the DIAC sees the ticks, all documents your RMA submitted. But if you are high risk, the DIAC might want to follow up on some of your documents for either authenticity, references etc which might involve them emailing or phoning your country of origin. This of course might take time. If you are non DRC chances are good they have not even started with yours yet, the waiting list is long.

  2. Hi Ginz. Our 457 application was all electronically and supporting documents attached. However our PR RSMS had to contain hard copies and certified of required documents. I started with a RMA (registered migration agent) at great cost. Then a colleague got his approved without an agent as a DRC (decision ready checklist) within months. Usually DRC can only be done my agents but my colleague and some previous posts on this thread got it as a DRC by doing it themselves. So I went solo, without an agent. One cannot get PR (according to my knowledge) with an e application. Your whole application must be posted/courier to the DIAC. A non-DRC takes much longer! The DIAC decides whether yours is DRC or not.

  3. Hi Kudarat. There are various reasons one could be approved and not the other applicant. Each application is considered individually. You and/or the other guy might not comply with the DIAC's various conditions. More documentation would be requested or the application denied. The DIAC are transparent with reasons with actions they take. The restaurant also has to apply to act as sponsor and the DIAC might feel that a limited amount of applicants are required for work at the restaurant.

  4. Yeah we used an agent, was submitted DRC and we had a note on it saying it was urgent as I couldn't work for my employer due to the 6 month limit on my WHV being up and the fact I was leaving to go to the UK tomorrow for a couple of weeks and it couldn't be granted whilst we are away. Don't know whether it helped or was considered - but it was certainly quicker than we thought it would be!


    Well that's a new record - hope you sent your CO a box of chocolates! Just shows once in a while there is a person in DIAC that changes the usual processing expectations!

  5. Good luck everyone! I got my RSMS granted yesterday after lodging on the 24th of April. I didn't get an acknowledgement letter for some reason, just went straight to grant.


    Couldn't believe it only took two weeks!


    Congrats Nicolac34!


    Was it through an agent?

  6. I got an email from Paramatta today saying that it will take 7 months to get a CO and then any amount of time after that. We got nomination approval the end of March. Worrying as we have signed contracts to buy a house and need our PR :(


    Hi Albury


    You have ended up on the non-DRC pile! (not considered Decision Ready Certified, usually for RMA (registered Migration Agents) but now and again a DIY applicant slips through).


    We were in the the same boat (like the pun!) and sent an email (few lines) that the implications of waiting 6 months (at that time) would have serious consequences. I was told that it was not considered serious enough. Then I sent a 4 page email and 6 attached documents with proof to have my application expidited. It was granted and took only 4 months.


    Listening to some colleagues, friends and acquintances, many who have waited years for visa or permits and somethat had to go back to country of origin only to return, we consider ourselves very very fortunate!

  7. hi guys any information would be helpful . its been 7 weeks my employer has applied for RCB approval/certification but no news from them yet. Employer asked MA to contact RCB stating urgency that my(employees) other visa is soon to expire(1st june), which he did and received a rude reply from RCB saying it will take time. One of my friends is waiting for the RCB approval for last 11weeks, different job, different employer. Does anybody have an idea why it might be taking so long, as per my understanding it only takes 2-3 weeks for the approval/certification decision to come through. Also, Iam just wondering if this initial step is taking so long what lies ahead is a seriously long tunnel. whoops !!


    Hi lifeardtrip


    We submitted our nomination and visa simulteneously on 22 Oct. Within 2 weeks my employer were notified it was approved. That is phase 1 & 2 of the process done. After submitting some outstanding paperwork by 22 Feb we had our RSMS visa. But there was a fair amount of frenzied activity in between to get thing sorted and approved. Phase 1 is about the buiness, not you. Phase 2 is about the business wanting to employ you, not much you can do about that. You part is phase 3 when you submit all your supporting documents.

  8. Hey guys hope everyone is doing well.took me quite a while to get over the excitement and some unfortunate events.my boss is being shitty with me.i will finish my contract on july 2013.i was hoping that i could leave then but itseems the 2 year period starts from the day of approval.so like being april 2014.i dont know whether to be happy to get approval letter or to be sad that i will be in this hell for another 2 years

    I have looked everywhere and came to the same conclusion! Some on this thread are willing to take the chance, and if caught argue "same job description same region!" But not with a family! Mine will end Feb 22 2014! I might pull the plug Dec 2013, if I decide to move?

  9. Hi Illegitimate, Yesterday my MA contact at melbourne and they send email after 2 hours stating that your client's file has allocated to other case officer and also send his contact detail. Now waiting for decision.

    Thats good news Veenameena! Your agent has influence! Always comes in handy! Soon now, the light at the end of the tunnel is tangible! Exciting times!

  10. My MA contact with CO and he has gone for holidays from 18 April to 4rth of July. So what will happen now. We have to wait him until he come back or someone else handle my case. If have some ideas about that type of case, plz let me knowThanks


    Hi Veenameena


    After our request to have our application expidited (in November) it was given to a supervisor on holiday. We had to wait intill she returned. Then the supervisor gave it to a consultant (January) and guess what, she was on leave! We had to wait! Despite it all by 22 Feb we had it!

  11. Hi Illegitimate convict,


    Glad 2 know your application was processed faster after you appealed! A DRC application can only be submitted by a registered Migration Agent and not by an individual. So, if your application was expedited and you were assigned a CO, it was not because your application was changed to a DRC but rather expedited because it was an exceptional case.




    Hi Afredv


    We started with a RMA. A colleague at the same school submitted his application DIY and it took 4 weeks and his was approved! No agent!


    On this thread, read through all posts (I have) and you will see some that were approved within 6 weeks (no RMA stated). All non-DRC take about 6 months at Parramatta. I believe it can be done without RMA for a DRC if the consultant at DIAC "feels" its a DRC - how else? Especially if your application is "topped" with a checklist from DIAC web page for RSMS.


    And yes it cannot work either. After my colleagues luck to save costs I went without RMA and it initialy was considered a non-DRC.

  12. Once an application is submitted as Non DRC it cannot be changed to a DRC application.


    After a second letter an appeal to have my application changed from non-DRC to DRC, the request was approved. Application was submitted 20 Oct and approved 22 Jan (would have been end of April as a non DRC). Also heard of a pregnant applicant making a request and approved. Exceptional circumstances it is possible.

  13. thanks illegitimate for the advise.


    but do u have any idea that if employer and employee does not inform diac for leaving the place do diac have a routine check for rsms holders within 2 year contract time? do they check the rsms applicant is working or not?


    Hi Sambo


    The DIAC are quiet clear about changing circumstances and even require you to complete a form: http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/pdf/1022.pdf



    I am not sure what would happen. Would they send someone out to look for you or not?


    On this forum, this thread the DIAC cancelled a business's verification, which affected any nomination procedures, which in turn affected innocent employees applying for visas. A prerequisite to RSMS applications.


    Also, somewhere also on this forum, guys have changed visa conditions and hoped not to be "found". Some even felt they were not doing anything wrong as they felt the visa was permanent.


    The DIAC states at http://www.immi.gov.au/media/fact-sheets/86overstayers-and-other-unlawful-non-citizens.htm

    [h=2]Locating unlawful non-citizens and people in breach of their working conditions[/h]The department uses a wide range of sources to locate unlawful non-citizens and people breaching their visa conditions. Referrals may be made by employers, educational institutions, departmental investigations, community information, police or other government agencies.

    Three government departments—the Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Centrelink and the Australian Taxation Office—share information so as to locate non-citizens who are employed illegally, or claiming welfare payments and benefits to which they are not entitled.



    My RSMS clearly states: http://www.immi.gov.au/media/fact-sheets/86overstayers-and-other-unlawful-non-citizens.htm

    Visa validity


    Please note that under the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme if your employment ceases


    within 2 years from approval, your visa may be subject to cancellation.

    ONe is taking a chance. With a family and if caught I have no doubt the DIAC would be less understanding. I would not be able to live with a "maybe"


    I was a tour operator in Africa for ten years visited South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Tanzania, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Egypt and took many chances crossing borders regarding paperwork (some countires were quiet ridiculous with demands), but the DIAC seem to be pretty well organized. I wouldn't risk it. Especailly when an election is coming up, immigration is always an issue and the DIAC get quiet anxious about stuff. Google "breaching visa conditions caught" and decide.

  14. hey can you give me some advise on what happen if i will get my nomination approved and will get my visa grant but same time after getting my 119 visa grant, if my employer dont want me to work with him anymore with his own choice and he dont have any problem if i will go to anywhere.... what option do i have in that case ?


    i am bit worried, may b it can happen because i am hearing rumours at work plz, it can be true and it can't be. just wondering if it happens what can i do in that case....means do i have to inform diac or i can just carry on at any plz....


    do diac check about the employee between the 2 yr time or not.


    please advise something


    Hi Sambo


    The obligations are set out in:


    which conludes with: "The visa may be cancelled if the employee does not comply with these obligations to complete the two year contract with the employer."


    From another web source (not DIAC) "Cancellation of a visa will not occur where a nominating employer terminates a nominee's contract within the two year period, provided the nominee has made a genuine effort to complete the two years with the approved employer. If the nominee's visa is cancelled, the visas for people who accompanied the nominee to Australia such as family members will also be cancelled."


    But also read from another forum of a RSMS cancelled by employer, before validation because of the GFC.


    I asked my CO regarding cancellation (if I kicked the bucket, what happens to my family) and her reply: " I am unable to give specific information on the departments cancellation process, however a visa holder which includes dependants are unlikely to be assessed as failing to have made a genuine effort where the failure to commence or complete the two year employment period was because of a situation beyond the visa holder’s control."


    So the "genuine effort" seems to be the keyword here. But that leaves it open to scrutiny where the employer and employee could face some questions. Get your and his fact ready and go for it.

    Play open cards and phone/email DIAC. Too much money, time, pressure and stress to go ahead on hearsay.

  15. Dear Friends,

    Tuesdaymy MA got CO email, he will be assessing my file this week but no response yet. Why they said like that ?


    Please advise me. what should i do?


    Hi Veenameena, more good news! There is progress.


    The time (assessing) now might include verification either by phone, email, fax or post regarding docs/references you submitted. They, I am sure, work with many applications simultaneously. Maybe your application is on their desk, but have not started going through it and setting up a list of outstanding documents (if any), or maybe waiting for a supervisor to OK something.


    You are nearly there!!!

  16. Hi guys,

    Just want to share that regional certification is approved today.. hopefully i will apply as decision ready this time..


    Dunken, that sounds amazing! We share your joy and know what it means. If we could help with anything let us know - there are many who are quiet capable of good advice!

  17. Dear Friends,

    I got my nomination approval on 9th of march and now waiting for visa decision. How long it take? It is already 4 weeks now. Can I ask about my visa status by phone call or email or not? Nomination and visa application both handled by same case officer or different if we applied both same time? If we would ask about my application where we should contact to the case officer or office? Have any info about easter holidays?

    Any advice will be apparicated



    Hi Veenameena


    Just checked on all my emails from the DIAC.


    Nomination was approved 10 Jan (sent to employer, not me, but employer forwarded email to me).


    On the same day, the same CO made contact with me regarding outstanding documents.


    There does seem to be a long wait. Phone them, if you can contact the same CO.

  18. Are applicants advised when a CO is allocated or is it just procedure? Our acknowledgement

    letter states -


    Certified Decision Ready applications will be allocated within 10 business days of lodgement.It is then anticipated that the case officer will assess the certified Decision Ready application

    in the week following the allocation. If these applications are in fact decision ready, it is

    expected that most will be decided within three weeks of lodgement.

    Does this mean a Case Officer is already assigned?


    Hi Jill


    We received notice by the CO once they started. From how I understand it, a supervisor allocates your application to a CO and then below is an example of the letter I received once it reached this stage. My guess is you are between Supervisor and CO.


    In reply please quote:

    Client Name ***** ****** ******

    Date of Birth (**/**/****,M)

    Client ID **********

    Application ID ************

    File Number *********


    Dear Mr **********


    Request for more information for a Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Class BW, Subclass 857) visa

    This letter refers to your application for a Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Class BW, Subclass 856) visa, which was lodged on 21/10/2011. You have indicated on your application that you wish to be considered for the grant of a Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (Class BW, Subclass 857) visa. The following applicant(s) are included in the application:


    ********,********** (**/**/****,M)

    ********,********** (**/**/****,F)

    ********,********** (**/**/****,M)

    Processing your application

    I have begun considering your application for this visa and require additional information or documents. Detailed information about each of the requirements is included in this letter.


    Timeframe for response

    You must respond to this request within 28 calendar days after you are taken to have received this letter. Please send your response to me using the contact details provided in the section Providing documents.


    As this letter was sent to you by email, you are taken to have received it at the end of the day it was transmitted.


    If you do not reply within the timeframe specified above your application may be decided without the requested information being taken into account. If you are unable to provide this information within this time you should contact your case officer before the due date.


    Documents required

    The following documentation, information or action is required to process your application for a Regional Sponsored Migration Nomination Scheme (Class BW, Subclass 857) visa:


    Then followed a list of outstanding documents to be submitted to complete the application.

  19. hi Illegitimate convict, Can i please ask that how did you sent your application to DIAC ,through register post, courier or any other way???

    I think this is also one of the factor that how fast you get your acknowledgement.....

    Different sending ways make different acknowledgement times...

    My last application was sent through courier and it took only 2 days to get acknowledgement.


    Hi Dunken


    My 457 was an online application and the supporting 32 documents scanned and attached.


    My RSMS application was a DIY (from within Australia) and always sent either courier (Australian Air Courier Services) or registered post (AusPost). Always had a tracking number to follow up on the internet and the DIAC had to sign once received. This served as proof. Both were reliable.


    For foreign courier I was very happy with DHL. Their tracking was excellent and service good. From South Africa to Australia it took about 4 days max.


    Only ever lost one set of docs, but that was between Canberra and Sydney, a police clearance certificate, but admittedly that happened within the confinaes of DIAC. The Federal Police were amazing in sorting it out. My CO, strict but fair, was also good!

  20. hi,can somebody tell me about the 857(rsms) visa, i sent my file to immi on 5 march, i got all things ready RCB, med and pcc etc and didnt get the acknowledgement letter yet, i apllied in melbourne. thanks


    Hi Premkhullar


    This is a long time to get acknowledgement. We submitted out application, without RMA, 20 Oct and 24 Oct got letter below acknowledging receipt (that's 4 days):

    Dear Mr ******,



    The Department of Immigration and Citizenship acknowledges receipt of your Permanent Employer Sponsored Entry visa application.

    Please find attached the following:

    • Formal acknowledgement letter

    • Fact sheet with general information relating to employer sponsored entry visa applications

    • Receipt

    Yours sincerely


    Position Number: 11182


    Administration Team

    NSW Permanent Employer Sponsored Entry Branch

    Department of Immigration and Citizenship

    Telephone: 13 18 81

    Fax: 02 8861 4439

    Email: nsw.pse@immi.gov.au

    Why not phone them and usually they ask for: Name and Last name and Date of birth? Keep other info ready for security check. With an agent it is always difficult, but worth the try.

  21. Thanks Illegitimae convict for your support and i wish good luck for future for you and your family. i really appreciate your help and you showing a path to lot of those people who stuck in bad conditions.. This whole process is like a fight and we have to keep fighting until we win it. Time pass and then we forget our whole hardship and can start life in a relax mode.

    I applied for RSMS about 7 months ago and after 6 months, in March, i came to know that my employer is no more eligible for sponsorships, as he broke all laws of DIAC and already fired those 4 guys which he sponsored about 1 to 3 years ago, without giving them job for 2 years, which i was not aware of. Then DIAC came to know this thing and they put all files on hold from that emloyer including me. there is one guy, still working and waiting on his application from last 1 year on bridging visa on his 857 application. i wish good luck to him, then i decided to leave the job, without thinking anything, as i was holder of bridging visa from my 885 application, which can allow me to work anywhere... now i find another job.. hopefully, i will get sponsorship this time in a right way and time. Sometimes, i feel, life is very hard.. because i changed my whole life just for this thing...


    Sad to hear the unfortunate events with the employer, there is always risk involved. Hope your new found job serves you well and your applications with DIAC goes without any problems.




  22. Hi KK

    I would like to share my frined's problem who got 857 RSMS PR a month ago but now his employer want to sell own business, so what should he do? he should inform to the immi or not? Beause his MA said in this type of PR no one monitoring business after the visa grant. He is too confused, so suggest us what should he do?


    Any suggestion will be appericated.


    Veenameena, check this out (scroll to bottom of page): http://www.australia-migration.com/page/RSMS/41

  23. Hi KK

    I would like to share my frined's problem who got 857 RSMS PR a month ago but now his employer want to sell own business, so what should he do? he should inform to the immi or not? Beause his MA said in this type of PR no one monitoring business after the visa grant. He is too confused, so suggest us what should he do?


    Any suggestion will be appericated.


    Hi Veenameena


    I asked my CO what would happen, as main applicant, I kicked the bucket (accident etc) would my family be posted back? Her reply:

    Please find the section who investigate such cancellations would consider the circumstances around the visa holders circumstances leading to the failure complete the two year employment period. Family or personal considerations may be a factor under these circumstances.

    I am unable to give specific information on the departments cancellation process, however a visa holder which includes dependants are unlikely to be assessed as failing to have made a genuine effort where the failure to commence or complete the two year employment period was because of a situation beyond the visa holder’s control.

    Looking at past from replies on this foreum it seems the DIAC would be considerate if you remained in the same occupation and same regional area should the business sell. This is beyound your control, so maybe look around get something (apply but don't start yet) and I suggest approach DIAC (get letter/proof business is selling). You have a problem and a solution. Some members suggest keep quiet and carry one, but I would not be able to live with that worry of maybe one day...Won't the new owners keep you? With sponsorship must the old owners not consider this in their negotiations? They do have an abligation towards government.

  24. Hi illegtimate convict,

    thanks for your reply mate, my story is bit differnt aand type of sad from everyone else, i recon... but i hope, everything be fine in future.......


    Dunken! Our odds were unsurmountable. Lower middle class - not favourable finances, nearly at cut off age - 45, step-son nearly independant - 21, applied to 67 jobs - 3 interviews & 1 interest, had to get a sponsorship first. There were many times we thought it was never going to happen. The paperwork was hell! We made it by the skin of our teeth - both now 45 and our occupation was removed off the QLD short skills list just after we got our CO. But once it is done, one would appreciate it so much more. I thank God for a miracle and it was! Let me know for any advice. Best wishes

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