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Posts posted by chrissy23

  1. Hey there I made the move out to Australia to teach in january! 

    I already had a visa but I found a job advertised on TES online! At the same time as employing me they also employed some other Brits that didn’t have visas and they sponsored them! 

    Mots very rare but does happen! 

    Hope this helps 

    Christina Ingram 

  2. Thank you :)

    i am just worried that my cash won't last until I get a job :(

    i am coming out at the end of May as that is the only time I can leave my job here in the UK! Am hoping to register to work there with the NSW Gov before I come out so that the process is quicker! Understand that jobs there are not normally permanent and will start applying before o leave Uk!

    Supposw if I can't find a teaching job I could do sow thing else to start with! Any advice on the application process?

  3. Hey guys - I am glad I found this thread! I am a primary teacher, English specialist and assistant headteacher who is in her 7th year of teaching! Moving to Sydney I'm may! Am really worried about not being able to get work :( any advice people give me would be most appreciated!

    Also what is the best way to book accommodation out there for when you first move - don't want to spend too much before getting work!

    Hope to hear from you all


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