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Posts posted by mtlboi

  1. So I went for my medical today at the Spire Little Aston Hospital in Sutton Coldfield....if anyone is worried about getting the medical - don't. I was there for just over an hour...took bloods, xray and then medical check over with the panel doctor. Staff are lovely at the Spire in Sutton Coldfield. Lots of carparking spaces...easy to find. If your looking for a shop on the way - theres one just near the train station.

    Now just the wait till all the results are returned!




    That's great! The thought of having to go through a medical exam terrified me.... but it really was a piece of cake. I went to the Spire in Edinburgh and they were amazing. The panel doctor was so friendly and everyone put me at ease.

    My CO (SV) told me back in December that my visa would be granted end of April, and she hasn't budged from that date. I entered Oz on an ETA last month and only this week received an email from my CO telling me that my visa will be ready and to send her my flight details of when I leave the country. I'll be going to New Zealand on April 30 for a few days and will come back an Australian permanent resident.... I've been really impressed with Australia so far and feel no homesickness whatsoever (which has surprised me)... I just can't wait to be able to start working again.


    All the best! :biggrin:

  2. Hi everyone


    Just noticed that this thread has been active recently with lots of queries about processing times. To give everyone waiting an idea of the current situtation....I submitted my 309 application in person in London at the beginning of November 2011. I was told the usual 5-6 months, then later that the decision should be ready at 5 and a half months. I hit the 5 month wait mark today and have still not heard yet.


    I think the times are increasing!! It's hard being patient but when you have a realistic timeframe in mind it helps. I'm sure everyone hopes that theirs will be done more quickly but it's really looking like AT LEAST 5 months, if not 6.


    The next 2 weeks are going to go by very slowly!!


    Good luck everyone!



    I know how you feel.... I submitted my application towards the end of November and I've been checking emails like crazy every day. I'm on a tourist visa that expires in June, so I'm not too worried. But 2 days before I arrived in Oz (March 13th), my CO reiterated that my visa is due to be granted at the end of April. Surely, if there was a delay, she would have said something, it was only a month ago.... I arrived in Oz with a ticket to NZ booked for April 30th, and I'm really hoping I don't need to change the date....


    I'm so glad there's a forum like this to be able to read others' experiences...


    Good luck... Hopefully, yours will be through soon!

  3. Hey, has anyone returned to aus on a tourist visa? While waiting for a prospective marriage visa.


    Which tourist visa did you get? There's the evisitor visa or the 676


    Thanks!!!! :)



    Hey... I got too sick of waiting for the thing to come through, so I got myself an evisitor and arrived last week. I had armed myself with a one way ticket to New Zealand dated when my visa is due to be granted (end of april), and I printed off emails from my CO... To my surprise, they didn't ask me anything and I got through customs and Quarantine in all of 5mins... Go figure...

    It feels so nice to finally be with my partner again... Since I'm not allowed to work, I'm just treating this like a mini holiday and am loving every second. :wink:

  4. Second stage processing for 309 visa started in September 2011. I submitted new application forms, the update of personal details and recent evidence and have now been asked for a new ACPO clearance which I have applied for.


    We posted the APCO form and a little more updated evidence and personal details at end February 2012 and the visa was granted on 3rd March, just 5 days later. Really pleased.


    First stage was granted in November 2009, after submission in May 2009 - assisted by Go Matilda at that stage.



    Just out of curiosity... Is another medical required at the second stage?

  5. Hi All,

    my OH and his son (my stepson) lodged applications on the 1/11/11 - CO assigned (LG) and Meds/PC's requested 8/11/11 - Medicals lodged 2/12/11, requested confirmation on 26/01/12 if all ok - yup and no further information required.


    So now just hitting the refresh button on email every 30 seconds.........


    Anyone else in November?




    I lodged end of November and the wait is killing me! I left the UK with a tear in my eye last week and am visiting my family in Canada for a couple of weeks until I head to Oz.... It would be SOOOOO nice to have the PR by March 15th. However, I don't see it happening :(

  6. My point (having just gone through this) is that the 'fluffier' evidence is returned and the statements/financials kept. Could be because after they see it once they don't need it again (they just tick it off) or because they don't actually need it at all. If they want more evidence they will ask for it. Our CO was pretty good and told us upfront that aside from the meds & police checks he didn't require anything else from us. We are only one month in to the wait and it feels like one month too long! Still waiting on confirmation that the Aussie police check made it then we can book flights.



    I actually sent everything I had in... I decided that they would make the call as to what they considered acceptable. I sent 2-3 years worth of bank statements, pay stubs, anything and everything with our names and address on it. i sent about 50 emails that were sent in 2003-2004 during our "dating" stage. i sent wills, photos, utility bills, council tax notices. I even sent the bill of lading of when I had my stuff shipped to move to the UK from Canada in 2005. I got a TON back, but at least my file wasn't delayed because they wanted more evidence.


    I'm not 100% sure, but I thought I read somewhere that they scan everything you send and send it back...


    I guess it's better to be safe than sorry...

  7. Thank you - at least we can finally relax and finalise planning now. Actually have a local off license (remember 'bottle shop'...remember 'bottle shop'....) that sells a nice variety of Aussie beers - Coopers, James Boags, Little Creatures etc - so going to head in on the way home and pick up a selection for a Thursday night celebration :wink:


    Plus, I will always remember that my visa was granted on Australia Day! Double celebrations....:err:




    Wow... Australia Day.... That is quite memorable!!! All the very best and congrats!!!! :biggrin:

  8. OMG... Nobody can be more of a wreck than I was! I was even shaking when it came time to ring and make the appointment! The staff at the Edinburgh location were amazing and calming. However, I was still so nervous my bp was at 160/100... It took 2 more readings before they got it to normal. I was so relieved when it was all over, but of course, had to wait a week to see if I would receive a "dreaded phonecall"... Which obviously never came. In the months leading up to the medical I had practically thought I had every disease ever known to man. Our minds play crazy tricks on us.... You're totally fine as they would have said something to you before you left the clinic...


    All the very best to you for the rest of your adventure!!

  9. Hey guys...


    I totally know what you mean about being seperated and not being able to work. My partner of 10 years and I moved to Oban from Canada 6 months ago. The job he was offered turned out to be a nightmare and he was seriously mistreated by management. An an Austrlian citizen, he began looking for a job in Australia and within a month was offered an amazing job with double the salary. He left in September while I have had to stay here in Oban to try and sort out my partner visa. I haven't been able to work because I know I will be leaving soon. As lovely as Oban is.... It's not the most exciting of places. We speak on the phone for about 2 hours a day (Thank God for TalkTalk unlimited international calls), but I really can't wait to join him. I got SV as my CO on Nov 25th, so I'm not expecting the visa to come through until March/April. Such a long time and it's driving me crazy. My partner suggested doing the whole tourist visa thing and waiting it out over there... but frankly, I don't want the bother going through customs with 100 questions, etc etc... Christmas is going to be tough :arghh:.


    Anyway, I am so grateful for this website, cuz I can see that I am not alone in what I'm going through.... I can spend hours reading the various posts and live vicariously through those who have already been granted their visa.... Hope everyone is just great!!



    Application for 309/100 sent 22/11, money taken 22/11, CO (SV) requests meds 25/11, meds done 05/12........ The wait continues.....

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