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Posts posted by keepherlit

  1. Wow!!  Hi everyone!  So great to hear to hear the updates from you all.  We made the move in Oct 2012 to Melbourne and became Aus citizens last year.  We're in Wheelershill with our four kids - 17, 15, 12 + 9. 

    There have been ups and downs through it all but we're still here.  Difficult to be so far from family at times - I lost both my parents within 2 months over Christmas.  But we have built a great network and community here and both working happily.  I'm a ft primary teacher and hubby is a construction site manager.  We've been lucky and it's hard to imagine not having made the move.  Our youngest was 2 when we came so shes full on Aussie now!  

    Hope it's worked out for you all, 


    • Like 2
  2. At LAST!!!!!!

    Woke up this morning to a VISA GRANT!!!! Cannot describe this feeling!!

    Am convinced this week will be a momentous one for those still in the waiting room! Now we've to start planning our journey from here.

    Couldn't wait to share this awesome news!!

    Sincere thanks to everyone for all of your support and wisdom! I hope I can be as helpful to others..... Champagne in the fridge - how am I going to keep it together at work today?!!!

    A great start to the week! Good luck to everyone still waiting! xxxx

  3. Cabbie - our police checks took the full 2 weeks and were dated the day before they arrived in the mail (so the end of the ten working days)


    Sol2Oz - our medicals were sent online automatically - although we used an agent so I'm not sure if she notified diac that they were submitted. I do think she told them in advance the date the medicals were booked for to assure them that we were acting. We didn't get any report from the clinic either but they were able to check online for us when we had some queries which was helpful.


    Good luck to everyone for the coming week. Have a feeling its gonna be a good one!!!

  4. Hey Keepherlit -


    Are you able to see your meds on your evisa system? Just wondering, cause I just had mine done last Wednesday and I'm wondering if I'll get to view that information...


    Hi Sol2Oz

    When we checked the progress of our application online about a week after the medicals on the document checklist page they were coming up as received. A few days later they were finalised apart from our daughter - her's are referred. Agggh the waiting is TORTURE!!!! Just can't wait 'til we can post that we finally got a visa grant!!


    You should hear really soon - that's super news for you. A grant should be winging its way to you next week!!! Fingers crossed for you.


    If you want to you can also contact the medical centre where your medicals were carried out and they can check there for you too. We did this because mine were marked as referred when actually there was no problem - its another avenue to try. I really think you'll get positive news soon though

  5. Congratulations sadupops, sunprincess and Leah31!!!!


    This is fantastic news - hopefully others will join you all in the yes gang soon. Must be nice to know you're wanted lol!!

  6. As far as I am aware you just have to arrange medicals. This is what our agent told us but may be worth just confirming with your CO. Good luck and congratulations!!:wink:


    We were told the same thing by our agent, as long as you can show you have applied for the pcc and meds you are ok. Just as well because we all got our meds cleared apart from our daughter who has a very complicated and long history and the case doctor would not submitt her meds until he got letters from her consultants because he knew daic would be looking for them. So her meds are now submitted and recieved on 4 may, so now a wait for a decision:arghh:. So the torture continues.

  7. Hi everyone!


    Delighted that diac seem to be still moving on. Hope that all those Nov applicants get their cos soon.


    Thought I'd give a quick update on our meds - had them on Sat. All were sent off to Oz except our daughter's (she has many issues which have more or less been resolved) and the doctor felt I needed different consultant letters.


    Feel a bit deflated tbh - spent the last fortnight talking to answer machines and begging medical secretaries for letters and just when I thought I had it we have to start again. She has so many consultants its a nightmare... and not all are as fortcoming with info as others.


    Panic is rising - I've taken a voluntary redundancy at work (primary teacher) effective as of 31st August. Now am worrying that we'll end up visaless and jobless:cry: The doc thought that on paper she sounds pretty complex but was struck by how bright and 'normal' she is. Just hoping these new letters will reflect this (was on phone all day torturing medical staff again!) I'm pretty sure my phone numbers flagged on the hospital system at this stage lol.


    Any advice?

  8. That's good - I'm sure it'll be ok. We're in similar situation. Our daughter has received all treatment (or at least will have before we move!) and our consultants are very positive that she is unlikely to need any further treatment beyond the norm at least. We're hoping this will be enough to show them she will not be a drain on the medicare system. She will need check ups though. Pity we don't have a crystal ball, eh?

    I'll always find something to worry about anyway lol! Positive thoughts your way. Hope it all works out.

  9. Hope it all goes well for you! Keep us posted. Shouldn't be too long now.


    Did you bring along letters from consultants or did you just explain her medical history (sorry if seeming nosy - its just that because of the easter hols many of the dr secretaries seem to be on leave and I can't seem to get hold of the orthopaedic dr at all) I didn't even know there are different categories re health! How far down the alphabet does it go!? Maybe Category Bs not too bad?

  10. Hi


    -Jambos- the case officer e-mailed our agent requesting medicals and police checks so I booked the meds for 21st April in a clinic in Dublin. Quoted 801euros for two adults and 4 kids under 11. We also need to provide more evidence that my husband has been in employment. Our daughter has had aLOT of health issues so I'm really nervous about her medicals. She has had heart surgery, ENT issues(including a tracheoplasty) and is deaf in one ear (awaiting implant surgery). We've been advised to get letters from each of her consultants(there are many!) to avoid delays and to reassure DIAC that all procedures will have been done. Also shes not on medication. Nail biting times!!!

  11. Hi Sol2Oz


    We provided payslips end of year accounts etc. and a declaration from our accountant. The problem is my husband worked for a time for the family business and because times were hard he didn't always draw a salary. He has always been in continuous employment and never claimed benefits - its just tricky to prove that this is the case :(

  12. Hi everyone!


    We received our CO today so we can go ahead now with the police checks and meds. Have been asked for further proof of work experience though we are hoping we can sort this out. Fingers crossed! We applied for a 175 on 11/10/11

  13. Hey keepherlit. Come in and join the party. Don't stand outside looking in the window. :biggrin: Why not hit is with some more of your vitals?


    Name: keepherlit


    Date of Visa application: 11/11/2011

    Nationality:UK + Irish (dual)

    High / Low Risk:Low

    Trade / Profession:Main applicant Construction Site Manager

    Visa Type:175

    Onshore / Offshore:Offshore

    Processing Priority Group (Category):4

    Date Medicals submitted:not yet

    Date Police check submitted:not yet

    Date CO assigned:not yet

    Date of employment verification (If applicable):N/A

    Date visa granted:NOT YET


    No October CO's yet by the way. Check out the spreadsheet.




    Happy to share the details.


  14. Hi everyone!


    Great news PatrickW!! We've been lurking in the background here for a while. Thought it was about time we showed ourselves lol!! Does anyone know if COs have been allocated to Oct 175 applicants yet?

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