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Posts posted by duffy

  1. We moved to Bathurst from London in December and are loving it - only half hour from Lithgow. Good schools (and lots of them), good pubs and lots to do. We have 2 girls - 3 & 4. It has been chilly here though -5 last week but lovely and sunny most of the time. Becoming quite a popular town with people leaving the city sprawl.


    hope that helps.

  2. We've moved to Bathurst, which is about 2.5 hours from Sydney over the Blue Mountains but there is a daily 'commuter' train. We came in December with the intent if only staying a few months while we settle into Oz and look for work with the aim of going to Sydney - it is much cheaper to rent here and we wanted to have some decent family time and make our meagre savings last longer before embarking on full time work again. Everything has gone so well that we have decided to stay. The schools are excellent, everything is close and there are some great affordable properties. There are a lot of people moving here (it's a city with 40k people - they are very proud of reaching that milestone!) and most of the people I have met have moved from Sydney due to affordability and proximity. Sports is good and there's a university. There's no beach, but a lakes and a big dam close by and many people have their own boats (and pools). Moving from London, it's a big change and I can't deny I miss the city, but with kids it has definitely been the right choice so far....and we've been to the beach on camping trips several times already!


    Good luck with your decision!

  3. Hello All,

    We have been over here for 6 months now and have just transferred half of our intended savings as the rates rose. I have been told that we should transfer the rest of the money (£20k) before the end of the tax year here. We remortgaged a flat at home to give us funds to come over and then the rates dropped dramatically so we have waited. We have a small unit here with an interest only mortgage. Therefore we are paying interest on 2 loans, but UK flat is rented out. We still do not have work ( a deliberate choice to spend time as a family for the first 6 months) but are now looking in earnest.


    As we have not worked whilst being here I am assuming it is best to bring the money before the end of the tax year as if it comes after July 1st it will count as taxable income on top of earned income (hopefully!) for next year and will also affect any family benefits we get (husband is Australian and he gets family tax credit A&B).


    Any advice much appreciated as we don't mind a slight loss on the exchange rate by transferring now if it means we are less liable next tax year.


    Thanks in advance.

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