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Posts posted by cwm1021

  1. Hi there,


    From the website and from looking around on many websites, I understand that for your parents (or your parent?)to apply for a 143,


    1. you must be a PR or a citizen

    2. AND you have settled in Oz lawfully for at least 2 years. Settle, we have to prove that by working history, children enrolling on school etc.


    So, if you have settled in Oz for 2 years on another visa (such as 457 visa or something else..) and now you have just had your PR, your parents can apply for the 143 right now. You then will need to meet the AOS requirements to be the assurer for your parents as well, if not you have to have someone to be the assurer for them. That is what I understand. If someone reads this and know well about it, please confirm for us. Thank you.


    In my case, i came to OZ as a student dependent, and then have been working from 2008 for a company, then got the PR by that skills on Feb 2011. I have applied 143 for my mother. I am her only child as well.


    Wish that God bless us.





    Thanks mengancun


    I came to OZ since 2003, for study, finished high school then Uni in OZ. However, I spent a whole year (~365 days) in my home country for the last year. And I just came back to OZ last week.


    Would this break the eligibility of "lawfully resident in Australia for a reasonable period, normally two years"?



  2. Hello all,


    I got my Australia PR granted this week. And I am the only child of my parent.


    Can my parent start applying 143 now?


    I am confused because on immi website:


    it mentions "your child must have been lawfully resident in Australia for a reasonable period, normally two years"

    So does it mean that even I am PR, I need to stay another two years in OZ, then my parent can start applying?


    Can someone clarify this?


    Thank you so much. :)

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