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Posts posted by christoallan

  1. Hi guys, can anyone please help me! At my absolute wits end with AHPRA. 7 months and counting.


    Because I did the nursing diploma as opposed to the degree in the UK, they're asking....


    Every applicant applying for registration as a registered nurse (Division 1) in Australia, is required to meet the NMBA’s minimum education requirement of a bachelor degree or comparable qualification together with experience, to be eligible for registration as a registered nurse (Division 1) in Australia


    "In order to determine if your qualification together with your experience is comparable to an Australian bachelor degree, please provide the following: Certified evidence of additional education (either post-graduate or professional course in relevant field) or certified evidence of anyprofessional development courses you have undertaken since gaining your registration "


    Now, I have sent them everything I have. I have very good references and over 5 years neurosurgical and neuro interventional-radiology experience.




    Obviously they're the most difficult bunch of idiots to contact, donotreply@AHPRA and all the rest of it. I'm absolutely sick to death.


    PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! :-S


    Chris, Sydney x

  2. Hi guys, just (finally) about to fire the application off to AHPRA, does anyone know if there are any guidelines of how to send it, for example registered post? Ive looked all over the website but I cant find any info! Sorry if I sound daft, just don't want to fall at the final hurdle


    Thanks, Chris :)

  3. Hi All,


    Just a bit confused about the fees for the Nursing registration, it has three sections - application, registration & assessment fee. I've looked at the fee schedule on the AHPRA site but this doesn't really shed any light on it (not too surprisingly).


    Any help with this would be much appreciated, Cheers.

  4. Hi!

    Is anyone aware if I'm supposed to send copies of my GCSE certs with the application, it doesn't seem to state and worryingly I have lost them! I have my A-Levels certs from the same school and a letter stating that the school (but not mentioning my name) teach and assess in English. Anyone clued up on this stuff? IELTS would have been so much less hassle!!!


    Thanks, Chris

  5. With reference to the statement of service we must provide, I've worked for several hospitals of the last 5 years. Does anyone know if they want a statement of entry from each hospital or just my current employers?


    This forum is AMAZINGLY helpful. I think I would be on the verge of meltdown if you weren't here!!

    Many thanks, Chris

  6. The uni is right, part of the application form states that you have to have the transcript sent direct to the AHPRA office you will be sending your application to. Just put a little note in your application to say that is what is happening. My university are currently drawing up mine and are sending it straight to the office. It has taken my uni over a month so far to do it though, funnily enough they took the money within the first week!!


    So would I be able to get the uni to send it, even though I haven't sent any other application parts off just yet? This whole thing is baffling!!

  7. Hi, anyone able to help me here?!?


    I was "delighted" to pay the University £120 for my transcript, but they're saying that they normally send it straight on the the Australian health board, I was under the impression that I'd just submit it with the rest of my documents. Anyone able to shed any light on this?? Many thanks, Chris :)

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