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Posts posted by RioMarina

  1. Hi 


    Great to hear of your successful move. Could I ask how you managed to obtain flights. I have registered with Defat but have not heard anything. My visa expires in November and i am at my wits end trying to secure flights. .Good luck and  I would very much appreciate any shared experience of getting flights.   Rio

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  2. Hi All

    I was gratefully awarded a 1Year RRV last November and presently based in the UK. I have tried to return to OZ, but have been unable to secure flights  due to Covid restrictions and my visa expiry date (Nov21) is quickly getting closer. Is there any other persons in the same situation with any solution to this problem or any agents that could help me either return or have experience of getting an extension. I have now been out of OZ for more than 5 years now, so I am worried that I would not be allowed to apply for a new RRV. Many Thanks Rio.

  3. How can you say im complaining about standards??????? What i am complaining about is the lack of information available for the correct route to gaining your A license. When i did the Vetasses in 2008, the Assesor of the practical exam even told me how much of a nightmare it was gonna be to find out what your next step is. Vetasses sent me a letter to say you will need to do gap training at a college to get your level 3 (if you went down that route). Most colleges i emailed in Queensland had never even heard of Vetasess, never mind what was to be done next for the gap training. Yes the standards are high and we obviously need to be re-trained to there regulations and way of doing things. Im happy with that and willing to do it. But There s little clarity.


    I have a friend who applied to energy safe who in turn told him he needed to do gap training. He went to CET to do his 2 week course. when he completed the course he asked the Lecturer about the gap training in which he replied "what gap training" 3 weeks later he got his A licence from the very same place that told him he would need to do gap training???!!


    maybe you can tell us what you had to do and then i can add a like to the few you have.

    No probem I had to show my competence as an electrician to enter Australia. On landing I then had to prove my elecrical status through ATR as an electrical mechanic then I had to sit an Exam theory and practical and then I got the A grade. Now employed by Energy safe as a licencing officer. Good luck

  4. Hi Pal


    Dont quote me on this but i ve heard recently that you can apply to energy safe from the uk. They send you the acceptance letter. you then have a restricted license and have to do a log book which gets signed of by an A grade electrician while you do different types of work. Once the log book is done you can then progress to do the gap training at one of the colleges such as CET then once you succesfully pass that you can apply for your A license. this process can take between 6months to a year??? very strange process....


    The other process i ve heard is that you apply to energy safe and receive your acceptance letter, go straight to the two week course at CET or other college then when passed you get your a license in a few weeks???? Dont really know whats going of mate. Theres so many conflicting storys on it that im affraid you probably wont find out until we start the process over there mate.


    When its all done and we have our A grades we can meet up get very drunk and laugh at all the bull **** we have had to go through to get out there and start bloody work!!!


    If anyone who know s the process can clarify on here how it actually is, I would be bloody dam grateful. Me heads a shed!!:wacko:

    Why complain about local standards when your coming from far a field. Respect what the australian authorities do as this is a system that recognises proper electricians who have had proper training, proper apprentices and a standard that has to be met. It took me 5 months to get my licence but you cannot complain about the standard that has to be met. By the way I have recently heard that electricians that came here 3 months ago still do not have the required A grade card.

  5. hey karl ...have u tried getting into the smaller minesites ?? my o/h did 6 months in boddington ....and then applied through an agency for working up north ....he is now in hope downs .....[newman ] .....and earning those big bucks u talk about lol ....it does take time and a lot of money to get all the right licences etc .....but he has found that its not what u know but who u know .....saying that he has been an excavator operator for nearly 30 yrs so does have a bit of savvy about him ....stick at it ...im sure summit will come along ....if u want any contacts feel free to pm him


    cheers mrs keily



    Thanks Rio

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