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Posts posted by debgav

  1. Hi Dale and Lauren

    i have permanent residency but I’m currently back in UK, been here a year. I am flying back to Queensland in 4 weeks, I have applied for several jobs and heard nothing back yet I have 9 years experience and previously worked as a nurse when I was over there. I have also applied to agencies to be told until I am actually in Australia companies do not want to know. So I am flying back alone in the hope once I get there I will get a job. Good luck to you both.

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  2. I applied for my nursing registration with AHPRA in November 2013, after 6 months of gathering further information for them because of a change in guidelines, I was notified in August 2014 my application had been rejected. I was currently living in Brisbane at the time with a permanent residency. I was told i could appeal which i did and it had to be entered by 31st October 2014, since then it has been withdrawn from panel twice. It was meant to go again on 5th March but up to yet Ive heard nothing. Im now back in the UK because i couldnt work in OZ with no registration. Is anyone else going through the same? Im so frustrated and desperate to get back over there. My appeal was rejected because I have a diploma and not a bachelor degree which you now need. but if they had told me this in the first instance i could of upgraded while iv wasted all this time waiting to hear from them.

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