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Posts posted by dundeeboi82

  1. Good Morning Everyone!!!!!


    What a fantastic day it is today - not only is it my first day off work for the Xmas Break (not back til the 4th) and I think we will get the missives on our house sale concluded this week, but woke up this morning to a


    DIRECT VISA GRANT (22/12/11)!!!!!!! :chatterbox::chatterbox::chatterbox:


    Even though I was hoping it would come through before Xmas, I'm still in shock - good shock might I add!!!


    Just as a bit of additional info, e-mail came in from a senior CO from Team 2 and my first entry date is 04 November 2012, which was the date my front loaded meds were finalised. Also, on the 'Electronic Application Status Page' my application still says 'processing commenced' and all documents still show as required, however under each person it say 'Applicant approved' and the visa entitlement details are there - so guys, don't panic if you don't see any movement on this page, it means nothing!!


    I want to thank everyone in this forum (and the last one Tania!) as it's been a real lifeline - I'm heading away to visit family over Xmas so won't be on, but will definitely pop back in when I'm back to see how everyone else is doing!!!!



  2. eurghhh....I'm going to have to wean myself away from Bpremji's google spreadsheet - I'm staring at it like I'm waiting for paint to dry.......the pink line is sooooooooo close, only 1 peep between me and it - I feel like taking bets to see if we have any movement on the visa this side of Xmas or the other!! lol :eek:


    Plus just spent three hours cleaning for tomorrow morning - buyer's bank surveyor coming round to do their own valuation on our house, after waiting for two weeks for them to get their finger out....please ohhh please say the same as the one we have so we can get these bloomin' missives concluded before Xmas and before I go gaga!! lol :biglaugh:

  3. I haven't seen the changes on the website coz I've been using the android app, but now i'm intrigued to see it!


    Just think of the website change as a trial run for us all moving to Oz...things will look a little different for a while, might not be able to find everything we've been used to, occasionally you will wish it was the old way, but ultimately, you'll learn to love it and will wonder why you ever thought the old one was good!!!


    Oh and good morning everyone! Lol :)


    Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

  4. Well guys...


    We finally bit the bullet and told our bosses on Saturday of our plans!!! It went way better than I ever expected and whilst they are very sorry to see us go (we both work for same company, so it was a double whammy), they are also happy for us and completely understand why we're doing it.


    So now we're on the countdown for our last 8 weeks of work eeeeekkkkk :eek:


    House sale paperwork still going through, but fingers crossed there's no hurdles with it and then we move out the week after we leave our jobs....this is all becoming wayyyy to real now!! lol


    Off out now, but I'm sure I'll be back on later to get a second fix of favourite forum!!lol :tongue:

  5. Hey ,,, New to this , so please provide a warmish welcome !!!!


    So our stats are as follows -

    . skills assessment - jan /11

    .ielts - may/11 - score -9

    .175 app sent 4th july -awaiting c/o


    Sorry if ive put these in the post instead of correct area ,, give me a few trys to crack this...


    So we are a gay couple and wandering if there is any body else upping and leaving and hopefully heading Melbourne way ? If so we will be happy to join any threds and trade advice or just pure goodwill ....


    Ta ,, Julee and caroline x:rolleyes:


    Hi Julee and Caroline, welcome to the thread!! I'm sure Tania and Bpremji will be along shortly to get your details so you can add your full details and join us properly!


    We're also a gay couple (opposite sex than you pair I'm guessing going by your names!) and we're also upping and leaving and heading to Melbourne - not sure which part yet, but that's all part of the fun!! We applied on 14 June 2011 so not too much difference between us either.


    Feel free to drop me a message - only on for a quick five mins to get my daily fix of PiO and then we're heading out for dinner to celebrate our 12th anniversary - the past few weeks have been very eventful for us!!lol


    Good luck and welcome again!! :biggrin:

  6. Does this mean you have a CO??????


    Alas no!! However I've front loaded absolutely everything I could possibly think of in the entire world that they might ask for (had almost 60 documents, some with like 10/20 pages lol), so I think I meet the 'waiting room' criteria! lol :biglaugh:


    Keeping my fingers crossed for a straight grant now once they reach us June applicants, which I really don't think is too far round the corner! :eek:

  7. what list?? my pcc's aren´t anywhere to be seen!! should I be worried? perhaps my agent forgot to upload them?? please share



    Don't panic!! Exactly as bpremji has said, it's on the bottom of the uploaded list, not in the Visa Status page anywhere!! :biggrin:

  8. knock knock....knock knock....is there room for two more little ones in the waiting room please and thank you? :cute::biggrin:


    Tania/bpremji could you possibly update my status to show PCCs have now been frontloaded please (better put 26/11/11 as thats the date its showing on the doc list!).


    I expect to be in this waiting room for a while, until at least January - shall I bring some tinsel for the Christmas tree to brighten the place up?lol :biglaugh:

  9. Arghhh what a crazy 7 days it's been! :wacko:


    Last Thursday i was under serious pressure to get five deadlines done before 5pm as i was going off for three days to visit family...rushing out the door to go and get packed at home and bosses call me back for an 'important chat' - needless to say i started panicking, thinking 'they've found out we're going, argghh!' .... low and behold, they offer me a promotion! needless to say i skirted round the issue coz i didnt want to say 'no i'm leaving' so said i needed a few days to think about it.


    thats part one lol


    got back to work on wednesday and managed to be in meetings all day and avoid speaking to the bosses lol, but while i was doing that we got bookings for two viewings on our house that night. night came and two viewings later, the second viewer came back to the door five mins later and offered us the asking price and a flexible move out date!! all got confirmed today so waiting to finalising missives already!


    now we're formulating our resignation letters, argghhh its all so mad! police checks are apparently on their way so we'll soon be in the waiting room too! plus trying to get car mot and service sorted plus three family birthdays eeekkk :arghh: and our 12 year anniversary is on monday too, gotta buy a present! lol


    It sounds kinda crazy (probably anlopa's madness rubbing off on us all) but I can smell my exciting new future just round the corner - all i need now is the golden ticket rubber stamp to top things off!!


    fingers are always crossed for everyone else!! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

  10. guess which muppet forgot to sign the cheque in the police checks app? Nope, not kermit or miss piggy, that would be me! :embarrassed:


    got our emails from them last night to say apps had been received, and then OH got phone call from them today to say about it. Mine was fine, i just sealed his envelope before getting him to sign it lol


    and then tonight, i get the new cheque ready to send and almost sealed the envelope again without getting him to sign it! :goofy:


    i think i need a holiday, this whole process is making me lose my mind lol

  11. As I like to keep thinking positive I guess we will just have been stuck in rented property all this time so once I get my visa granted then hopefully I will get a buyer for my house :wink: positive thinking positive thinking positive thinking :biglaugh:



    Gotta love the P.M.A. Tania!! :biggrin: Everything does happen for a reason, so I think you might be right!! Good luck, and good luck to everyone next week for some more good progress!!! :biggrin:

  12. We put our house on the market 3 years ago :arghh: when we lodged our visa and every year we have had a new estate agent so now we are on our fourth and hoping these can actually sell for us



    Ok you have definitely more reason to shout than we do!! :chatterbox: would you consider renting out so you can move to Oz, or are you like us, and need the money that's tied up in the property? It's such a horrible thing to go though on top of al the other visa stuff!!


    I just can't fathom tho why people don't turn up - I just couldn't do that, my conscience wouldn't allow me....even if it was something major that meant i couldn't turn up, I'd probably still find someway of going round to at least apologise. Perhaps I just need to toughen up a bit lol :confused:

  13. Ahhh i know how you feel, we are about to put our house on the market and i'm really not looking forward to it. We only moved here 3 years ago, so the last house move horroh is still fresh in my mind:goofy: Oh BTW, my hubby don't listen to me either:mad::realmad:


    good luck and hope you get a buyer very soon :hug:


    Cheers Eng32, and good luck with getting the house on the market too!! I remember the 2 weeks of solid DIY and cleaning to get ready for the agents coming round! I don't have any kids so luckily just cleaning up after myself and the OH, but I have two cats who seem determined to wreck everything as soon as I've cleaned....dirty paws prints all over my clean worktops is giving me continued nightmares haha :arghh:

  14. I don't feel I can be excited when we get our visa granted as like you the house we still haven't sold and I know what you mean with the cleaning and the hours you put in :arghh:, I have just given notice to my local estate agent and trying a new approach with a company called express estate agents they recon they can sell your house within the 12 weeks they will advertise it also they put it on at a really low price and put offers in access of and this is suppose to get the viewers through the door!! so I am now hoping that these can sell my property.



    How long has yours been on the market for Tania? I have heard about express estate agents too, so might be worth keeping them in mind if it gets to a point that I need to get to Oz or I'll lose my mind!! I know up in Scotland the sales techniques are slightly different, and ours is on at an offers over amount, but we'll be happy for the price or a bit less! Houses do seem to be selling here, so I think it's just a case of waiting and seeing!


    The house sale, once the people sign the paperwork, will also be the trigger for us handing in our notice at work, so there's so much hinging on it! I know we could drop the price and probably get a few interested, but I suppose I should leave it for another month or two and hope we get the price we want!


    And I think you will still get a bit excited and want to celebrate when you get the visa - do what we've done - have two bottles of champagne (btw Sainsburys have them on offer at the mo!) chilled, so one can be for getting the visa, and the other one for selling the house!! lol :biggrin:

  15. Hi guys

    I know this should be posted on a different thread but I feel you are all kinda my friends so wanted to put it on here.


    I can't believe how many negative things I'm hearing/reading about moving to oz lately. Like how expensive it is and quite a lot of people are returning to the UK etc. for example my friends have just moved to Adelaide and she emaile me saying that and i quote it's sooooo expensive to live out there, food wise etc!

    Don't get me wrong I'm still 100% committed to going I just pray that we don't go out there and can't survive and have to return :(


    I just want to hear some positive things I guess


    I know exactly what you mean!!


    We were at a neighbour's fireworks party last weekend, and we met the new people who moved in up the road who have just returned from...yup you guessed it, Australia! And Melbourne to boot (where we are thinking of heading). They only last 10 months - though it was clear it wasn't a mutual decision and the hubby seemed to still be a bit peeved by it all - though by the end of the night the wife was saying how she would perhaps go back and perhaps didn't really give it a proper try, but not to tell her hubby that! To be fair, they had three kids in tow, and I think they were surviving on around $55k for the whole family living in the berwick area - part of me thinks they were expecting the 'instant dream'.


    But I'm of the opinion that I've still gotta try it, or I'll end up regretting it!! :biggrin:


    On another note, and again probably should be posting in another thread, but how is everyone finding the 'house selling' side of the move? Ours has been up four weeks, and we had three viewers - a fourth booked for yesterday but they never showed up (totally raging coz I spent 5 hours cleaning that morning and cancelled other plans to accommodate their 'this is the only date and time we can come' demand! pfft! I just feel like the house, as must as I love it, is a real noose round our neck, and we can't properly start to think about the move until that happens.


    Sorry for the rant, but I need to shout somewhere, as the OH has stopped listening to me!! haha :jiggy::jiggy:

  16. Hi Tania!


    Couple of wee updates for our status....


    Destination: Melbourne

    Meds Finalised: 04/11/11


    Just getting Police Checks sorted to go tomorrow, but will wait til we get them back to confirm!!


    Bpremji, could you possibly update on the spreadsheet as well? Thanks!! :biggrin:


    Oh and good luck with the house viewing tomorrow - I know how you feel, just spent the last 2.5hrs cleaning as well!! We've had ours up for 3 weeks now, and had 3 viewings but no proper bites....fingers crossed this week brings some more news!!


    Oh and before I forget, think I'll join in on the prediction this time....I'll go for 3rd April...or if that's taken, I'll go for 6th April...and if that's taken, you'll have to come back to me so I can think again lol :laugh:

  17. I read that other at other medical centres need to strip off to undies for medicals. We didnt need to do that - thank god!:chatterbox:


    We got our visas granted today.:biggrin:


    Haha I better make sure I have my best undies on tomorrow just in case! Lol


    And super congrats!! When and where you heading? Are you lucky enough to get away before the miserable scottish winter weather kicks in? Lol


    Sent from my GT-I5800 using Tapatalk

  18. We were at Shawfair Park 3 weeks ago, dont worry about the registration forms they are just for their own records, just asks for who is next of kin, emergency contact and your medical practice address & number, also NHS number(I think - but my hubby didt put anything in it). They kept spelling my daughters name wrong in all there own forms.


    Dont stress, they said that our medicals would take about an hour each but we were out after 1 1/2 hrs.


    To take my daughters weight, they weighed me, then me and my daughter and subtracted the differance, very accurate.


    I took my daughters read book, for dates of immunisations etc.


    Thank you so much!! My OH kept saying don't worry I'm sure the form is nothing, but as I said before, this whole visa process is sending me doolalley! lol :biglaugh:


    At least tomorrow is a day off work, and perhaps a wee theraputic shopping session in Edinburgh after the meds!! Plus a decent lunch - we've been on constant exercise and small portions for the last month before the meds! haha


    Hope all is going well with your visa, and thanks again!! :biggrin:

  19. EEEEK!


    Need a bit of help everyone!!


    We have our Medicals tomorrow at the Spire Shawfair Park Hospital tomorrow morning. Firstly, the letters they said they sent out never arrived so had to arrange a second copy, which I got a few days ago. Just read through the letter tonight to make sure I have everything ready to take with us, and noticed the letter says 'Please check and sign the enclosed registration form and bring this with you to your appointment' - but guess what? There are no forms!!!


    Not going to be able to get hold of them til the morning (have sent them an e-mail as they seem to respond quite quickly to these, and never answer the phone) - I'm assuming they will give us a copy to sign when we arrive however if anyone else who has been to the Spire hospital for their medicals can remember exactly what information was needed in the form, I'd be grateful to know so that at least make sure I don't miss taking some vital piece of information (we're a 2 hour drive away so can't pop home for the info)!


    My blood pressure results are soooo going to be screwed up by the time I get there tomorrow!!! :arghh:


    Thank you any one who can help!! :eek:

  20. Oh and forgot to say....


    Did anyone see the posts in another forum from the 14 June 2011 175 applicant who said his online status had changed to 'Application being process further'?? I always thought this meant a CO had looked at your application in the background....but surely it can't be, can it?! Seems way too early, although I gather he has front loaded PCC and is using an agent, but hasn't submitted Meds....


    Answers on a postcard everyone!!lol :confused:

  21. Anyone taking any pets? You have idea of costs and quarantine arrangements?



    Forgot to say, super congrats on selling the house!!! We put ours on the market on Friday 14th, had one viewing last Tuesday which was promising, and had a second one tonight which I think went even better - not sure we can match your 3-week sale period, although I would absolutely love that to happen!!


    And the weird thing is - last Sunday I had this gut feeling we'd get a call from the agent about a potential viewing, and it happened the next day. Didn't get the feeling all week, until this Sunday night again, where I went into a crazed Mrs (or rather Mr) Mop phase at 10.30pm to get the house looking spotless - and low and behold, we get a call today about the second potential viewing this morning!


    Either I'm turning phychic, or this whole visa process is sending me doolaley!! :jiggy:


    Aiming for lotto numbers next....perhaps we should have a 'Cat 4' syndicate and try and help us all get that bit of extra money for the move out!!lol

  22. Anyone taking any pets? You have idea of costs and quarantine arrangements?


    We're going to be taking our two 3-year old cats with us - they are our 'babies' and I ain't going anywhere without them!! We would leave them if there was a family member or close friend we trusted would take care of them, but all the 'cat' people we know already have their hands full with their own cats!! I suppose the other way we see it is that we took responsibility for them from when they were just kittens in the Cats Protection and we are all they've known, so we will do whatever we have to to bring them over and keep them with us. Though I understand why some people do have to leave their pets behind and I'm heartbroken for them!!


    Plus our two are already house cats so should settle in to the Oz way, which I understand the majority seem to be house cats out there with so many of these cat curfews around!! Plus they'll be the perfect spider catchers for us!!lol

  23. Ah I really  this thread. It really is so nice to be able to speak to ppl who are in the same positions as each other and get and give advice. Everything I get an email to say some1 has written smth on here I can't wait to get on here & read it.


    Really do wish us all the best of luck :)

    You should get the mobile phone app for pomsinoz and be sad like me and check all the messages on the way to work in the morning!lol

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