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Posts posted by loubeany

  1. Everything sounds good for you Lou and welcome back to our green land but I cant wait to go the other way as soon as my visa kicks in......



    Thanks and I am sure you will have the best time in oz .. Just remember it's always tough at first. My advice would be to join as many groups and get involved with lots of stuff as quick as possible. Once you arrive in oz you only then realise how huge it is. Saying all that its been a great 4 years for me .. I have no complaints at all. :) good luck and enjoy

  2. I like Devon from the visits I've had there. Wonder what it is like living in for an outsider though? Appledore and that general area for example. I can fully understand those from the county wanting to return.

    Definitely will be a change that's for sure. I will be living in tavistock which is a bigger market town so you have a good mix of people. It's also good for commuting to plymouth and Exeter. I love devon it's such a great place and the food is awesome ! :) I intend to get involved with the local amenities as quickly as I can :wink: plus I have friends there so that helps too..

  3. Thank you :) and you are so right loubeany, what's life all about it you don't give it a go. I grew up in Devon so know that it is a lovely place to be heading to, sometimes its only when you've been away you appreciate what you've always had xx

    You are spot on miley, it's true the grass isn't always greener but in this case after being on both sides I know which I prefer :) smashing :) best of British for anyone making the leap back !! X

  4. Wishing you all the very best for the future loubeany, home is where the heart is eh? Let us know how you get on, we are returning in July.


    Be happy, xx


    absolutely home is where the heart is and the "dog" :) I will definitely do my damnedest to be as happy as humanly possible :)


    good luck yourself and don't forget ... Travel makes us only richer in life, it never does any harm to try eh ;)

  5. Hi


    just wanted to put it out there that after 4 fun years in WA I am going back to the uk ( devon)


    it was a tough decision as I am separating from my husband ( who is still my closest friend )


    i am am so happy to be leaving now and can't wait to get back. I recently read a great blog about family moving back to U.K from Sydney as they felt bored and there wasn't enough to hold them in oz, inc missing family. All these reasons are so relevant to me along with the culture and greener landscape I miss.


    I weighed up wall to wall sun verses cloud rain and sun ( along with seasonal changes ) and for me it was no contest.


    I havent enjoyed the searing heat and flies. I don't get the overblown BBQ and beach ethos, it's not that big I have to say.


    i miss local markets and the serious revolution that's going on Europe side, I missed hopping on a plane to Europe and all the history beneath my feet.

    So yes I am happy to leave, obviously they are under somewhat sad circumstances ( relationship ending ) however with all the talk of closed mindedness recently ( Australian side ) it will be interesting to see just how much poms do moan when I return in 2 weeks time.


    if anyone wants any advice or tips on movers or pets, money moving, all the processes you have to go through to return please ask away. I have sent a container home and my dog will depart a couple of days after me. I have sent money back. Sold cars. Booked many hire services and even rented a house with the aid of a friend back home. Wish me luck :)

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