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Posts posted by doglover

  1. Hi coyne family, i was just wondering the steps your oh went to complete the peer course work book, revision week? Im from dublin too so it would be nice to know the route a irish sparks took. Congrats to your oh on gaining all is oz quailifications and all the best on the move, hopefully with a bit of luck i'll be fellowing in your footsteps



  2. Fair play to you derren, I'll be getting the ball rolling on this very soon. Yeah the artc form is going to take a bit of thought and time to make sure everything possible is put into it, but should be ok. Hoping to make the move in the next six months with everything going to plan. Thanks again for your help i'll keep posting my experience with this route.



  3. My name is dan,


    my story is a bit different then most on here.


    I emigranted to oz in 2003 with my family from ireland.


    But at the time i was 19 only finished secondary school and the change was too much for me, so i came home to ireland in 2004 and completed my 4 year apprentiship as an electrician.


    I plan to move back to oz at the end of the year.


    I got my resident visa renewed without having to use my quaification.



    My family live on the central coast in NSW i thought you were the best people to speak to about gain the A license for NSW.

    I've read all pages on the thread only took me three evenings :GEEK:.

    Should i get the ARTC and the workbook for PEER before i arrive back in oz. Then Go to SA for the exam when i arrive. If this route still stands. Is it hard to change the SA to a NSW license??


    I really want to have the license sorted as soon as i can when i arrive, as i dont have heaps of savings.


    If anyone could help me i would be very greatful.

    Thank you for your time,


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