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Counting Stars

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Posts posted by Counting Stars

  1. I really feel for you. You obviously love your son very much. Have you got other family around you as well or any other children? Is he going to be coming back to visit (something to focus on?)


    Are you on Skype etc? Although it's not the same as being in person it is a wonderful tool to keep in touch Xxx

  2. Hi I have the same and just passed the medical For NZ Very similar medical done by the same paneldoctors

    One of the questions I was asked was " Was I a twin" and the answer is Yes I am a twin apparently its quite common in twins so they disregard it

    But just incase I had the letter from my local Hospital where I had been 7 yeard earlier to have it investigated So if it had been a problem would have just shown letter that said it had been looked at and nothing Horrible found Hope this helps


    That's really informative because my husband has had it for a couple of years now, they can't find any cause for it and he's a twin lol xx

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