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Posts posted by Ike

  1. Hey Guys, long time member here. Granted I haven't posted in a while, but it's always nice to drop by and say hi!

    I did a post similar to this a while back, since then so much has changed!  So rolling back a few years to the beginning of our mega journey.....

    Back in 2009 after being together for some years, my Fiance and I decided it was time to buy our first house. We earned a modest amount of money, myself being a Welder and her being a Manager. So one would expect it wouldn't be to much trouble to pull together the money for a deposit. WRONG.  You see this was smack bang in the middle of the Global Financial Crisis, and if you didn't have a 40% deposit you just got laughed out of the bank. 
    Instead of getting Angry we decided to take a different path and leave the weather and the prospect of not getting our mid 2 bedroom terrace house behind. 

    After 18 months of saving and planning, in 2011 we quit our jobs, took a one way flight and flew to Sydney on a WHV. 

    It was all fun and excitement leading up to us leaving, then as we walked to the Taxi Rank outside Sydney Airport, with nothing more than 2 suitcases and a pocket full of money - we sh*t our selves. We had a hotel booked and that was it. People said we was mad, just stepping into the unknown, and told us  'at least you can say you had a go' when it doesn't work out. We was beginning to think the same.

    After a few days in Sydney, we decided to head north, so we hired a car and went to Newcastle. We decided that we would set up base here, try to find work and a place to rent. Prior to us moving, we both lived with my Fiances Parents, so we had no rental history. Coupled with the fact that we didn't have jobs either this made it impossible to find a rental, and stress was starting to kick in.

    Newcastle was proving real difficult, so we looked further afield and found a Unit in a Place called Port Stephens. We knew nothing about the area, but we was desperate. The Landlord offered it us on the basis that it was a 3 month Lease, paid up front, plus Bond. If we didn't trash it and we had jobs after that they will give us another lease.

    With funds running very very low, I managed to find a few weeks work back in Newcastle. The few weeks turned into a few months, and when the 6 month limit was coming up they offered me a 457 Visa to stay and work with them.

    When the 457 was granted we decided that this was finally a good time to get married. The family came for the Wedding, and as hard as it was for them when we left, when they seen what we had achieved and they could be nothing but proud. They was blown away with where we loved. 

    Fast forward 4 years, my employed offered to sponsor me on a 186 ENS. The Application was lodged in December 2015, and we became permanent residents a in June 2016.

    After much saving we bought our first house in August that year.  Then the realisation of what we have achieved really kicked in. The disappointment of not being able to afford that mid terraced house back in the UK is long gone. I am now sat typing this in my very own 4 Bedroom house, with 2 living areas and a double Garage, all of which is literally 5 minutes walk away from the beach. 

    Summertime is coming, the days a getting longer, as a weekend hobby I teach Scuba Diving in one of Australias greatest places, Port Stephens. This is literally living the dream. 

    When we take in to consideration that we don't have any family living over here, and didn't know a single person when we arrived we feel so proud. 

    The Icing on the cake was in June this year when we got the news that we are expecting our first child. Watch out Australia, in February 2018 your latest citizen arrives! 

    My point in all this is not just to tell a nice story, but to show that anything is possible if you try hard enough. It's been the scariest, most terrifying few years of my life, but also to best in my life!


    I have people from the UK telling me how lucky we are.....

    ....We aren't lucky, we just worked hard. We don't have rich families, and never had well paid jobs.


    We just took a chance and worked hard, and are still pinching ourselves that it's real.

    • Like 15
  2. Mate it is the real TEST of our Patience. Im so much devastated. Even if i get pr, the stress im going through will never be forgotten. Its a circus what immi doing to us


    Hey Buddy, just checking in to see how you are getting on. I still can't believe you haven't been grant yet!


    What an absolute piss take,

  3. Good morning guys, is immigration slowing down at the moment? Didn't see the grants from last few days, hope they gonna clear all the files till December, by end of financial year.


    nomination & Visa -15 Dec 2015

    nothing yet, but prepared to wait till end of June.


    It actually seems to have gone the opposite recently and sped up. I lodged on the same day as you and the visa got granted on Tuesday this week. Sit tight, your are days away!


    I've added you to the spreadsheet, feel free to add any additional info.



  4. Hi all.


    Our PR was granted today at Lunch time.


    It has been literally 6 months to the day since Visa and Nomination were lodged. It went straight through to granted, with no Docs requested.


    Best of luck to everyone who is still waiting.



    This Forum has been invaluable for us since we came over backpacking in 2011. Thank you to everyone!

  5. Is form 80 compulsory for everyone now ......pls let me know bcz my ma told me no need of form 80 nowdaysss ....pls let me knoww


    Regardless of whether it is compulsory of not, is it not worth doing one anyway? Just in case they want one down the line, and as a result possibly delaying your application.

  6. Hi All,


    Good news to share. My PR was approved Yesterday morning. Received Surprise call from MA and heard Magical words "Your PR is approved".


    Details in my Signature.


    Wish you all Good luck and hope you guys get it soon..


    Congrats Milan! It seems Decembers applicants are ticking along nicely. Long may it continue!

  7. Hey Guys..good morning to you all..

    this morning I wake up with very good news, what a morning:chatterbox:

    MA called me and was saying Our PR has granted, my heartbeat was nearly stop, almost crying during the conversation.

    wasnt expecting at least till mid of May(my wife was saying we gonna have our PR by end of April)

    And this is My time line


    15/12/15--- Nomination And Visa lodge (3 months and 7 days )

    HR Country

    Hair & Beauty Salon Manager

    No document requested (as we summited everything and wasn't expecting to ask anyway)


    Guys also one more things, my MA was saying she had one approval just few weeks earlier that was granted within two weeks, so immi is not predictable at all...

    i pray for you all and I'm sure you all will get soon...

    this is a great forum to be here and supporting each other...Thank you all..

    specially Mark,Jazz, benny...


    im feeling like flying over the moon...:chatterbox:


    thank you guys again..


    Wow Binu, I've just realised you have had your visa Granted! I remember us talking about our applications being lodged on the same day. Congrats bud, very Jealous!

  8. Same timeline mate..I did lodge my Nomination and visa on 15 Dec as well,

    hope we will get good news by mid-end of May, seems like they are speeding up now..so finger crossed:wink:


    Seems so, if you look at the spreadsheet there are less and less applications, fingers crossed this is a reflection of applicants as a whole.

  9. I got the PR just now OMG cannot believe it :)
    Hi all, Just got call from MA that my PR is approved! 6.5 months waiting finally came to close. Phew! I'd say people in WA center are angels. Thank you all for your support and help along the way!
    Hi Everyone.I would like to inform you that i got PR yesterday.I rang immi yesterday and a very polite and well mannered lady answered my call.She advised me that someone will look into my file next month.I was very disappointed but just after 20 mins my MA text me to inform that my nomination has been approved and exactly after 30 mins she rang me to tell the very good and long waited news.I hope everyone will get their PR very soon especially Peppa.Good luck Peppa my prayers are with you :)




    TOOK 6MONTHS 10 DAYS...:wink:


    That's a lot of grants! Congrats guys :-)

  10. I've not really had much to comment so far on this thread, just taking a back seat and reading the comments. Congratulations to everyone who got granted their PR in the late Christmas influx. Hope everyone has a great Christmas, what an exiting year 2016 is going to be for the rest of us!

  11. Hey guys, been a while since I've been on.


    I joined the 186 waiting club yesterday with both my application and nomination being lodged on December 15th.


    It's been quite a journey, from us arriving on a working holiday back in 2011, 'just to see what happens', to now us applying to become residents.

    I'm applying as a Boilermaker, and it's being processed at the Parra office.

    Here we go :-)

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