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Posts posted by mdmx33

  1. Migration agents I've rang just want to either get a holiday visa or subsequent on my 489, really not giving me a strategy. As you can tell this is not a short term plan and not entirely straight forward. I could get her a subsequent, but if she spends time out of the country over so many days will it not prevent her applying with me for the 887. Does her two years start from scratch or does is run concurrent with mine.

  2. If you were married or in a de facto relationship a subsequent entrant visa would be an option.


    Thanks for that. If I were to get married in three weeks, would I need to get her added to the 489 or can I wait for the 887. Reason I say this. I work away and every other swing go to my house in Thailand, I don't want to make her sit at home for 3 weeks. Once my 887 is granted I'm happy to then work back in Perth and start a proper family life.


    Is it possible to get a multiple entry tourist visa so she could visit me every other swing instead so she can discover Australia

  3. G'day PIO!


    I've been here in WA on firstly a WHV in 2012 then onto my 489 Skilled Provisional Visa. This visa was granted in June 2013 whilst I was already here and working. I failed to get a regional job and had to quit my good job in Perth. Instead of being unemployed, August I took an offer to go contracting back in the UK. Fast forward to January, I had an offer to come back and work in Port Hedland, so I took it and moved down to Mandurah working 3/1 on the Roy Hill project. From 2012 until now I've been seeing a beautiful women who I asked to marry me, to my delight she accepted. I've known her since 2007 but our old relationship ended in 2009, she is Thai and has a daughter of 3 which she has sole custody.


    my question are,


    what visa can she apply for?


    If we get married whilst I'm still a temporary resident on my 489 will it hinder my chances of gaining the 887 after 2 years? Or will I still be able to apply. My ideal scenario is that she gets added to my visa now. However with me working 3/1 it doesn't seem fair to bring her here away from her support network to live in a foreign country on here own. Once my 887 is granted I'll come back to work in the CBD so it won't be an issue.



    i was hoping to get married in May this year.


    any advice guys would be greatly appreciated. I've tried migration agents who have really not been very helpful, so I was hoping someone on here may have more knowledge that that can share for free.


    I don't have the patience or time to do the visa applications myself so will use an agent when we apply.

  4. so if I go and work in the NT when I come to apply for my PR the fact I worked/lived in NT but was sponsored by WA should have no bearing on the outcome of the decision? Is it just a case of go and do it or do I have to fill out forms etc

  5. Hi Guys


    Just looking for some information on my moral obligations under WA state sponsorship. I was granted a 489 end of May while onshore. I've been trying to get work in regional WA for 6 months now with no luck at all. I want to live in WA however working here at the moment outside of Perth is proving impossible. I've been offered many jobs but they are all in Perth which is no good to me. I took the 489 under the advice of the dept. of migration WA as my occupation was being taken off the list in a the next few weeks of the phone call.


    I've read many posts which say different things and quite often refer to the PR visas. My visa is a provisional and don't want to prevent myself from being able to convert it to after working in regional for two years. In terms of my visa condition 8539 it does not specify any region or state in particular. Can I move to NT, SA or Tas for example where any area is classed as regional. What information will the DIAC request when I try to gain PR in regards to my obligations.

    I am very lucky to receive a visa and I am totally grateful, please don't beat me up as my intention was to stay in WA where I have all my friends and some family. Moving to another state was never really even considered until a week ago. I would move back to WA at the earliest opportunity if it was right to do so.


    Thanks Guys


    I really do appreciate any serious advice anyone can give.

  6. I'm reading this with interest. I have a 489 visa which is regional sponsored by WA. Will it effect me when I were to apply for the 887 if I didn't fulfil my commitment to WA? I can find any work in WA and soon will run out of money. I had a great job here but it wasn't regional and now up in the creek without a paddle so to speak. Looking like I may need to go back to the UK unless I can start looking interstate.

  7. I've got a WA 489 visa and have really struggled to get work. I had a great job in perth but have to leave it because its not regional. I've applied for 100's of jobs and got no phone calls whatsoever. Running out of money pretty fast. Now I've been offered a job to work in the UK on a 6 month contract working offshore on the rigs. I really need the cash, where do I stand rev entering in 6 months. Is running out of money sufficient excuse to leave and return?

  8. He is a migration agent! That's the frustrating part, no one can give me a straight answer. I work for a company which head office is in Perth. However I work in regional areas and never enter the city limits for work purposes. However he is telling me the office has to be in regional. Just how many companies are based regionally? 99% of Wa ASX listed companies are based in the city.

  9. I'm 99.99% sure you can. As long as you can prove the 1 year.


    I've just been given my 489 which is a similar visa, how did you do the work. I'm being given information very frustrating by my migration agent.


    he says the COMPANIES office has to be in regional, so even me working for a city based company but living and working in a regional area full time as part of that companies business wouldn't be allowed. I cant see this, if that was the case, that would mean I could work for a regional based company in city centre Perth and it cant be right?

  10. I applied November 2012 and my visa was granted last week for my 489 provisional state sponsored visa. Rules regarding work and living arrangements are very difficult to find online.


    at the moment I live NOR which is not in regional WA. My visa was granted whilst I'm onshore, surely can't be expected to move instantly. When I look at the WA site it's says I have to live in area upon arrival. When I ask migration agent they say I can live for the two years at any time during the 4, same for the work.


    now for work, I'm able to work in mandurah for the company which I currently work for which IS regional but I've been told that similar to FIFO it wouldn't count towards the 'work period' unless the company is 'based' in regional. Surely this can't be right?? It rules out more jobs than I can imagine. Most companies on the larger scale are CBD based.


    this visa is very very constrictive! I'm so happy to be here but feel really up against it. Did a job search for construction in the area and a massive 4 jobs showed. Feel like I've been sold a fake t shirt for full price

  11. I hope you didn't write "wouldn't of" and "hadn't of" in your written test or they would fail you for sure.


    It is true that the grammar of many native english speakers is appalling, and I'm not surprised at all that so many of you have to sit the test multiple times.


    Of course not, I would not have I'm certain of it :-)


    The first test I took, the writing I found the most difficult. I passed it, didn't use paragraphs and the only grammar I used were full stops. I've never been great at writing, probably because I'm a lazy writer more than anything. Reading, which I found the easiest I actually fell short at 6.5. I was gutted, I'd finished it in 10-15 mins. Instead of checking through I foolishly went to sleep whist waiting for the test to finish. (Big night before)


    At the test centre I was one of two Caucasians (other was Russian, did speaking test same day) out of 200 people, most people were from Asian countries which don't have English as their first language. I guess this is who the test is aimed towards.

    Im led to believe that it's only been requested for UK passport holders during last decade, most likely due to the increase of UK passport holders not speaking English.

  12. For the academic I can't say. However for the general writing I just wrote when it told me to give my opinion on children being expelled from school, that in fact I had no opinion, and in fact I didn't care of the opinions of others either. Obviously I then went on to give what i thought to be differing other people's opinions on the subject.


    I didn't need to do the test in the end as I went for a different visa, however I'd paid for the resist so just did it for the sake of it. My frustration of missing my first test by 0.5 of a mark showed in my resit, it cost me a better class visa.


    I didn't stress, reading and listening can catch you out more than the writing, I found it good to physically go through the reading paper afterwords and mark it as an examiner, I founds lots of mistakes, no doubt wouldn't of passed if I hadn't of self marked.

  13. I work in HSEQ and my NEBOSH is fine. A degree is a degree, most OSH degrees are similar in the content. Australian law is very similar to that of the UK. The risk management systems all based on the same principles. Difference being you'll get paid lot more here. Are you CMIOSH? Smile search for OSH jobs on seek is reassuring. LinkedIn is good for HSE recruitment here too.

  14. Good morning :-)


    i have few questions regarding the work and living conditions of the 489. I put mine in back in November so I'm hoping for a decision soon.


    1. Living in regional for 1 year.......can this be made up of more than 1 period, such as living in perth between two stints of renting in the bush?


    2. Also does the work have to be consecutive, can I work 3 days a week regional and 2 days perth to accumulate my total days In just under 2 years?


    3. Do I have to have a formal rent agreement or can I rent a room, what kinds of evidence will they allow.


    4. Likewise, for work my company's office is in Perth, what evidence for working on our sites in regional do I need. Is this just a letter from the company?


    i really didn't want to apply for this visa but only visa I could apply for, my occupation was being took off the list before I had time to get eng,ish test done :-(. The lady in the state sponsorship office persuaded me to go for it.


    ive been n perth since June 2012 and have been in a good steady job since the July. Really don't want to leave so I will have to adjust my work/lvi g pattern to suit my job.

  15. I live in little Britain too haha.... Nice enough up here but because it's all new, I find there very little sense of community and feels very much like suburbia. The times I've been south if the river it has more of an established feel to it.


    Now as a welder I'd say lot of work Kwinnana way unless your after fly in fly out work. Commuting north to south is a pain in the arse, I drive into my office just in Balcatta few days a week and drives me nuts. Trains are ok leaving north on a morning as you atbthevend of the line, but coming back there worse than the London Underground. Me personally I'm looking at moving down to mandurah for visa reasons (489 in process)

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