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Posts posted by hitchers

  1. Well folks, was up all night last night trying to get my branch manager at ANZ to do a simple online transaction of $14000 to my daughters account. You would think I had asked her to break the law!

    I solved my problem by ("borrowing") 10k from our business account, transferring it to our personal account and then forwarding it to one of those foreign exchange dealers in London. 3 clicks of a mouse and it was done! Rubbish exchange rate but needs must!

    Are all Australian banks so behind with online banking? Can anyone recommend a bank that doesn't stop you spending your own money in amounts of $1000 or less per day?

    All advice gratefully received.................................Val x



    I have Westpac account and you can transfer 10k a day, for the second VAC I set up 4 consecutive payments


  2. Good morning,

    Just wanted to let you all know that we are having delays with the AOS. This has been the most frustrating part of the process so far. Our daughter went into Centrelink initially with all the correct documents etc and dutifully signed the forms. She was then given a date (2 weeks later) for a telephone interview. Two weeks later the phone call came to say that the person who'd carried out the initial checks had not done it correctly and the process had to be started again! That has been done and my daughter was told to expect a letter the following week. That was almost 3 weeks ago. After many days of trying to ring CL to check on this letter and the line being engaged, the call was answered today. Apparently we should never have been told that the letter would arrive in short time as there are lengthy delays and it will be at least 29th June before it is actioned. It's all so frustrating but at least we can see the finish line.


    If you can get this process started, perhaps it is worth getting it underway. Still no CO, I'll post as soon as we get one although I see 2 below us on the tracker have theirs. Good luck everyone.




    You are not alone with Centerlink problems, my lot submitted the AOS forms in early May, after three weeks had not heard anything, chased up and found that forms had been misdirected to the wrong department and would have to resubmit. Having done that they got the interview done but had two week wait for the forms to arrive in order to place the bond. It was at last lodged yesterday, how long before they inform Immigration is anybodys guess.

  3. Thanks for that Dave :biggrin:


    Did you withdraw the 103 before/after or at the same time as you applied for 143? It's deffinatly a route I'm considering :yes:






    You withdraw it at the same time, it is a section on the application that withdraws any other applications you may have. The application form is the same for both visas. You do not have to resubmit the certified documentation unless there have been any changes to circumstances. I just sent an e- mail to them asking what they wanted from me to change and I got a detailed reply back



  4. I've just remembered I'm sure I asked this question via email to the DIAC website and was told the time didn't count :eek:


    Can anyone else confirm it :biggrin:




    They can take it into consideration. I don't think you will get a firm answer as to how much etc. each case will no doubt be assessed at the time. In my case I applied for a 103 in April 2010. I then applied for a 143, withdrawing the 103 in April of this year, I got a case officer at the beginning of May. In the acknowledgement correspondence it stated that time served on the 103 could be given consideration, but there was no indication of how much or when. You pay your money and take your chanch



  5. One route, the route I have taken may suit your circumstances. It is a more expensive way but gives you more control. I applied for a 103 non contributory visa in early 2010. The time nor finances were right for a 143 application. I had no intention of waiting for the 15 years it would have taken. Earlier this year the it time was right to apply for a 143 contributory visa. The time waiting on the 103 was taken into consideration and I got a case officer within a few days of lodging the 143 application. It is more expensive as you have to pay he 1st fee again, but to be able to time it to my needs has made it worthwhile.

  6. I will hopefully be asked for the 2nd VAC in the next few weeks, and am still a bit unsure of best way to pay it. The good bit will be that it will be before any increase but on the other hand before the rate to pay in London is reset to reflect the current rate. I bank with Nationwide and i am not sure whether their bank draft is acceptable by DIAC. I have used HIFX to transfer sums to my bank ac in OZ. I remember reading in the past applicants using HIFX for the second VAC. I would be grateful for any suggestesions and experiences as best way to approach it

  7. Morning all,

    We are ready to apply for the permanent 143 after being granted a temp 173 last November. I am about to send our completed form 47PT to my daughter along with a blank sponsorship form 40 for her to fill in. It advises in the notes for form 47PT that if circumstances remain the same, proof documents are not required. Does anyone know if that also applies to my daughter? DIAC had all the certified copies of everything in 2010 when we applied and nothing has changed.

    It seems silly to go to all the bother and expense of getting more certified copies if it's not necessary. I know Linday recently did this application so perhaps if you read this Linday you might be able to help.

    Thanks in advance....................Val x



    I am currently going from a 103 to a 143 and the only docs required for the 143 and 40 are if any circumstances have changed. For my 143 the circumstances have not changed, my daughter has moved and now has a job, so certified copies in respect of this are being sent but not for things that have not changed


  8. We originally applied for a 103 and then switched to a 173 (Temporary CPV) application. They took the original date of lodgement of our 103 when allocating a CO, so yes, the time spent waiting on the 103 was taken into consideration. If you submitted your 103 early 2010 then I expect it would not be long before you are allocated a case officer.



    Thanks for the reply

  9. I submitted a 103 application back in early 2010, circumstances are now right for me to withdraw it and replace with a 143. I have been told by immigration at Perth that time waiting on the 103 list can be taken into consideration against the wait on the replacement application. Does anyone have any knowledge or idea if this "time served" is a) long enough to reduce any waiting and or b) what the time waiting for a CO is likely to be. The application will be lodged by the end of the month.

    thanks in anticipation.

  10. The length of time for the 103 queue is a moveable feast. Yes, taking the 2010/11 quota it is 20 years plus, however the quota for 2011/12 has been doubled to 2000. Also there is currently a review underway into cutting the number of all visa categories by half and parent visas are up for review, how this will pan out is anyone's guess. I suspect many have gone this route, myself included, as it gives one the opportunity to wait for an improved economic climate in relation to exchange rates (we hope) then one can convert to a 143.

  11. Talk about long queue waits .................. I applied in January 2003 as a (single) working parent, my daughter (an Aus citizen) is sponsoring me, under parent sub-clause 103. I was approved in May 2005 and put into the "approved parent queue" and told there were at that stage 13,800 approved parents ahead of me, that they only took 1,000 worldwide from the queue each year and that I should expect a long wait. No jokes, it is now June 2011 and here I am still in London! I check the queue every week, at the moment there are 2,390 ahead of me so I estimate I will be in the queue for another 2-3 years before my visa finally is granted. Yay! it is coming closer. Just hope I am still on the planet at that stage after having my life on hold so long:laugh:


    Are there any other folks like me in the UK also waiting in the slow queue? it would be so good to chat and count down the months (and years?) with others!


    Strong advice to other parents who will be applying: if you can afford the contributory parent visa (unfortunately I couldn't), most definitely go for that, avoid the sub-class 103 one, the Aus website warns of a twenty year wait in that now.


    I am in the 103 queue. I applied last spring and got a queue date of sept at 18000 in line. I was going to apply for a 143 but at the last minute went for 103 due to the deteriorating exchange rate. I took the view that I could still visit as often as I wanted and for as long but did not want to suffer a 30% depreciation in assets as well as a similar depreciation on my pension, I am 57 so have time on my side I hope!! Should the finical balance change I can always change to a 143. Quite simply it is the difference between going there and finding a bit of work or something to do that suits or going and having to work

  12. I was going to apply for a 143 but instead applied for a 103 so I was not in any queue at that time, I am 18,000+ on this one!!!!. As I understand it if I do go for the 143 in say 2 years time I have to pay the first VAC again but queueing time should count so a CO would be appointed reasonably quickly

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  13. I have not seen any discussion or thoughts on the board on the consultative process and DIAC aim of reducing and overhauling number of visas. This includes the current classes of Family Visas. Usually these processes have pretty firm ideas at the outset where they intend to go with it. The document is available on the DIAC site. Having some idea on the Governments thoughts would obviously be useful for folk making their plans. Personally I am in the queue for a 103, I changed my application from a 143 at the last minute a year ago when the dollar soared and the pound dived with the intention of switching to a 143 when and if the currencies came back near to that of a couple of years back. My plans could not take a 30% odd hit.

  14. is there anyone still considering the non contibutary parent visa,even though,it will take forever?

    Yes I applied for 103 in April, was going to go for a 143 but due to economic climate decided I wasn't going to go there and be poor. My intention is to wait for 3 or 4 years and switch to 143 when hopefully my assets will go further.

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