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Posts posted by attypodian

  1. Second stage processing for 309 visa started in September 2011. I submitted new application forms, the update of personal details and recent evidence and have now been asked for a new ACPO clearance which I have applied for.


    First stage was granted in November 2009.


    Hi fosseboy, when did they send you the paperwork for the second stage? I heard it's about 22 months after you first applied for the 309 visa. Do you just have to prove that the relationship continued for the two years, so more bank statements, stat dec etc?

    So you've been waiting for 5 months now... I wonder how long the second stage takes?

  2. Congratulations on your visa Gunshow! So sorry to hear about your mother in law. Congrats also on soon-to-be-born Mini-Gunshow.

    My OH and I are wanting to head to Brisbane... all depends on where we both get work, the process of which can start when he gets his visa!! Hopefully soooooon. Aim to move over around April 2012. We're liking the look of Brighton and will rent first when we get there to check it out. I'll be checking out PIO when we get there to find some British pals for my OH so he doesn't miss home too much.

  3. Visa granted today!

    Not expecting this quick, thought it would be another 2 weeks at the earliest (subclass 100. CO was WP)

    Now I need to sell the house!

    Thanks to everyone who answered my questions when I first applied and good luck to you all in getting your Visa's soon (especially Enaish, SamC, Attypodian, Jomac all on a similar time frame)



    Congrats Tracy! And thank-you. Tomorrow is the four month mark and must admit that this week I've been a little edgy!! (only cracked and checked OH's email once though) Not heading out till early-ish next year, but will be nice to have the visa in place all the same, and then OH can start looking for work (scary). We've just finished all the diy on the house, and it will be hitting the market on target for 1st September, I'm sure that'll be a whole other bucket of stress.

  4. OMG PR VISA GRANTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I just called to get an update and I was told that it was granted last Thursday. It looks like my e-mail was typed in wrong so he re sent it to my correct one.:biggrin: Granted just under four months. So so happy, phoned the husband and got him out of bed but this is one time that he didn't moan at me for ringing him at stupid o clock.


    I really, really want to thank every one for their advice and support, it has been very much appreciated. I'll still be popping in and out of the forum, so if anyone needs any advice just let me know.


    Looks like I'll be leaving blighty on 26th July, sooooo much to do.


    Good luck everyone and I hope you all get speedy grants.:spinny:


    Congrats Tillyloola!! My heart was thumping as I read that, c'mon DP grant my OH a visa too!


  5. Wow DP must have had a busy March! My OH applied at the end of March and we've got DP too. He requested some information a few weeks ago and we've sent that and not heard anything since. I'm thinking along the lines that no news is good news, so am just sitting it out until the magical email appears. Probably not worth bugging him to find out exactly when it'll arrive as we'll probably be here till Feb-May 2012 (well, it would be *sensible* for us work wise to stay here till then, my sanity however may have made off by then).

  6. Hi All


    Has everyone had a receipt for their payment? We've used an agent and as far as I'm aware neither we nor they have received a receipt. Payment was taken on 18th March.....


    Hi, we received a receipt. Case officer has to send back one of the pages of the application as we forgot to answer a question, and the receipt was in the envelope. He had also returned two of the passport photos and said to use these for the medical.

  7. Atty ......rotten egg no more! Congrats!


    I too managed to miss out a question - it wasn't number 82 as well was it??! Checked it over and over and still missed it out.

    Can anyone spread any light on why CO have returned 2 of my 4 photo's. Seems strange they ask for 4 and then don't use them all.


    Also, does anyone know if permanent visa's get granted any quicker than temporary ones?


    Yes! Question 82! Similarly double checked everything but it's the one that got away. I guess coz he's not lived anywhere other than England we just assumed that he didn't have to answer. Oh well, we weren't the only ones :-)

  8. Hello all!


    Atty, hang in there for the C/O they will be with you soon I’m sure! I think it’s natural for everyone to feel uncertain some times, how long have you been in the UK?




    Hi Sam! Hi Everyone!


    We got our CO today (DP) :jiggy: My OH was asked for police and medical checks and to fill in a question we must have missed, doh! I'm guessing this means they're satisfied with the relationship side of things. Has made my otherwise dreadful day brighter (got a bout of gastro last night).


    Sam, I've been in the UK just over 4 and a half years.



  9. Hi All!


    Atty - where abouts in Hampshire are you? I am between Southampton and Portsmouth and the housing market in my town seems pretty good at the moment - so I am fingers crossed that it will sell OK. However, timing is everything as I'm not prepared to move out with my 2 little ones into rented accomodation. I am being optimistic thinking that any potential buyer will be happy to wait until I'm ready to go?!




    Hi Tracy,


    We're in one of the villages close to Basingstoke and a few houses have sold in our street for what seems like a low price and they were on the market for ages. We need to see some estate agents to see what the best thing to do it either sell or rent it out. I would prefer to sell and buy something smaller to rent out as our current place is quite big with a big garden and I think it would be too much for a renter to bother with.


    I can understand you not wanting to move to rental accommodation with two little ones. It's a gamle and like you say all about timing. I'm sure you could stall the process somehow :wink: because a friend of mine is buying at the moment and it has seriously taken him about 4 months and he's still not moved in (he's a first time buyer, no chain, and the person is selling a rental) so there must be ways of making the process last longer!



  10. Hi pinup,


    I would say if you have all the 888's just submit them. I ended up with three from Oz (one from my mum and two from my best friends). My mum and one best friend have only met my partner twice, and my other best friend only met him once for a few hours at the airport, but they can still paint a picture of our relationship as they saw it plus how I talked about him in emails etc. We had his folks do one here which more represented them seeing us consistently so I think the four stat decs together show our relationship as a whole.


    I would try and get the letter from your phone companies saying there have been calls and explain in your stat dec why there isn't an itemised account. Some info is better than none and I'm sure they'll come back to you and ask for more if they need it.


    Good luck with the rest of the form filling.

  11. Hi All,


    I must be the rotten egg at the moment as we don't have a CO!


    I'm the Aussie and I've still had my moments of "are we doing the right thing?". I've even wondered "What if I don't like it?" which is completely irrational as it's my country! I guess I've gotten used to my life here a little and made friends which I'll still have to do all over again in Brissy. At least one of my besties is in Bris so I've got one already.


    We'll be putting our house on the market about mid May (and when we've finished painting the kitchen, dining and hallway!). Trying to give it a longer chance to sell. We're thinking of buying a place to rent out so we have some UK money coming in and are still on the ladder, buy all depends how much we sell for (if it sells - fingers crossed).




  12. I got assigned my CO and he wrote to me today asking for more info. Police check - already applied for and waiting and my daughter's aussie passport. OMG, the ball is rolling fast now! Bet it stops for ages tho......

    Have you heard anything yet?


    That's great news! Seems like they haven't asked for much. (You front loaded your meds didn't you?)


    We haven't heard anything yet :wacko: Fingers crossed for next week. To be honest, it's been such a big week this week that I don't mind not having a CO yet... along with the visa app, I applied for, and got (in a scarily quick timeframe) a new job (with better pay which will help save the pennies for the move) but it leaves the task of resigning for Monday :eek: I guess I hate disappointing people but the new job is much better and I have to think of what's best for me and my OH - and our impending move down under - but I can't mention the move down under when resigning because me and my OH work for the same company and we don't want them to think he's leaving too :arghh: so, it's been an emotional week!


    Have a good weekend :-)

  13. Hey, just wondering what questions your case officer asked in the phone interview? Did you find it intimidating? My app was received in AH on March 1st. Case officer assigned on March 3rd and additional police check requested which I have since provided! Sounds like your visa is sure to be granted but that you have to wait! It's a pain eh! Best of luck!


    Just trying to get myself ready as Im also in a same sex relationship, has anyone had the dreaded interview with your CO and if so what do they ask you?:chatterbox:


    Hi Laura K and Adelaide,


    Ages ago I found and saved these two posts regarding what questions might be asked during a phone interview, hope they help.







  14. That's great news! We will have to monitor each other's progress and see if they are processing at the same speed.

    Hope you guys are able to be together, seems a lot of us on here are apart from their other half while waiting for the visa to process. Hard work!

    Good luck and keep us posted :wink:


    I think our application has arrived at AH! I say I think because I left the tracking number at home :em0300: but remembered the first half and kinda guessed the rest and somehow got lucky, and it says delivered!


    Fortunately we are together here in the UK but I do know what it's like to be separated because a couple of years ago when I had to renew my visa, I had to do it in Oz and it took two and a half months, so we were separated for most of that.

  15. Finally sent my 47SP application form off today! Front loaded with all the docs I can think of, except Police check, which is due back next week.

    Medical carried out in October and according to Knightsbridge docs, has already been sent to Oz House. I just hope the report hasn't gone missing as I did ask the doc for a copy, but they sent it off without making one "because the post it note may have fallen off".


    Can anyone tell me how to add my stats to the bottom of my posts please?!


    Happy to be joining the waiting game at last :smile:



    Hi All,


    I've finally joined the waiting game too! 47sp and about 1kg of other stuff sent off today. I'm the Aussie and the visa is for my OH. I'm very much looking forward to heading back to Brisbane.


    I'm hoping the next 6ish months won't be too bumpy!


    Have a good weekend!

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