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Posts posted by cjscjs

  1. This wo'nt be much help to all you guys out there trying to get your licnce,but. Once you get it and you get out there on the tools you'll wonder what all that crap was about. The average Australian sparky will never have heard of pyro, they may have heard of armoured but will never have used it. Australia used porcelein rewirable fuses until the late eighties early nineties and generaly they are about 30 years behind the UK in the electrical industry. Also the quality of workmanship is pretty appalling.

  2. Hi need some advice


    I took a back handed route at getting "qualified" and now feel a little stuck.


    I joined the family electrical contracting business in Nov 2007 and jumped straight onto the tools. I studied in the evening and completed my City and Guilds 2330 in Jan 2012, I did my 17th Electrical regulations in May 2008, my Test and inspect in Jan 2011, and my NVQ Level 3 completed in Jan 2012 along with my AM2,


    I also hold a business degree which I completed in March 2001.


    I run a business along side my father (Electrical engineer) as he agreed to help because I felt it was important that I had a trade on top of my other qualifications.


    The Business employ's 8 members of staff.


    I'm having problems getting my head around how I apply for my visa as certain states ask for XYZ years post qualifying experience.


    Without blowing my own trumpet its not how long you have been doing something it is whether you do it well that counts. I hired and fired plenty of "JIB" electricians who don't know their arse from their elbow. (I know not all of them are like that I employ several very good ones)


    My point is how do I portray this on the VISA application?


    Im still on the Tools for 70% of my working week (bearing in mind my working week is about 80 hours long.)


    Has any one else had these issues?


    Thanks in advance James


    Hi It might be beneficial for you to look at a business visa - you have to have run a business in the UK and then run a business in Aus for 2-4 years - forgotton what its called but you will find it on the internet - Business owner visa - something like that ......... Good luck and keep jumping over those hurdles - you will eventually get there !

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