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Paula and Jay

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Posts posted by Paula and Jay

  1. Morning everyone! Just a question...we lodged our visa on 04/02/16 and our friend lodged theirs one month later (same occupation) and there's have just been granted!! It was approved by the the Parramatta office but they are living in Melbourne. Does anyone know if the delay is due to the fact that we live in Sydney?? Thanks....the wait is killing me



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  2. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help as I find the diac site very confusing! My partner is being sponsored by an employer (457) for 4 years. Do you know at what point we can apply for a permanent visa and the most important thing when we could apply for a visa for my mum. We would only be renting a house for the first 2 years, so I'm unsure what would be a classed as 'settled' according to the diac website. I have read about the contributionary parent visa - any idea of how much that would cost and timescales?


    Any help would be great! Apologies as I am not familiar with the visa terminology yet!


    Thank you,



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