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    <p>Hi Michelle,</p>

    <p>That's great news, sorry I have not replied any sooner but not been on here for ages. My youngest goes to South Halls Head, you will need to look at them both and decide, I looked at the schools first then found a rental in that catchment area, they will not accept you unless you have a permanent address. I see in a previous post you were looking at private schools, they are really hard to get into as they are all full, but my eldest has started the new baptist college and my youngest will go there in Feb, you should look at that it is called Austin Cove Baptist College. I am working in a daycare centre now and we are financially alot better off than we were in the uk, my inlaws came out xmas and are coming out again next month. We are still loving it here and no regrets. Yes we will have to meet up when you arrive.</p>

    <p>Again congrats!</p>



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