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Posts posted by chudleighval

  1. Hi Guys

    We move into our own house in 10 days time ...how exciting....has anyone gathered any info on power companies out here ... My dd hasnt a clue ...leaves all the lights on etc ..even when out at work....we are trying to get a good deal ..but finding it a bit of a minefield ...the family in the house right now use ..origin...and they are happy ...

    So looking forward to getting into the house..we live in a cabin right now and last night woke to be covered in ants...they were coming through the seam in the ceiling by the thousand and dropping on the bed....we sprayed everywhere and thousands more came to the funeral...the whole bed and floor were covered...we had to then sleep on the bed settee...the spray has hit my chest too..so feeling it today ...still sweeping them up ...yuk

    Val ...

  2. We are sat watching the dollar...we have almost £200.000 ready to change from the sale of our house last friday....oh this increase could make a huge difference to our future life out here ...at what. Rate do we change ..,,,when the $ was at 1.50 we were going to be left pennyless and borowing ...,,we so need to get this right....fingers crossed x

  3. Hi

    We arrived in Melbourne almost 6 weeks ago...last week after lots of issues from the buyers...saying they wouldnt exchange..if we didnt change the locks as we had had tenants ..,our solicitor spoke to thiers etc..,and we did exchange on Wednesday ...then complete on FRIDAY last....,we have the cash in ukforex.....YIPPEE...on saturday we put down the deposit on a house...we had had it on a hold with a $1000 deposit for the last couple of weeks..,,...we cannot afford a house on our own and our family are borrowing the extra..,but ...we are paying it off...my dh has got a job...just one day per week for now...but it will cover the mortage....our shipping leaves the uk on tuesday....arrives a week after we move in ....dh has continued with hus volunteer work with both the SES and the boat rescue squadron ..plus now driving for the op shop...I have increased my hours at the OP shop and now do full day Friday...IM also caring for my grandson on Mondays and Tuesdays....crafting get together every week on Thursdays ...our lifes are full .....so now we are watching the $ for just a couple of days ...hoping for $1.60 to exchange our house money...we have spent every penny we have and didnt have to have this life..,I said to my dh the other day..,just had a thought....we dont have enough money for our funerals ....we both laughed....,do we care....not a bit..,we have gone from being able to just book a holiday when we wanted ..,to checking the prices of a tin of beans ..,ha ha ..,and its great ..,today we are having sunday roast .,with our family...its a long haul...lots if sleepless nights....lots of tears..,,but good when a plan comes together ..


  4. We have SOLD our house....sold my car on ebay...being picked up today...lunch with family today ..18 of us......heathrow in the morning....singapore airlines cattle class straight through to melbourne and my hugging my daughter and daisy (5) and tom (3) by lunchtime tuesday uk time...,i have grandparents day at school on wednesday....and needed to take chikdren to school and daycare on thursday as daughter has training day .....should think we will be babysitting friday night so our daughter can meet her dh from work and dinner out.....this is what its all about.....and i cannot wait to be there ...bring it on .....

  5. We have nothing left to change.......

    Yesterday the sale of our house fell through...

    Today our shipping is just getting loaded from Lock and Store...and off

    We are sleeping on an airbed...got one table and three chairs...

    My family are all arriving in dribs and drabs and staying in the area...final meal on Sunday for around 20 ....

    Now we dont know what to do regarding house...do we let again....i have spent two days getting blackened curry off the hob...and cannot remove using neat domestos..the yellow staining on the loo floor...or do we try to sell again...

    Today my stomach is churning..,my heart is breaking...and im an emotional wreck...

    We fly out Monday....

  6. We exchanged money yesterday morning at 1.49.... Then the money we told them to hang on to until it reached 1.50 went about 2 hrs later....we then spoke to money corp...again....they told us....they expected it to drop again.....we hadnt been offered above 1.49 for at least 3-4 weeks before yesterday....so whats left in any uk accounts we did a contract with money corp at 1.50 we have 5 days to get this money into money corp ....we were also told that if we were to change £200.000 ( our house sale money when we get it) at yesterdays rates ...they would give us 1.51 hope this helps....the price ie 1.53 thats shown yesterday is NOT the rate you get....we get daily updates ....plus then look again for ourselves....i think the different money rates for us yesterday morning left us with about $200 less ...about 2 weeks ago the best we could get for paying our visa was 1.48..... So right now we are grabbing what we can to change at $1.50 ...this time last year it was $1.65...... and has gone down and down and.....hopefully in a couple of weeks when we get payment for our house...it will be 1.50 or above....that still leaves us ...about $100.000 if not more short in getting a house...it will be fine....we will find something...,nothing we can do to change this....looking forward...looking forward....oh yes....

    Hope this helps...

  7. Pete and marg...i do believe they are offering free flights if your happy to wing walk...and then of course you would also get your name in the G book of records...no need to ask for ice in your drinks...its in your hair..toes..etc etc...you dont need a blanket once you take off..you cannot feel anything anyway...ha ...heard the phrase ..i could sleep stood up...that will be you...i think its being promoted as ways of getting more on the plane...and i expect you will need to be weighed...wouldnt want the plane to keep going round in a circle...too much weight on one side...two thin ones on oneside..one fat one on th other...wonder if your first off the plane ...or do they have to wait until you thaw...ha

  8. We have got our visa this week...on the email it said ...there is no need to send pasports off for an offical stamp...its all down on the computer...and the airline will know this..and so will immigration....

    We have still contacted singapore airlines and had them confirm by email that we are allowed double baggage...

  9. Can you manage with an airbed and kettle....we have for the past four months lived on a boat...today we are trying to pack it up to sell...we have about four times more stuff than will fit in our susuki wagon.,,ha...tonight we are sleeping on the floor ...one single airbed...in our now empty house...we dont have the funds for hotels etc..,well we do ...but ...we really do need every penny...i am aiming on one day having a house in oz...so every penny counts...i have gone from having four wardrobes...to two small plastic boxes of clothes...one going out and one on boat clothes...we had more dinner services than you can shake a stick at...to four of everything...its all part of the adventure...yes some daya are a bit of a struggle...but its not forever...i aim never to going back to having ' things for best' we dont need all these things...instant coffee sachets are a god send....no fridge needed for milk..,,ready to bake baguettes ...make you feel like your having something scrummy...but only an oven needed ...and huge stack of paper plates...


    Enjoy your camping out...the end is near....

  10. WE HAVE OUR VISA .....VISA ....VISA ....,.WHOOP WHOOP...,got an email at 4am this morning...bouncing off the wals today....


    Our one way flight...cattle class singapore airlines cost us £650 each...with all we have had to pay out...exchange rates etc...we cannot afford the luxury of business class....i have always use emirates...but right now every penny counts....singapore have confirmed that we can have double baggage allowance...40kg each plus 7 kg hand luggage....we fly out on the 15 th august...

    Our shipping goes next week ...its already all in storage...its costing us £3803 .16 p thats for 800 sq ft.....we are using doree boner......


    Our narrowboat is almost ready or the boat yard...to be sold...just the windows and bits and bobs left to do...2 more nights aboard..then staying at my mums residential home...they have a guest flat ..£20 per night....


    So this is it...


    Today we are at our house which is now sold...the sun is shining...and we are going to miss this happy home...


    Life in Oz with our only child...and her husband and our two lovely grandchildren...is so very close now....all the tears...costs...sleepless nights soon behind us...


    Bring on the new chapter in our lives....

  11. Or....we could all sing.....are you ready .....



    THE ONLY WAY IS UP !!!!!!!!!



    Accept the things you cannot change and courage to change the things we can...


    We have moved our money for our visa..,the sale of our house is still going through...we will move the money asap....we can do nothing to change the rate of our raf pension...thats all we have to live on...so perhaps our next song should be ....


    I WILL SURVIVE......



    And then ....because we will be in OZ...





    Almost there ..,,Val x

  12. You lucky people. Looks like our sale is about to fall through as we'll have to start all over again!


    Accepted an offer a month ago and had all the searchs done, papers drawn up and signed but the buyers haven't had a survey done yet! They say they're waiting for their buyers to do theirs first.




    Scary times....my heart goes out to you...we have sold...but as to where we are with the sale i have no idea...as we dont live in the property...its still being let...we dont know if a survey has been done...were just expecting things are ticking along...perhaps we should give our agent a call tomorrow...we do know our tenants move out on the 1 st....and we were hoping to settle everything on the 12 th and then fly off on the 15 th...thats all in a perfect world...which we know its not...

    At present we are living on a narrowboat...heading for the boat yard..but still hoping to sell it before we get there...we have had no interest shown in the boat....we can leave it with the boat yard for free for 20 weeks...while they sell it...after this time it starts to cost us...

    Of course we really need to sell the boat asap..otherwise we will not be in a postion to buy even a shed in oz...

    Just when you think life is running smooth.....a volcano erupts ...taking everything youve worked for with it....but hopefully once at the otherside...life will be more settled...our home might belong to us...but it will be a home...or the house we can afford might not be as big ..,in as nice an area...but it will be a home and a home thats full of the sounds of our families...who wants a big house...anyway...more to dust...as long as my grandchildren can come and stay with us...it will be a home...a warm...loving ...fantastic...home...and we do all love beans on toast ..so we are sorted...

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