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Posts posted by KD79UK

  1. Thanks for the reply 😁 I dive but a lot of my buddys are all over the place or have their own lives. I do 10+ hr days Monday -Friday so dont want to have to commit to voluntary work. My go to has always been meetup but there dont seem to be as many group activities on anymore 😞

  2. On 18/09/2018 at 17:02, Plumboz said:

    Thanks again for all your replies, but really wanted to hear from anyone who has relocated from Adelaide, their reasons and their findings and of course anyone who has relocated to Adelaide from other parts of Oz and try and make a bit of a comparison, it’s always nice to hear why people like or dislike an area, and I can then decide if I agree or disagree with that point.

    thanks again

    Hi I have a house in the Gold Coast, I moved from Perth where I lived for 8 years. I've owned my house in the Gold Coast for about 5 years, but spent 2 of those years away working in Darwin, and 1.5 years living full time in Adelaide. I'm currently working in Adelaide again during the week and then commuting home for long weekend to Gold Coast.  Apologies, I've been lazy with punctuation etc. so please forgive the following! What I like and dislike about both - 

    Gold Coast -

    Climate, I like that it is very rarely very cold (still got the odd times, dont get me wrong). I like heat, although in my opinion it is never overbearingly hot. I don't mind humidity (in fact I don't think it is that bad, my mother would flatly disagree with me!). My mum also says she misses seasons in the GC, as she doesn't really think there is much change. 

    Outdoors - You have a lot of options all year round. There is some sensational hiking, lots of places to swim, paddle board, kayak, I scuba dive, you can do this all year round without freezing, although everyone always thinks of Surfers Paradise (!) there is a lot of activity in Gold Coast. 

    Events - there are a lot of events all the time, it is constant and varies. 

    Lifestyle - Hugely laid back, beach lifestyle 

    Transient nature of the GC - it can be hard to make friends in the GC due to people being transitional or on holiday etc. Not always a place people live full time, but I believe that is really changing. I think the GC will see a real increase in population and they are starting to put a lot of thought in it.

    Small town - due to the above if you are after small sleepy town feeling then you may not like the Gold Coast of the future. It has also been ruined a little by too much building of high rises.


    Adelaide - 

    I like that you really arent more than 25 minutes from the city most of the time 

    I like that Adelaide seems to keep the live band alive. It is good to see bands touring often in venues where you can get closer with a good view. The Gov is one of my fave venues.  They also still have pubs that have a bit of an english feel to them, but it depends if that is a big draw for you

    Not keen on the weather here. I find it too cold during winter and then stupid hot during summer (which doesnt always last long enough for my liking). You know the climate here so you can view my comments on weather in light of what you think about the Adelaide climate

    Wine - I love the red wine here, and its nice your close to good wineries! 

    Food - I have had some of my most favourite dishes in Adelaide. They do food well. 

    Best fringe festival. I think they have done this event really well and the town really changes during the 2 mths of the festival. 

    House are built properly. You can still get a properly built, soundproof brick house! and the houses are beautiful. Houses in general here are badly put together, but the older ones in Adelaide are great. 

    If you like cycling you are probably in one of the best places in Australia. I haven't ever seen so many cyclists in one city and somewhere so well though out for cyclists. 

    That is some of my thoughts. I can't help you in terms of schools etc, and I have a clear preference for Gold Coast (although spending time in both states at the moment is a great mix!).

    Hopefully some of those points might help though. Some may or may not agree with me I'm sure!








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  3. HI,

    I've been in Australia for 13 years now, lived in WA for 8 years and most of my friends are probably there, but I felt like I was in retirement living there and moved. I have worked FIFO for the last 7 years pretty much and it has made meeting friends on the Gold Coast really difficult. I have owned a house on the Gold Coast for 5 years nearly now,  but for two of those years I was residential in Darwin and then did a year long stint in Adelaide. So I really haven't made a firm friend base! Every time I've started making friends I end up flying out somewhere again. I'm currently flying in and out of Adelaide and home Saturday & Sunday one week then Friday - Sunday the next.  Once this assignment ends I am determined to stay working nearer home if it kills me 🙂

    Anyone in the same predicament or any new comers fancy meeting up? I'm pretty relaxed, easy going, 38 year old female, originally from Chelmsford, Essex. Happy to meet males or females, in fact I miss having male friends at home, probably why I work in a male dominated area! The Aussies don't seem to get men and women being friends the same way UK people do lol.






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  4. Good Luck! Your PR visa within the 5 months timeframe! I am still waiting for a CO after 5 months since lodging my application. :(( :cry:


    Hey Beedaman, just FYI, I contacted the Department 3 days before my actual PR was granted and they told me that I didn't have a CO yet. It's a bit of a processing plant there, if your application is complete and full they have done most of the checking when your employer lodged. I think they can pretty much process on the day they look at it!!! So I wouldn't get too hung up on having a CO or being told you have a CO either.....Good luck! :jiggy:

  5. It has become some sort of OCD ,I cannot stop myself from checking e-mails everyday and looking on these forums for some news on timelines...it's driving me nuts.Gonna stop right now and only check once a week (well i'll try )


    Lol you are far from alone it became my daily mantra!! The visa basically took the 5mths they said it would from lodgement with the main immi if that helps! But it sounds like the backlogs continue........

  6. Hey


    Not a dicky bird!!! I even emailed three days prior and got the generic timeline response! I couldn't believe it was just sitting there on the Saturday morning!! After being on three different visas and panicking after making a life here over five years that they would say no I was pretty flipping happy!!! Make sure you check your junk email too of Immi aren't on your safe list as I had nothing else from them not even a paper copy! It's a frustrating wait but you will get there soon, no news isn't always bad news!! Good luck mate!

  7. Hi


    I had rudely forgotten to post my timeline! My visa was happily granted end of January! Phew what a relief!! Now only have to wait till Jan 12 to apply for the long awaited citizenship and then FREEDOM!!!


    My timeline roughly was


    18th March - employer nomination to regional

    7th April - regional to main immi

    28th July - main imm application approved

    10th Aug - app for 857 posted to immi

    12th Aug (8am) payment taken (cant say they arent quick with that lol)

    22nd January - 857 granted! Checked before I left work at 5pm on the Friday...nothing...Saturday am it was there! (after I spent Friday night drunkenly moaning to a friend!!) Poor bugger must have been their quite late granting visas...I felt a bit bad!!!

  8. We got our RSMS Visa granted today :happy_face_sticking:happy_face_love_in_

    Here's our timeline


    06/08/2010: Lodged 885 application

    01/09/2010: Employer & Diac advised to switch to 857 because we're eligible & processing time is much faster than 885

    06/09/2010: Employer started the process

    16/09/2010: Employer sent nomination

    22/09/2010: Diac approved nomination

    26/09/2010: Lodged 857 application by post

    08/10/2010: Medical checks

    29/11/2010: Case officer assigned and she requested for form 80 & original police clearance of my home country (I sent the copied one)

    30/11/2010: Form 80 posted

    14/12/2010: Called case officer to check on progress and got visa granted 1 hour after the call :happy_face_love_in_


    Merry Christmas everyone :12:


    edit: forgot to mention we applied onshore and with a positive skill assessment.


    Hey congratulations guys thats great stuff and super quick too!!:hug: I lodged mine in August and still waiting for a CO!:wacko: which office did you lodge in and what was the occupation?


    Well done again guys a very merry chrimbo pressie!:jiggy: I much prefer seeing a sweaty santa to a freezing santa lol. :biglaugh: im just happy everday Im here.

  9. lol yeah they call basildon basvegas or bazghanistan, and my mum served in Nam....Dagenham!....looks like we both could be kicked off here!!


    Yeah probs the most posting...could be to do with the fact I can talk the hind legs off a donkey...lol


    I agree you got to go for it!! I'm not sure how I would get on with going home now!! Ive been back once, first time after three and half years. While I liked being there to visit I could see it getting very old quick if I stayed any longer!! If I couldnt stay here I would definitely be applying for Canada or somewhere like that! Mind I almost felt like leaving home yesterday when a massive huntsman ran across me yesterday....he ended up with the couch and I got the floor. Enough of my ramblings! will leave you in peace I have an early start.....enjoy the snow!! lol.

  10. PMSL! at least you wont need the socks here!! I'll reserve judgement on the soap on a roap!. We are the unwashed pommes after all!! lol.


    At least you know what to expect then thats good, although WA seems to be wholly unlike the other states... they dont call it Wait Awhile for no reason!! I think even people from other states view it as another country.....I love it though!


    Where are you from? Im originally from Essex, I like being able to tell people its the cultural capital of England over here and not being laughed at. :wink:

  11. I know thats what I always think!! How are we ever going to get through. I think they just prioritise certain professions in the same visa category (very ropey guess there im sure lol!)


    Albany is nice, Denmark is beautiful, some really good four wheel drive tracks round there, and if you like your fishing you should be in luck (apart from the bloody blowies!) have you been out to visit there or is it just one big leap (best way sometimes!!) I was in Perth but got sponsored on a 457, 11th hour before I was supposed to come home, I came out on a backpacking visa, so I guess its not the fist time I had a tight call with a visa! I wish I had started on the 857 earlier but didnt realise it was available to me. I was originally supposed to go to Bunbury but they changed it to Mandurah, which has worked out well, they have the train line now so its only 50mins to Perth, it doesnt really feel that regional!!! but a bit nicer than living right in the City.


    Anyway keep me updated with how your going I have high hopes we should get ours similar times....lets hope for a very merry Christmas!! lol. :)

  12. I cant work it out either! I think it does make a difference what occupation you lodge under, they said that certain jobs and those on the critical list will be processed over everyone else so I am assuming those getting through quicker are the ones that have a job from that sector. I just really hope mine comes in the new year, but if you asked in October and the said June then that actually sounds about right as they said June to me. Still dont believe it will be before Chrimbo though! where are you settling then? Perth or South Australia? Is it just your application that is in Perth? Are you in Australia now? If not and you are coming to Perth I run an expat meetup group in Perth (as well as another meetup group for any nationality). I got told off for advertising it on here before but if you want to know anything about it let me know! I can pm you the link :) Sure there is something similar for SA on the same site also. Its a good way to get to know people.

  13. I think were hanging in the same cliff where the contracts we signed for is running out and caught every snag of this "PRIORITY PROCESSING". What can we do now?

    I even had my employer called my case officer and was told "It takes 7mos for the process but it doent have to take that long"...LOL WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE DIAC? Are they still in operation?HELLO!?


    August 2010 sent Application/September 2010 sent From 80,police and Meds



    I think you need a degree in criptic to find out John! Really hope it all works out for you, are you onshore or off? I worry as well as our employer has been very quiet lately which worries me, if I lost my sponsorship there I doubt I could transfer over to another employer very easily, especially not in the location im in.


    Because I have been here for four and half years means I can get my citizenship after a year, so time is of the essense really! The sooner I get it done the sooner I can be safe and it doesnt matter what I do. :goofy:Cant imagine going home and starting all over again after this amount of time!!!

  14. no visa as yet, the spreadsheet says ive got a case officer but i havnt been informed i have one, i was told though this quote from diac when i emailed "

    Dear Mr Hannay


    Thank you for your email. I have liaised with the senior officer who

    allocates the applications and can confirm that the applications are being

    allocated in date order. We are currently processing applications that we

    received on June 17th. You will have a case officer before xmas but exactly

    when we cannot be precise about."


    they also told me the timeframe starts immediateley when you first start the nomination process and it is officially logged to diac


    my excitement is slowly fading away with the wait, life on hold like the rest :(



    The process starts from the nomination lodgement? oh my! I thought it was when I put my application in, that would make it January for the 5 months so I thought that might be reasonable!! Mine started in April then, thats when my employer lodged the nomination after regional. I lodged my application 12th August so we are very similar on that score. When did you get that email? I ask because I got an email saying they can confirm that they are allocating applications from June to Case Officers, and that was on the 6th October. I dont hold out hope for before Christmas its December tomorrow!! that means they have to get through another two months by then! :arghh:

  15. when diac say 5-7 months:- do they mean from the nomination approval date or when the visa application was granted a CO


    nomination approved 121 - carpenter - perth office - 14th sept 2010

    diac asked us to send in our application which we had already done along with meds and police checks a few months ago hoping nomination would be approved and to try speed things up


    diac confirmed our details were there - 15th september 2010






    Hey Craighannay, have you had your visa granted or heard anything yet?

  16. Hey,


    Just wondered if anyone had heard anything about how backlogged Perth is now? I get an email reply from them saying they were primarily allocating applications from June to Case Officers, and that was on the October 6th. Just wondering if there was a rough timeline I could sort of work out from that (yes I know straw clutching again lol). Manage to stop dwelling on it for a while but its popped back into my head today!


    I submitted my application on the 12th August, so I guess I should just forget about it until at least Feb for it to fit into the 5mth wait......After being in Australia for nearly 5 years it would be nice to just be able to buy a house and feel a bit secure!!! :eek:

  17. Hi All


    Thought I might get the visa this side of Christmas!! Doesnt look so hopeful now!!


    I recieved this reply to my request for confirmation that I didnt have a case officer


    "...That is the case. At present we are primarily allocating applications to

    case officers which were lodged in June 2010...":chatterbox::arghh:

  18. hi karen,


    we are almost the same. mine was lodged on Aug 19 (nomination only) ENS 856 and based on the letter in will take 3-4mos to process the nomination. i will lodge my part perhaps next week, ,my agent is just sorting out the documents. Yah, i know someone who submitted theirs last Jan 2010 and it took them 4weeks to process the nomination and another 8weeks to get the visa. i hope perth will process everything quickly.


    My timeline roughly was


    18th March - employer nomination to regional

    7th April - regional to main immi

    28th July - main imm application approved

    10th Aug - app for 857 posted to immi

    12th Aug (8am) payment taken (cant say they arent quick with that lol)


    fingers crossed it wont be long!! After being her on temp visas for 4 years it will be so nice to finally feel 'safe'


    ps thanks very much for the info before Fran :)

  19. Hey Fran, can I ask, did you hear anything before you recieved your visa? ie did anyone phone you or email you, did you get a letter saying you had a case officer? or did you just recieve the email with the grant on?


    Just curious!


    Wish I had got mine in earlier, my colleagues on the same visa that applied 4mths ealier in Perth recieved the visa in a week when they submitted their application, mine was submitted on the 12th Aug, so hoping it might come in the next four weeks or so. I know shouldnt moan though they are pretty quick with them on the whole. Im just very impatient I think!!!!


    Also confused whether the letter I got staing 5-7mths to complete the applciation is for the whole process or just the last part of me submitting my app! (hope it is the former!!)




    Karen :biggrin:

  20. I saw your timeline on one of the early pages Fran, but didnt note Melbourne!! Mines in Perth....Im actually in Australia, I have been her 4 years, but visa is only going permanent now!! I did 2 yrs backpacker, 2 years 457 and now onto the 857!! Thankfully I think it means I can get a citizenship after a year on the 857 though and want to bring mum out on a Parent Contributory visa too so a lot hanging on it!! If I get a knockback will be going to Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Not sure what the timeline in Perth is at the mo...fingers crossed its similar!!!!:jiggy:

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