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Posts posted by jennlx

  1. Its awful to see them so low, positive attitude is 80% of the battle with illness sometimes and when they get to the stage that they cant really see positives, thats when the illness seems to get them. Its like they just give up.


    I honestly dont think that they would say no if the situation is that dire. They know how hard it is for anyone to deal with close family who are gravely ill and how much support is needed. I know that bereavement is one of the compassionate grounds listed, so even if they did say no now, if the worse did happen, it would be a different situation that then one your in now and you could apply again for it to be looked at under different compassionate grounds.


    I was looking into asking for my case to be looked at quicker because my husband is the only close person that I have now since my mum passed. I may have been able to get it done but I thought that I would just wait in line with everyone else as even though its not the same, I do have some family and friends in England. Some poor people have no one other than their partner, so I would rather I didn't clog up the works with my request. Plus I am extremely lucky in the respect that I can pretty much go back and forth to Australia while I'm waiting for my visa, maybe I wouldnt have been so charitable if that wasn't the case...who knows.


    I really do think that you should at least speak to your CO and tell them your situation, you may be pleasantly surprised, you may be stuck in the same situation that your in now. Either way you are not going to be any worse off.


    I honestly wish you and your OH all the luck in the world.

    Don't know if this helps but I rang the visa phone number today and asked if it would be worth advising that I am pregnant to see if the visa could be processed quicker so I could give birth in Australia with my family.


    She told me that the only time they ever prioritise visas is when there has been a death in the family.


    Good luck though - hope you're together soon!

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