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Posts posted by nicholiverpool

  1. Just wondering if you need to meet all 4 standards, I don't meet the 5 year standard so just wondering how people have got round this? 


    Can you use placement time as part of this. 

  2. Little bit of background, we are a family of 4, both in late 20s with an 8 and 2 year old. 

    We have a few places in mind between Brisbane and Gold Coast, but I wondered where everyone else reccomends. 


    We arnt bothered about the beach, more value for house and land is preferable. 

    We would like a modern/ newish suburb, family orientated, with great schools and nurseries. 

    My daughter dances so would love to join a dance school. 

    Ultimately good schools will triumph where we locate. 

  3. I'm just curious as to who has gone alone to complete the visa and who has used an agent? 

    Obviously I don't want to get it wrong but I don't want to spend a fortune on an agent. 

    Is it worth it? How much extra did you need to pay? 

    Going on the 189 x

  4. Hi, we are just looking at when is best to make the move. Still very early days for us haven't yet submitted eoi but just looking for when people reccomend is the best time to go over. 

    We have two children so school needs to be considered. 

    Also prices of holiday rentals and best time to get a rental home. 

    I know some parts of the year are harder to find rentals etc. 

  5. Thanks for your help.


    We we are in the process of looking at jobs. My job as a trauma nurse I'm finding is quite limiting as only a select few hospitals specialise in trauma however I can always find another nursing role.


    my partner is a manager of a children's care home and we will hopefully be looking at both having jobs, definitely at least one of us to come out to.


    We we aren't yet set on an area and have looked at a variety of suburbs, between Brisbane and the gold coast and are quite open to areas,


    childcare and schooling is of high importance to us and would like to put the children in a good school.

    So many factors to consider.

  6. Hi, my partner is currently a manager of a children's home (naught kids, kids with no parents, etc)

    but we are finding it hard to search for jobs.

    We are looking at the Ipswich, Redlands area so if anyone has any info or advice that would be great.

  7. Hi, we've looked at visas to bring our family of 4 over on the 189 and where just wondering how easy it is to do ourselves.

    Looks quite extortionate to go through advisors but also need to get it right and do it with minimal stress.


    The costs on immi.gov, does this include medical reports and police reports or are these separate?


    How long in advance should the process take place?

  8. Thanks, we are looking at the Ipswich area. Not set on anywhere yet and no ideas yet to where we will be based. Just trying to to get an idea of what will be ideal for us. I know the nursery school open quite early but not sure if they have before school/after school clubs etc.

  9. Hi, I'm just after some advice as we are looking to take the plunge and move to Brisbane.


    Im a nurse currently training to be an advanced nurse practitioner in trauma.

    My partner is currently a Registered manager of a children's care home,

    and we have two children, one of which due to start high school and the other about to start school the same time, so we are wanting to get out prior to this so there aren't so many transitions.


    where do people recommend living in the Brisbane area?

    what schools would you recommend and how much are the fees?


    are there any childcare services for working parents?


    Childcare is a big worry for me as we aren't sure what type of shift patterns are available over there yet?


    We will be coming over on 189 but not sure if there is any help towards childcare.

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