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Posts posted by anne10643

  1. Hi Gill, Thank you so much for your quick reply. We will talk about the implications tonight and think what to do here. Am I to believe that we shouldn't get married before I apply for the CPV?

    The other alternative is to get one of my fiance's children to come out to under his own visa - is that right?

    Would we qualify then for a CPV?


    Thank you so much Gill


  2. Hi peeps, Could anyone help please regarding adult step children.

    My fiance and I would like to get married before we lodge our CPV application based on the balance of family visa. I have two natural children in Aus already and one adult child in the UK. My partner has two adult children. If we marry before we go for the visa we have been told that my fiance's children will upset the balance of family - ie instead of one child UK and 2 children in oz, when we marry we will have 3 children in UK and 2 in aus. I hope this makes sense to you!

    Could anyone clarify this for me please.

    Thank you so much


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