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Everything posted by zoe1922

  1. Hi, Bit of info for you that I know, as my OH is also an Openreach engineer in the UK. Unfortunately, BT don't give you any formal qualifications which means that your skills won't be recognised in Oz unless you are able to successfully get your skills assessed and recognised by VETASSESS I think it is. Your other option is to complete an Oz Telecommunications Certificate III once you get to Oz - not sure if you can do this from the UK but would be worth looking into. A lot of the engineers in Oz also do mobile telecoms, which is different to the UK as Openreach engineers don't do the mobile network..this is why the job descriptions aren't the same. We are moving over to Oz at the end of August as we are lucky enough to have had my skills recognised so we now have a Permanent Residency visa for WA (can't wait!), so I will keep you informed as I think its going to be easier to check on demand for telecoms guys once there.
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