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Posts posted by Andy54Good

  1. ... The swallowing problems have been put down to 'degenerative changes' and lets face it at our age it's bound to happen but I also have injuries from a bad car accident in December 2011. I think the main issue with the medical is that they 'don't want anyone who they feel will be a drain in Australia's resources' given the amount of money they are taking off us personally I think they have a nerve but if we want to go we have no choice


    The WI have issued me with my own cup at the hospital lol.


    Many Thanks for the quick reply Phoebe... Agree that they have a nerve and should accept us warts and all, what with the amount we have to pay.


    Yep, it's ironic that our physical bits degenerate just as our minds finally start getting their acts together. lol


    Enjoy your surprise time with your daughter and grandson!



  2. ... they have found out what is causing the swallowing problem.....

    Great news that they know the cause! I hope you're able to get the "final fix" sooner than the waiting lists suggest!




    If I may be nosey Phoebe, how does your condition affect your visa application?


    I'm guessing that taking the medical is a no-no until your problem is satisfactorily sorted?


    Can one's application be put on hold by one's case officer without having to go back to the start of the 14 odd months waiting period?




    The reason I ask is I'm hopefully within a month of being allocated my CO, and my temple-of-a-body has decided it's now a good time to start playing up! Had more than an hour session in the MRI, and will hopefully gets some results this week.




  3. ... We are down in Torquay on the Great Ocean Road - about 1.25 hours drive from Melbourne CBD. Love it!!! Gill


    You are sooo lucky. When my girls and their families first moved downunder they lived in Melton of all places and we used to visit a beach in Torquay... think it's called Cosy Corner?... which is a really great spot! Since then, thanks to the Oz Govt grants, they've both built new houses across the bay.


    I can't wait for the big date to arrive. I'm 58 and have done a big move on my todd once before, moving from Jo'Burg to Blighty just over ten years ago, and that was one of the best things I've ever done... but sure it will be outdone by the move downunder. Will probably have to change career downunder, but hey ho it'll be exciting!


    Meantime, I'm living near Leeds, enjoying the remnants of our lovely summer...



  4. G'Day


    I don't know about other states, but if you go to Permanent visa holders and New Zealand citizens you'll find the details re new residents in New South Wales.




    PS: Looking at this site in detail, I'm afraid that it looks like South Africa is not among the countries whose licences are recognised, so you may have to undergo a test (I think both written and practical) – but do double-check with the RTA or the equivalent in other states.


    I know some Saffers who emigrated to Melbourne a couple of years ago. Although they had valid South African drivers licences of long standing, it seems like the Aussies know how easy it is to bribe corrupt officials in SA to illegally get a driver's licence.


    They each had to undergo only a practical driving test, but in the morning the chap was failed for driving too slowly and in the afternoon his wife was failed for driving too fast... they reckon that this particular examiner hadn't got it all that morning.


    They both sailed through their tests on their next attempt at a different testing station.


    It didn't seem to be like a normal full practical driving test, but rather part of a process to weed out those who have obtained their licence by illegal means while they blatantly have absolutely no idea how to drive!


    Cheers, Andy

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