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Posts posted by jules&spike

  1. fastest way to get licenced is get an artc from the tra $300

    workplace.gov.au - FAQ - for Australian residents

    and do your licence in SA at per.com.au

    this can be done from home and fly down for the exam or 3 weeks at adeliade

    full licence and start working ;)

    Peer Veet > Training > Overseas Enquiry


    if required you can exchange this SA licence for a qld one via mutual recognition

    Interstate and New Zealand applicants (mutual recognition)


    yes its a pain in the arse especially if youve spent an small fortune with vetteses and have been presented with the next to useless osrt cert but at the end ofthe day with construction work slowing down youve no chance with a permit to train


    ive posted masses of info helping other sparks on another well know expats forum

    Electricians : British Expat Discussion Forum


    hope this helps guys


    regards steve




    This is from the workplace website Quote"

    How much does it cost?



    • AUD $300 for ARTC application

    • AUD $270 for trade test (if required)

    • AUD $130 for replacement of a lost certificate

    • No application fee is required for an initial ARTC application from Australian residents whose skills have been successfully assessed by TRA for migration purposes

    cheers spike

  2. fastest way to get licenced is get an artc from the tra $300

    workplace.gov.au - FAQ - for Australian residents

    and do your licence in SA at per.com.au

    this can be done from home and fly down for the exam or 3 weeks at adeliade

    full licence and start working ;)

    Peer Veet > Training > Overseas Enquiry


    if required you can exchange this SA licence for a qld one via mutual recognition

    Interstate and New Zealand applicants (mutual recognition)


    yes its a pain in the arse especially if youve spent an small fortune with vetteses and have been presented with the next to useless osrt cert but at the end ofthe day with construction work slowing down youve no chance with a permit to train


    ive posted masses of info helping other sparks on another well know expats forum

    Electricians : British Expat Discussion Forum


    hope this helps guys


    regards steve


    Hi just a quick note on getting your ARTC if you become an Australian resident and you have a positive TRA when you apply for the ARTC the first time there is No fee cheers spike

  3. james the only reason i post electrical info / stuff is quite simply that i had a mare of a job sorting it myself and if some one had come along and said "hey steve get yourself down to peer and do it all in 3 weeks" i`d have kissed them,

    having got a job with and done the permit to train log book, the 3000 wiring course, the electrical practical and theory exams and then having gone on to sit my contractors exam ( this lot took 12 months in total ) i know form personal experiance how diificult it all is, all ive tried to do is give people an alterative route, one thats works and gets them licenced in approx 3 weeks,


    what do you get for posting what in my opinion is most helpful information ?

    several people most of which still in the uk or are here and unlicenced telling you your talking bollocks or picking minor faults ie do or do you not need your artc at the time of the course, does it matter NO! because in order to get the licence you need an artc wheather you have it up front in the middle or whenever is irrelavant its still needed

    to get your piece of plastic saying electrical mechanic, worker or Aclass ( depending on which state your living in )


    regards steve arse ole know it all :biglaugh:



    for any sparks who are actualy intrested in sorting their way though the mare that is electrical licencing in au i would suggest that you spend a little time searching through this forum Electricians : British Expat Discussion Forum and if your intrested in the peer route look at wendy`s guide ARTC & licencing in Australia : British Expat Discussion Forum for electrical theory and who amongst us hasnt forgot what was learning at tech ?? read my practical exam theory guide practical exam theory : British Expat Discussion Forum

    Hey you guys lets stick together on this we are supposed to be helping each other i can see james point if you get bad information it can cost you alot of time and money but i can also see steves point he has given some excellent info. I for one have had so much bad information (not from poms in oz) but in general even from the so called emmigration experts in the uk so get it sorted guys cheers spike

  4. Hi just replying to some of the comments on here about doing the peer course. All im saying is you dont need to have an ARTC to do the AS/3000 wiring regs as i did mine in january and picked my certificate up the same day. Not sure whats ment when your saying go to peer to do the A class,when i took my wiring exam two of the guys there who took it with me brought there ARTC (certificates) with them, passed the AS/3000 picked up there AS/3000 certificate and went and got there A class licence that day in Adelaide. One of the guys was from Perth and one from Bisbane and as they didnt have transport i gave them a lift so they could go get there A class. So from the quote from no1spark what do you mean "you must obtain the ARTC to get to Australia to then do the A class license at PEER, so its a little confusing to say the least"not too sure what you mean cheers spike.

  5. jules&spike


    thanks for the reply mate, i would say most sparks here once they have the A class license they can do almost anything & get away with ****e workmanship, its appalling to be honest.


    there are a number of quality sparks here that are Australian but i wonder how they would go working in the Uk with large contracting company's. you would be able to see them coming for quality of work, i was horrified to see the amount of Twin & earth used over here. I have only seen SWA used in the mines here & Pyro lets not go there in detail.

    We had to get some contractors in at work to do a quick job, this company is establashed for 40 years, thye sent 2 bloke one about 25 the other about 40 old.

    In the boiler house the 3 phase pump had burned out, i told them to get a new one & redo the existing Pyro, they looked at me as though i had come of a space ship, "Whats Pyro" said both, i said this stuff its wired in now. Oh was the reply we thought that was Orange Circular cable.


    I said you must rewire in the boiler house with Pyro, the looks on there faces said it all.


    i said have you worked with this cable ever "NO" was the reply, i said if you like i can bring in my Pyro tools & show you how to make the ends of & crimp the Pots, "crimp what" was the question from them. (**** me i thought).

    2 days later in the boiler house i went & guess what, they had ripped out the Pyro & replace with pvc 20mm conduit with T&E in the conduit.???? so when i phoned the company the owner said in Australia we dont use that old **** now, i replied saying your a cabbage mate. you can get it on special order, we have never heard from them again regarding work. Most sparkies here are house bashers its as simple as that sorry to say.


    Im ever so sorry to bore you but thats the quality of workmanship ive seen on most occasions over here.:elvis:

    Cheers no1spark very ineteresting i have also seen stuff over here and it amazes me when they use batten holders outside what happened to the IP ratings and how can they have a 20 amp radial circuit and say plug a standerd lamp in rated at 3 amp and not be fused down and there bloody plug tops over here the pins dont look ample enough to take the current god im starting to sound like a winging pom lol. I wish the Australian government could come see the UK standards in electrical and dont get me wrong there are some cowboys out there but hard to get away with now with part P. Anyway does anyone know how you go about getting a contractors licence. squeek to everyone soon spike

  6. Spike sorry for any misunderstanding mate, please forgive me.


    your right when you say the UK sparks are better than the Australian sparks by far. again your correct you can do the wiring rules course out of the uk via PEER training in S/A that's the easiest route.

    I hope you don't consider me one of the people giving bad info to people migrating from the UK all some of us want to do is try to make things a little easier, most sparks from the UK think once they have the ARTC they can work in Australia as we know that's not the case.


    Hi No1spark thanks for the response, and i wasnt refering to you about bad information i think this thread is fantastic and people generaly help each other. I was refering to bad information here in australia for one i was told by DIAC that because i did my TRA a while ago and Vetesses have taken over i would have to re-take my skills assesment which i now know is a load of bull. Ive been here in australia on and off for 4 years now im on a bridging visa i sold my house, car, put all my goods in storage in the UK and gave up my £35k job back home as i was told i need to be in Australia to start my new job here as a maintenance electrician. So now im a situation where i am penny less or (cent less lol ) and now i have to go back to the UK so that my 175 visa application can go through, lucky i have parents there so i have somewhere to stay. Anyway appart from all the bull**** over here its a great place to live and people are real freindly, i just wish that if you have been an electrician in the UK and you have good experiance and technical skills and have proven yourself as competant it should carry through with you. Im at the stage now where i should be thinking is it really worth it but i guess its a challenge now so im going to see it through. cheers Spike ]

  7. Jules, if you done have ARTC or Vatessess you wont be able to migrate you need either one for the application to proceed from the UK.


    i can say now if you have the option do the ARTC NOT vatessess, the ARTC gives you a certificate of electrical mechanic that's the best one to have the other is electrical fitter very limiting in some states. so when hubby does the application make sure you add a CV reading like he has done heaps of installation work 1 x phase & 3 x phase list all work performed all cables all trunkings the lot. then list every tool ever used even if only the once list them all, the fitters license in some states wont let you work on 230v or 415v at all so the best one is the Electrical mechanic after you have done the exams for the A class license you can work "Unsupervised" in any state.



    Sorry mate you got the wrong end of the stick there for one jules is my fiance and shes australian you can see i signed it spike but no worries and secondly i came over with a promise of a 457 sponsored visa for a maintenance electrician but unfortunatley the company are having troubles getting the sponsorship so ive started from scratch. I did my TRA 2 years ago and have my ARTC application in progress just waiting for my 175 visa to come through. I wasnt saying you can get an A class licence without a ARTC just making the point that you can take the regs course without it. I think too much bad information is going around and it doesnt help matters because alot of electricians are giving up good jobs in the UK to come to Australia and having a nightmare just getting a licence. In my opinion the standard in the UK is alot higher than here in Australia for electrical work and for the Australian government not recognising our skills and experiance sucks as half of the AS/3000 rules are quoted from the BS7671. Anyway i think its brilliant this website as its great to help each other out cheers SPIKE
  8. Hi Steve and Jamesi take it your talking about the AS/3000 wiring regs course at Peer if so you DONT need an ARTC to take the course I havent an ARTC or a Visa yet still being processed i took my AS/3000 in January 2009 and got my certificate the same day cheers spike

  9. hi there one of the guys on british expats electrical forum posted a list of all the questions he was asked for his artc telephone test, the sites off line at the moment for updating so i`ll have a look ina couple of hours and post his q & a list


    regards steve




    artc test link

    ARTC trade interview. : British Expat Discussion Forum[

    cheers steve the spark thats a great help ill check it out and hope i can warm up the brain cells thanks again spike

  10. ARTC help

    Hi this is my story so far. Promised an electrical position for a company in adelaide on a 457 sponsored visa two years ago, was told i need to get over to australia as it will only take 4-6 weeks to process visa. I therfore gave up my £35k electrical job in the uk sold my house my car all my goods said goodbye to my family and freinds and also my best freind my parrot. Came to OZ waiting for my visa and to start work,only to be told the job position had been put back 6 months so the visa application was put on hold. Went back to the uk when my tourist visa ran out. Started the application for the 175 skilled visa to the point where i was just about to pay the fee only to be told by the company in oz wanted me there yesturday to start work and told me to drop the 175 visa application (didnt know at the time you could have more than one application at a time) Anyway came back to oz to find that the company was having problems getting the 457 visa sponsorship. So ive been waiting and waiting and decided to just put in for the 457 as im 45 in may 2009. Prior to coming to australia i took all my C&G exams 2360 2381 2391 etc i then took the AS300o exam in adelaide have got my TRA. I now have been told i have to either sit an exam or be questioned over the phone to get my ARTC because i havent done an apprenticeship . Even though i have 25 years experiance and taken the same exams as you would have doing the apprenticeship. So far it has cost me $100000 in flights lost wages exam courses etc. I still cant work and getting so fed up with the amount of hassle just to work over here, and i miss my parrot lol. So please can anyone who has either taken the ARTC exam or have been asked the questions over the phone give me an idea whats invloved would appreciate it thankyou spike

  11. Hi again all the confusion about getting your A-class licence all i know is that when i took the AS/3000 regs in Adelaide there were two guys there one from brisbane and one from perth and they came to adelaide for the reason that if you take it there you can use that certificate to get your A-class. I had a good chat with them and they came down with there ARTC cert and hoped they would pass that day and get there AS/3000 licence which they did and then went into adelaide city and got there A-Class that day Obviousley i havent got mine yet as from the previous thred im having visa troubles hope this helps thanks spike

  12. Hi everyone this all sounds a bit confusing my situation is i am a qualified electrician 27 years experiance and was told june 2008 to rush over to australia for to start a job i was offerd. The job offer was a sponsored visa 457 so i managed to arrive in oz in sept. To cut a long story short i still havent had my visa through and the company offering the job offer keep telling me that immigration need more information. I have been assesed by TRA and have passed that i also have passed the AS/3000 wiring regs with PEER in adelaide and told it covers all australia. This is my problem i am 45 in may this year so do i wait to see if my 457 comes through or do i forget about it and go for a visa down a different route im sure it doesnt take 9 months to get a 457 visa ill be retired by the time it comes through lol anyone advise thanks spike

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