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The Stewarts

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Posts posted by The Stewarts

  1. Hi there , the engineering council is the governing body for all engineering courses in the uk ....they vet all universities ...alot of degree courses in the uk in some universities ...were designed to be more appealing to candidates because they had a good pass rate . The engineering council would not except these degree course because they didn't meet the standard throughout the rest of the world ...The engineering council set there own standard in terms of course and examinations ...the engineering council exams wasn't popular because the pass rate was under 20percent ....my husband passed the engineering council exams which guarenteed him chartered status in uk ...as passing the national governing bodies exams would do .


    My husband has mentored engineers in uk ...even a masters degree does not guarentee you chartered status , and infact the only way some students could achieve chartered status was by doing a matching section , which usually involved doing 2 or 3 engineering council exams. The engineering council is fully recognised by engineers australia ....passing exams by the governing body of the uk doesn't get any better than that . :). He didn't do CD-R route engineers australia he filled form in and it was excepted .


    By all means go to a professional migration agent and get advice as we did ......they didn't understand my husbands qualifications ....so my hubby went direct to EA :) and no problem after that .


    Thanks for explaining, saved me a job, lol.


    My hubby is also a registered mentor for them and as you say having a masters is no guarantee to a chartered status. We are just going to see what EA comes back with. Can I also ask do you not sleep? Lol

  2. I would get professional advice from a registered migration agent.


    There a few issues, without any formal qualifications just going by number of years experience it will be very difficult for you to pass the points test.


    Also being chartered with IMechI will not let you go down the Washington accord route without the accredited degree. My oh is chartered by iMechI but masters was not covered by Washington Accord therefore needed to go down the CDR route. Being chartered with IMechI allows you to register for chartership with EA as far as I know.


    Plus without a degree qualification, I do not think you will be able to apply for professional engineer and will have to look at possibly engineering technologist.


    Thanks for your reply, hubby has emailed EA with a few questions so hopefully we will know where we are soon

  3. we was in perth , in oil and gas , then he got put on short Time 4 days in wa ....then he got offered a job pretty quickly in brissie , working on APlng project at condubri , carnt spell it lol , my hubby is mechanical design ...hasn't really done much design since being here due to being no projects or shelved or he's gone in after the designs been done ...basically lol . He was on site in qld doing the quality and whatever else he does haha ....and after Xmas when he went back there was nothing to book to ...wanted him hang on but he's glad he didn't because staff got laid off last week ...so he's now in wa took a engineering managers job for a hydraulics and pipe work company . In uk it didn't matter so much because he worked in water , power , nuclear and defence industry's so if he could see one drying up he'd flit to another ...here water laying off , oil and gas laying off and mining laying off , I mean just get ya visas and do ya research that's all I'm saying :):)


    Yes think we will just plough on and see where we end up. We did spend a year (2009) in Melbourne and we have been hooked ever since but just never got round to doing anything about it. Hope all goes well with your hubby's job and you settle in Brissie.

  4. Hi I spoke to my hubby ...he recognises the ieng ...as a recognised professional status ...u are doing the right thing contacting EA ....utimately you should be fine ...the worse case u may have to do a CD-R ...which takes a little longer but no biggy ...he's got 20 yrs experience anyway should be ok .



    He said said only down side is there is not much work around ATM ...alot of engineers out of work ...but by the time u get ya visa , and decided to come out things may have turned around :)


    Hubby had heard that there wasn't much work but it's the same here, he works for an oil company at the moment, been a lot of redundancies in the oil sector at the moment, but I suppose at the end of the day is any job safe!!!


    Can I ask where you livin in Australia and what field your hubby is employed in.

  5. Alls I know is my hubby started off as a apprentice in a engineering company when he left school .....he then did his btec national ....then hnc ....then he sat the engineering council exams part 2 ....then he applied for chartered status ...he did 10 yrs at college aswell as working in his field and became chartered with the imeche at the age of 29 ....he didn't have to do the CD-R route it was just excepted by engineers australia . So I'm not sure what exams ya other half has got , I know they have stopped doing the engineering council exams now my hubby sat them in year 2000 when he passed and became chartered in 2001 it was about 4 yrs the ECUK exams if u failed u were off the course there were no second chances lol :) something like that anyway ECUK set the standard :) he had to do a design of something prove his design ...and go in front of a panel from the imeche at Aston university ...I remember cus I was sat outside waiting for him he was gone hours lol :)


    Thanks for the reply, same as my hubby started as an apprentice etc etc, hubby has emailed engineers Australia, so hopefully will hear from them soon.

  6. Looking for some advice regarding my hubby's qualifications.


    We are hoping to apply for a 189 visa, my hubby is a Mechanical Engineer who has worked in the oil and gas sector for just over 30 years, problem is he doesn't have a degree but has had his qualifications assessed by the institute of mechanical engineers (ImecE) and been accredited with IENG (incorporated engineer), has anyone used this accreditation as part of there skills assessment. If needed he is pretty confident he could be reassessed by ImecE again to get his CENG, which would then give him CENG (chartered engineer). We have looked on the ImecE website which says that they have an agreement with the institute of engineers Australia and that ImecE is a member of the Washington and Sydney Accord, the problem is I have now read so much info that I am now so confused and can't seem to get my brain into gear to work out what we now need to do, so really as I have already asked the question (I think, brain freeze at the moment) is - has anyone used this accreditation and how easy was the skill assessment using this qualification?




    Should read MIMechE

  7. Looking for some advice regarding my hubby's qualifications.


    We are hoping to apply for a 189 visa, my hubby is a Mechanical Engineer who has worked in the oil and gas sector for just over 30 years, problem is he doesn't have a degree but has had his qualifications assessed by the institute of mechanical engineers (ImecE) and been accredited with IENG (incorporated engineer), has anyone used this accreditation as part of there skills assessment. If needed he is pretty confident he could be reassessed by ImecE again to get his CENG, which would then give him CENG (chartered engineer). We have looked on the ImecE website which says that they have an agreement with the institute of engineers Australia and that ImecE is a member of the Washington and Sydney Accord, the problem is I have now read so much info that I am now so confused and can't seem to get my brain into gear to work out what we now need to do, so really as I have already asked the question (I think, brain freeze at the moment) is - has anyone used this accreditation and how easy was the skill assessment using this qualification?



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