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Posts posted by Kapri

  1. Of course there are days in the UK with clear blue skies, and spirits tend to lift when they arrive.

    My point is that they are not as common as they are in Australia.

    There's plenty to love about the UK but IMHO the weather isn't one of them. 

    • Like 1
  2. Emma, most people who are happy in Aus don't tend to spend a lot of time on these forums. Whereas people who want to move back do.

    Thats why there are far more anti-Aus, or at least unhappy -in -Aus posts here.

    Give it a try, give it at least two years, and you will probably be fine. Unless you are super close to family and rely on them a lot. Then you may struggle.

    • Like 1
  3. This thread has made me laugh

    Of course the UK has some good weather, but it's not generally known for it.

    I much prefer the weather here in NSW. I expect sunshine and it's odd to see grey skies.

    Its not that the UK has severe weather, it's more the heavy, low grey sky and dreariness.

    • Like 3
  4. I lived in Valentine for a couple of years - it's very pretty round there with fab bush and lake views. There are also quite a few expats. 

    Valentine is about half an hour to Newey (central) at commuting time, Warners Bay is about 25 minutes. 

    The local primary schools are good and the local public high schoool for that area is Warners Bay high and it has a good enough reputation.

    There are also several private and catholic schools. 

    Its a lovely place. We have now moved to the other side of Newcastle as we built a house but we enjoyed living there. 

  5. It's because of people like you that I have never posted on a forum before and may not again. Your comment was not helpful. I am well aware that it is my son's life - hence my post asking for help in dealing with MY feelings so as not to burden him with my emotions. Anyway fortunately there are many good people on here who have been incredibly supportive so I will keep posting, knowing that you are in a tiny minority.


    Ignore him.


    My mum was upset when I left although she gave me her blessing.

    we still chat on the phone every week and it doesn't feel much different.

    She has just had a heart attack and I'm heading back to see her. Once she recovers, I will pay for her to come here for a few months.

    It may not be as bad as you are expecting :)

  6. That was a question on Hot Seat last night, I'd never heard it!


    The checkout people in supermarkets usually only put 3 items in a carrier bag!


    Is it true that you must indicate even if you're in a right hand/ left hand turn only lane? My OH asked me why I didn't


    indicate, when I said because I HAVE to turn right/left, he says I still need to indicate!!


    It's definitely the case in the UK. I always remember this because I nearly failed a driving test because if it! :)

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