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Posts posted by restfamily

  1. We are only moving from Sydney so I get the age cut offs etc :) I've a June who is the youngest and a July who is the oldest. June in nsw is almost unheard of. The unofficial cut off is really Feb here. 


    I took a drive by Sheldon and it looked like an anerican holiday resort and I hated the reliance on car transportation. They don't support ADHD by nature of their "sweat the small stuff" as those kids can't remember all their uniform. Same for autism, it would make these kids more rule obsessed.


    im glad you Ormiston as it's the one we've settled on. Applications in. Hopefully we will hear next week after school holidays.


    where do you now live? I wanted to live in Manly as Ormiston feels too remote but if the kids can walk to school it will be better. 





  2. Hi


    we are moving to Brisbane Bayside and are at decision time re schools. I've one of each gender, years 4 and 7, bright kids with ADHD / autism / anxiety, not religious family. For my son the choices are Moreton Bay Boys College and Ormiston College. For my daughter Moreton Bay College, Ormiston College and Lourdes Hill. We will probably live closest to the Moreton Bay Colleges. 

    There are pros and cons to them all, kids at same school, kids close to home, language and sport choices. Does anyone have any inside gossip, especially on Moreton Bay College as it seems to have had a lot of management change recently. Anything else that might tip my decision?


  3. It certainly does happen. Marriages fail, families seperate, for me the move crystalised what was important in my life. After 18 months here my husband and I seperated. Thankfully due to us both considering why we moved here in the first instance we both agreed remaining here was the best thing. its not quite been a year but we are both rebuilding our lives here, much to our families back home surprise. Our reasons for moving remain unchanged by divorce and I guess its reassuring to know we moved for the "right reasons". I do worry if one day i want to go home, but then its no different to wanting to move witin the country. I wish we had discussed it first, but we didnt, I am just lucky for now we are both happy here. Good luck to you all, remember emigration can drag up stuff you never thought would be an issue in your relationship / life.

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