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  • PomsInOz is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This statement outlines our practices in relation to information about yourself which you submit to us in order to use the forum and social networking functions of the pomsinoz.com website.

    For security purposes we require all visitors to our website to register in order to write forum posts, or comments and to create communities or networks. By registering, users undertake to abide by the terms and conditions governing use of the website.

    Once registered you are able to make changes to or hide parts of your profile, giving you complete control who can access the data you provide.

    Your IP address is stored by us to generate various usage reports at an aggregate level which help us to continually refine our site content, we may also use the information you provide to produce internal reports on demographics, interests and behaviour, any information used again will be analysed on an aggregated level.

    We track use of PomsInOz services to help diagnose problems with our servers to administer the website, and to identify those that attempt to disrupt our services. Personally identifiable information may be extracted in this process, when necessary to identify, communicate and take appropriate action in incidents where a member is in violation of a PomsInOz Terms of Service. In such instances, this information is used only by PomsInOz management in the enforcing of such policies or by external law enforcement agencies as may be requested and/or required by law. We also track the total number of visitors to our site in an aggregate form to allow us to update and improve our site, and tell other people something about the numbers of people who participate on PomsInOz.com.

    We may use your email address supplied to send you monthly newsletters or emails to keep you informed of activity that may be relevant to you on pomsinoz and for the migrating to Australia. Under no circumstances will this data be shared with our advertisers or third parties.

    You can opt-out of email communications at any time by changing your 'Notifications' setting within 'Account Settings'.

    You can be personally identified throughout the site by your username / profile. In addition we provide a number of ways in which other members can communicate with you as a networking tool. We provide you with the facility to change your settings within 'subscriptions' to disable these communications. We cannot be held liable for the content of such communications.

    You can at any time review, and change your personally identifiable information by changing the settings in 'my profile'. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure this information is held securely and we further state not to reveal your contact details to a third party under any circumstances, other that with your specific consent.

    Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on our site. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads based on visits to this site and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.

    If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy please contact us.

    Last Updated: 12-04-2017

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